Chereads / Saiyan God / Chapter 162 - UA Highschool

Chapter 162 - UA Highschool

Book Four

Volume 11

Ch. 162 UA Highschool



"Gh." Cana chokes as she pounds on her chest to gulp the chicken down

She had sizzling cuts and bruises all over her body from the railing I just gave her.

She was wearing a choker to hide my thumbs imprinted on her throat and the hickies on her neck

I tear a thigh off before sitting back and just staring at it.

I wasn't hungry. In fact, I was nauseous.

Which was impossible considering my divinity.

It was almost like admitting the fact that I want her all to myself was churning my insides.

What does it mean? To want her all to myself. Do I even know?

For so long I couldn't care less what a woman does

The way I saw it. Someone else mounting my woman was the same as a stranger walking my dog.

It had no meaning. There was no jealousy or envy.

For so long it was just that, but with Cana…

Even thinking of such hypotheticals was nauseating

"Mm-Mmm!" She offers me a biscuit

I stand up and hit the shower. She finished the entire bucket of chicken by the time I got out before hopping into the shower herself

I join Erza and Mira outside where they were trying to figure out what the plan was to get into UA

"Apparently the tests are different every year" Mira sighs.

"Yeah so there's no telling what it'll be this year." Erza adds

"No shit, that's what I just said." Mira rolls her eyes


"So nothing?" I step between the two before they'd get to arguing again

"Where's Cana!" Mira sits up, arching her back.

"She's almost ready." As I said so she shuts the front door

She was wearing a white button up that she tucked into her skirt. Fishnet leggings and her slippers

"Oh-my-God! Cana, you look so cute!" Mira claps

"Hmh." Erza smiles

"Course I do." Cana smirks

"What do you think, Kara?" Erza nudges my arm

"It's about time." I turn around. "Let's go."



"Mmf-mm-Armf." I gobble everything down

Ever since the Hunter exams I've been eating like a pig.

"Kahh…" I pat my belly. 

What the heck did he do to me?

I thought I'd be in and out of the bathroom but I haven't gone a single time. Besides that I haven't gained any weight despite eating so terribly much

Still, you won't hear me complaining. I smirk, before realizing he was watching me.

He glares at me for a moment before getting back to talking to that Momo girl, Yaoyorozu, I think was her name.

"Hey, I'm Yaoyorozu."

"I'm Cana." I shake her hand, "hmm" I frown after her eyes trail back over to Kara who was now making a teacher, Midnight, twirl her fingers through her hair. 

Seriously, it's like the world revolves around the guy.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up. He has a secret girlfriend you see." I smirk

"Figures." She giggles, "I saw you sitting over here all by your lonesome. I was wondering what was up with that?" She tilts her head

"I was just admiring the view." I point my thumb at the window which was too high for me to see out of

She giggles almost hysterically from the sarcastic remark.

"So how does your power system work on this continent?"

"I see, you must be from the outside."

"We sure are." I nod

"Well here, people are born with Quirks. These Quirks can flourish into the most amazing powers. Of course some people take advantage of these powers. To combat these so-called 'villains' the Hero's Association was born."

"Really? That's awesome."

"Yeah, what about you guys?"

"Erza, Mira, and I are Mages. We come from Fiore. Kara, well…" I think he might be a Kekkei Genkai, I've seen him use Ki based attacks, as well as Chakra.

But then again he's despelled my cards so maybe it's just magic.

"I don't know." I shrug

"Hm-hm-hmm." She giggles

"Heh." I smile widely, 

It felt nice to be able to speak to someone that was actually paying attention and saw just how hilariously funny I am

We talked a while longer until the exams began

She got in through recommendations so she didn't have to take it.

We had to hunt down as many robots as we could.

I managed to squeeze by with fifty points. Kara got two hundred. Mira got sixty and Erza got sixty-eight.

After the exam they were all invited to party with some of the seniors. I hung out with Momo a while longer before heading back to the apartment and taking a bath.

I was making myself a sandwich when they all came stumbling in

Erza was just barely holding Mira up and Kara was rubbing his head and wobbling around them

They all smelled of weed and alcohol. Kara smelled like whiskey in particular and some rosey perfume, probably from some skank that he slept with.

He pulls his shirt over his head as he bumps the girls onto the couch where they just decided to sleep

"H-hiya." I smile at him towering over me

My heart began pounding as he seemed to be debating what he was going to do

He walks past me.

