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A young and impressionable girl somehow finds herself an item the shouldn’t exist. She tries to keep it a secret but as the story goes, she ultimately fails, what happens when her secret turns out to be far more dangerous than she had originally thought?

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Prey1 years ago

Chapter 1 - Prey

By altruistic design or contemporary contempt. Misguided ridicule or that out of place touch. Accidental, but sensual nonetheless. Our eyes met. We exchanged gazes and felt as the tension grew. This awkwardness. Is it something unique to this exact moment? Or is love always so blatantly ambiguous with it's not so precise urges?

I wanted to fuck her. That much was true. Oh come on, I'm a guy and a bachelor to boot, what do you expect?

Her who?

Of course I haven't told you about her.

I won't though. I'm the insanely protective type. And I don't want you getting any ideas. Just allow me to get to the point of this little story. You'll see that even though I'm obviously omitting the very details that you crave. I am still very keen on presenting you this situation since I know you'll appreciate.


Oh god I hope not. She's mine and you're not allowed to have thoughts of her.



Her name rings beautifully on my tongue. For now… let's call her Mj.


The weather forecast for today was sunny. Bordering on extremely hot and no chance of rain. However, what we got were instead, heavy sheets of rain and no chance of going outside. That and the occasional blinding flash followed by the distant and heavy rumble.

I breathed out.

A sigh telling of a million woes. One of them in particular being the fact that getting home tonight, may not be very 'easy'.

"Chief?" The call of my colleague brought me back to the situation at hand.

Putting aside the brewing storm that raged outside, the situation here inside was equally as turbulent.

"What's wrong?" She urged. "You seem off."

"Off?" I echoed.

My response and attitude was to be expected.

Given what was happening.

Our "company", had just lost the major part of our "investors". And it's all due to the fact that this damned rain wouldn't hold up.

We had been pushing the project back for weeks now because of the unexpected rain.

And in our field, it being not exactly legal is precisely why…


I'm rambling, sorry.

I thought to apologize to her. Since she has no knowledge of how badly this would affect our company. Nor of this project's illegal nature.

"Mj, mind getting me a cup of coffee? You can take a break after you're done."

"Of course." She replied quickly with an affirmative nod. Then quickly pivoting on her heels, heading towards the (rec-room's) entrance.

I do treat her well enough and the pay is good too. I just hope she doesn't spit in the coffee because of my bad attitude.

She's got quite the temper on her that one.

Regardless of this. Her beautiful still struck me strongly. Through her fiery attitude and her sometimes sharp tongue the insane cuteness of her womanly charm always shone through.

A visage of sexy, a laugh that would make a grown man blush.

Or the way she'd often bend over to recover a fallen pen or the like.

Sometimes I really wonder if she actually has a thing for me.

I shook off the lewd thoughts that had infiltrated my mind.

Sighed again before an attempt at salvaging my standing with her. "Mj, you did a great job handling our client the other day.

She didn't respond.

Yeah, definitely upset.

I had resigned myself to whatever she decided to do since this time, I probably deserve it.

However before she had gotten to doing her designated task, something horrifying happened.

The brisk nature of it made both me and Mj grab on to what ever we could get ahold of. It was quick sure, but there was a warning. The warning sounded like an old and beaten truck driving at top speed, through the worst and longest set of potholes known to man.

But as far as warnings go. We paid it no mind till it was our building that shook violently.

Imagine for a moment being directly below the top floor of a 12 story building. When the entire building starts swaying. Water in a glass before you threatens to spill even though it is still upright on your desk. Then items that slide to the opposite end of the desk all on their own accord. Everything moving in strange ways then as if by the hand a poltergeist and it's (pranks).

Seeing this in person. Seeing hard concrete columns lean a turn the way ours did, would be enough to scare any adult into childlike frenzy. The fear triggering a Medusa-like paralysis or the need to run in every direction at the same time.

The room gradually quieted save for Mj's quiet sobs. She had fallen to the floor in a sudden sitting position.

She seemed to have recovered enough to be sobbing which meant that she was ok. Probably just startled by the tremor's sudden arrival.

I, myself was equally as terrified even to the point where the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.

I didn't even realize I had been holding my breath.

I looked around quickly assessing the damage. And finally exhaling.

Nothing broken mostly just large objects that had fallen over.

The building seemed safe enough for now.

But even so my lewd mind took the advantage of noting the color and type of underwear she wore.

Black, lace front?

A little far reaching for a simple guy like me but I'll accept. I had to remind myself of the situation and why it was best to discard such thoughts.

I had no idea if there were anyone else in the building save for security on the ground floor. Our floor, the eleventh one, was the only one dedicated to the small business that was SaferFunding Ltd.

All other members had already left and Mj and I were the only occupants left on the floor. Below us and above are other businesses and (many people may still occupy them but) as selfish as it sounds my only concern are three things. My pouch containing certain documents that cannot under any circumstances be leaked to the public. My own safety and then finally Mj's.

To be fair.

The reason why Mj's safety is so Important is simply because she's been the one working the majority of our clients. And they trust her enough to share certain details that they otherwise wouldn't, which in turn gives my company an edge over others.

This paired with the fact that her 'assets' are simply too good to loose and her cunning more are than likely irreplaceable.

However, even if one were to ignore her 'blessings', if one were to take her looks into account, she'd be one of the few women whose endowment was truly complete.

When God created her he must've smiled.

I hurried over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder and giving her a casual rub in positive reassurance.

A gesture to which she relaxed ever so slightly before meeting my gaze.


Doesn't wear makeup.

Such beauty doesn't need any making up after-all. She'd locked eyes with mine and her hazelnut gaze led me into a mood. One I'd have after completely dominating a woman, leaving her a naked and exhausted panting under silken sheets after desire and lust had burned to their last.

"Thanks… chief," she stated softly. Her voice a little louder than a whisper. Her tone naturally seductive. Her cheeks reddening Slightly as she turns her attention away. Probably noticing my appraising gaze as her features were evaluated.

"It's nothing, can you stand?" I queried making sure she was ok before urging her to stand.

She nodded as she took my hand holding tightly as I easily helped her up.

Without warning a flash of lightning illuminated the open room. The many cubicles in the office casting obtrusive walls of shadows as it faded, stealing the room's lights in its hasty retreat. I hadn't realized until now that Mj hadn't let my hand go. She squeezed mine in obvious tell which stated that she was indeed scared.

(I could only hope that she wasn't able to make out my slight smirk in the dark that ensued. Because…)

Was this it?

Was this the moment I'd been waiting for?

I pulled her close. "Woah there, it's dark so take care you don't fall ok?"

"Uh-huh." Was her reply.

What I didn't expect was the fact that she'd also hold onto me. My hands slipped down to the small of her back, our closeness making her bated breath all the more apparent. She inhaled slightly almost as if virgin to my touch.

Was she also wanting this? Were the many moments our fingers touched slightly or eyes lingered, just her being assertive?

My thoughts ventured on the many times she would come over leaning forward just enough so I could catch a glimpse of her cleavage.

Could it be that, this whole time…

"Mj, I think it's best we head home." She didn't let go and instead leaned forward kissing me lightly.

Was she still scared to the point where this kind of comfort was needed? Not that I'd be hesitant to satisfy any carnal desires she may have. Even though This whole thing seemed off somewhat.

And as much as I'd want to, in my line of work one learns to be wary of anything that seems too 'easy'.

But with that said.

The earthquake earlier 'WAS' pretty bad so I wouldn't blame her if she wasn't thinking straight.

"No." She countered.

W… what?

Ok, maybe I misread her intentions and she's simply too scared to move.

"I've waited long enough," she responded, a singsong tone in her voice. "You think I don't know?"

My heart pounded heavily against my chest.

She did notice.

I could feel a smile playing on my face. Marvelous, simply marvelous. She had me wrapped around her pinky this whole time and now like bird of prey, she strikes.

"Well, I don't mind taking you. Right here and now but the building may be unsafe, evacuating should be our top priority."

She laughed before continuing. "Honey, don't think I'll be giving you the chance to escape."

"Escape the building or you?"

"Come on, surely you're not that dense, Money laundering?" She quizzed "Could you be more basic? But damn, why'd you have to be so hot?"

Those words lit panic like a fire under my skin. However disguised, a snake will always be a snake, even if formerly it was the most beautiful of birds. It's overpowering presence is deniable especially when it finally bares it's fangs.

Is this why she approached me that day? Regardless, control of this matter is still in my grasp. I exhaled, my sigh this time obviously one of relief. "Mj you're not making any sense, I'll take you to a hospital once we leave here ok?"

Did she buy it?

She laughed loudly.

"That's cute." She pushed me back till I leaned against a nearby desk.

"Wha-?" I started before being cut off.

"Don't play coy with me… chief."

She'd pressed something against my chest and it's edge was starting to pierce my shirt.

"Is that a knife?" I tried moving but I'd been pinned to the desk. This strength…

Special forces?


She's no mere cop that's for sure.

But regardless, why were the big guys after my company? Also Mj being with the feds really made for a bad day.


Lightning flashed silently illuminating the large room and many desks momentarily.

Mj's expression was also exposed as the darkness was washed away. Her expression still screaming, 'just fuck me already'.

"W…what's gotten into you? Money laundering? Come on, you know I'd never do anything illegal."

She scoffed before replying, "Geez, do I really strike you as the type of person to care about your illegal activities?"

Her hands wondered seemingly counting the many bulging muscles of my lower torso.

"It's just anticlimactic is all~".


The darkness had returned with the same briskness with which it left. Leaving us in pitch black and a cacophony of mixed emotions.

"My organization, which frankly doesn't care about your well-being and will naturally get rid of you the moment you know too much- ordered me to investigate you."

"Honestly I was about to decline until I saw who you were and well, CHIEF… Let's say that I've taken a liking to you."

"What? But I really haven't done anything."

"Yeah? Then if I were to stab you in the heart with this blade… Would you die?"


I could only stay silent. Because there were only two possibilities. One being that she's batshit insane or two, she saw.

Imagine me being caught in the act.

Me, Mr. Meticulous.

And not even noticing my observer? Not possible.


No, such an item would be impossible to acquire.

Either way, Just how long has she been monitoring me? And what type of organization would dare investigate my kind? Could it be?

I could feel my smile widening. This type of glee is one rarely evoked. Especially in a situation where I could potentially be exposed.

Where the roles of hunter and hunted are reversed. This type of situation, I can't say that I'd hate it.

But if that is the case then wouldn't it mean that keeping up the act would get me nowhere?

Her kind aren't the type to simply give up after-all and seeing that they've sent someone to investigate, I'm sure that they already have their suspicions.

No. I can't just assume that she's one of them.

How about a test?

"Come now Mj, release the knife and let me have you." I breathed.

As simple as it seemed, this type of suggestion is anything but. As no normal person would be able to refuse my allure. Still, as per regular Mj, brushed it off.

This was also one of the reasons my curiosity in her never died.

A wicked laugh echoed through the large dark room. A very confident one and coming from none other than Mj herself. This was pure unadulterated glee.

"Surely you can do better than a level two charm." She giggled between breaths "Thanks for dropping the act though."

I could feel her coming closer.

Truly fearless.

"I've always wondered what an incubus tastes like." She breathed before letting her tongue pass over the side of my neck. She giggled again.

"Oh? Are you betraying your merry band of hunters?" I let the words slip out slowly whilst monitoring the steady unwavering beating of her heart.

"Oh no. Those ignorant things have outlived their usefulness the moment they l d me to you."


"Are you not a hunter?"

"Oh i am." She let the blade fall before pressing herself to me. "And you are my prey."

She kissed me again before continuing.

"You're asking the wrong questions though."

"Then, Why would you abandon your safety outing yourself to a monster like me?" Her claim honestly puzzled me. "Surely you know what my kind does to humans."

"Well let's just say that we're of like mind."

"I honestly doubt that. However since you're so quick to serve yourself up, I won't hold myself back."


The word succulent doesn't even come close to describing the texture of her body.

The gentle heat and pulsing of her veins beneath ivory skin made me want her.

The more my lips lingered on or passed over her tender bodice the more it made me want to take a bite out of her.

This situation is truly bizarre. It's as if I had been placed under a high degree of suggestion. One that made me feel empty without physical contact. However this was impossible.

As an incubus.

Sexual urges and tempting allure, desire and lust are all weapons I've carefully mastered to incredible degrees. Never once have they been used against me. Yet here we were, Mj and me, human and demon.

Me failing miserably.

I could feel my hardness rise and with it her fingers clasping me and urging me closer where she could.

"Yes~ that's it." She breathed before attempting to catch her breath. In a singular and swift movement I had pushed the contents of the table to the floor before making it an nsfw zone. I had a new target now and this time I'd make her beg for me.

I ripped her clothes, the dark made it hard to see but who needs light when exploring with hands are oh-so-colorful!


Not on my watch. I closed in placing a swift and tender kiss between voluptuous and full breasts while my hands traced their supporting straps. Easily undoing the binding and removing them completely.

Now with that out of the way my hands were free to grasp and fondle. Each time my fingers touch or caressed an erogenous zone, a pleasured moan would escape her lips and her body move in ways implying a build up of immense sexual desire and tension.

This feeling.

Like directing an orchestra.

"Oh!" And "hmmn~." Before "Oh god! And "More~"

This wasn't always the case though.

Instead of stroking, flattering, pleading, my usual, would be to issue a command.


Abruptly, unexpectedly, softly yet firmly and authoritatively, even so at a moderate distance. At such moments I would never touch the woman. My words were enough.

Yet with this one. My words had no such effect. With mostly only a gentle touch or a forceful kiss being effective. Passion both pensive or abrupt being withdrawn and exuded.

Lips firmly on breasts passionately sucking and licking, pulling out moans that echoed from the walls of the the large and dark office. Eventually and occasionally we'd be showered by the sudden light of distant lightning.

Before the slow rumble of the rolling thunder in the distance , the scene one of pure ecstasy and intense foreplay.

Dark and foreboding.

This woman, Mj was more than any I've ever encountered and not just because my abilities had no effect on her.

She, more than others knew of why my kind are referred to as demons.

And what happens to humans who venture too close yet she was here. Practically serving herself up to me on a golden platter.

Oops, I'd gotten carried away and ripped her skirt.

"How long are you gonna make me wait?"

She exhaled while her hands pulled me closer. What's this feeling? Is this what it feels like to be under someone else's allure? The demon inside me wanted to pull away and find out why. However my passions only urged me on.

"I want you inside, hurry."

There it was.

The call and now with her sexual tension close to peak all I'd need is a kiss to steal her vitality to the last drop. Pleasure far beyond what mere sex can offer. I however couldn't resist the urge to play with my food.

She'd spread her legs, probably anticipating the moment I'd enter. As I dropped my pants and shed my remaining clothes. My hardened girth ready and longing I pull her panties off.

The demon inside growled as I pressed in while she whimpered and sucked in a breath of air. She must've been wet because of how effortless entering was.

She wrapped her feet around my back. Probably to keep me close. My face now next to hers. The desk's wooden frame protesting each time I thrust.

As I hold her hands above her head and stretched out I feel her body moving below mine. I know she wants to moan loudly but suppressed herself as I sink into her depths and deeper I draw out an intense, "Hmnnn fuck!" From her.

Her fingers nails dug into my back as she pulled me down and into her. My thrusts did not weaken.

Not even as she exclaimed "you're so big it hurts."

"You wanted this, so no complaining."

I could feel as she held on, awaiting the moment that I'd ride the climax spurting and releasing my demonic seed deep inside her.

Awaiting the moment I'd come so she could do the same. And finally when I did, the moan she'd been suppressing finally escaped ending with a whimper. I could feel her tighten around my mast as her body quivered.

We were both out of breath now. And since I'd missed my chance. Taking her vitality would have to come at a later date.

"Chief," she breathed letting her legs fall to a resting position. It was no doubt uncomfortable but here it was. Here we were and as I ready myself for another round.

"Chief , there's something I have to tell you…"

"What?" I manage between gentle kisses placed on her neck.

"I just wish…"


"I just wish we could have a baby."

It was irrational, this thought. Was this why she'd offer herself knowing the dangers?

To what end?

I wanted to ask.

I didn't.

Such an thing is impossible after-all. This would be taboo no matter what circles you reside.

However I knew better that most.

Mj is no normal woman.