I thought he'd just go to sleep, normally he wouldn't even dare look my way with the others in the same room

But before I could let out a sigh of relief he grabbed my choker and dragged me behind him

"Hey my sandwich!" I kick my feet as he tossed me onto his bed and heads into the bathroom

I quickly dive into his pillows, hoping he'd forget about me by the time he's done with his bath

But he grabbed my ankle and dragged me out as soon as he was done.

He was still soaking wet and his hair was draped. 

Since I wasn't wearing any panties under my sundress he just got behind me and nailed me into the bed

He slapped me around like a ragdoll and tied me into various positions with a dog leash

He nearly broke my back. Actually, he might've because I was paralyzed from the waist down until the following morning.

Being able to recover from such, meant that he could do absolutely anything to me.

And I, none the better, was just as into it as he was

"Hmf!" I sit up

I scratch my choker he tightened around my neck before he tugs me back suddenly by the leash

I was wearing the school uniform he had me change back into

"Hmph." I pout

After struggling to take the leash off I manage to free myself from his grip.

I stumble into the kitchen where I saw my half eaten sandwich and Erza stretching on the floor


"Hi Cana. Where were you? Why didn't you join us yesterday?"

"Oh, Yaoyorozu invited me to her house for some tea."

"Really? What a shame, you should've seen how hard Mira tried to make Kara jealous yesterday." She giggles

"Oh, y-yeah?"

I looked over at Mira who was still snoring on the couch.

"You should've gone. Kara seems more lively whenever you're around." She groans


"Oh yeah." She yawns

"You know what I think?" She smirks

"Wh-what?" I blush

"Actually, he might.. want to… you know." She bounces her eyebrows

"What?!" I shriek, I block my beat red face with my hands and I turn around and I crouch down, too embarrassment to even face her

"Yeah, Cana. God, the way he looks at you. It's like he just wants to eat you right up."

She crawls over.

"You should just go ahead and let him tap that." She smacks my butt

"Hey!" I shriek after she shoves me on all fours

"Why not?! A guy that really, and I mean REALLY, knows what he's doing should be your first." She humps my behind as I kick and squeal

"Kya!" I cry after breaking free. "N-No way, th-that's gross." I whimper, though clearly full of it, seeing that I've already fallen victim.

"Yeah right." Mira yawns

"What?" Erza rolls her eyes

"He isn't interested." Mira stretches, her arms over her head and arches her back an awful lot, highlighting her absolutely perfect boobs 

"And why is that?"

"Isn't it obvious?" She flips her hair

"That's not what he told me." Erza smiles

"Tch. He only goes to you cause you're easy." Mira snares


"Hey wait!" I jump between the two before they'd kill me stuck in the middle

"Yeah, you heard me!" Mira shoves my head down.

"Yeah what?" Kara's morning bassy voice trembles the room

"Kara! Good morning!" She pecked his cheek, jumping back into her jolly self as she always did in front of him 

"We've got school today." I snap my fingers

This'll be so totally awesome. It'll be just like those highschool movies I used to watch with mom.

"Hey, you're right!" Mira claps

We got ready and headed straight to school.

I went on ahead to see if I could find any of the friends I made before the exam.

We were placed in the same class luckily so when it was time I finally found her

Momo stands up and waves me over as I wave back hysterically

"Hey, I'm so glad you made it, Cana." She pulls my chair back

"Yeah, this is going to be so much fun." I set my backpack down as Kara and the girls sat over in the corner

"This is awesome, huh?" I smile widely

"Oh yeah, I've waited all my life to join the hero academy." She claps before a silence dawns over the room

The teacher was standing in the middle of the classroom inside a sleeping bag, so he looked like a caterpillar.

"Today…" he takes a deep breath. "We are going to be testing your quirks." He says without further context

We follow him outside where the first test was throwing a based ball

I threw it a whopping 18 meters. Ochaco threw it into orbit because her quirk was zero gravity.

Mira threw it 507 meters Erza threw it 495 and Kara threw it 1000 meters exactly, a green haired boy named Mydoria threw it 705.3 meters and a blonde Bakugo threw it 705.2 meters

After that it was a foot race. Kara got first of course, second was Bakugo and then it was Todoroki. 

The testing went on until the end of the day. Momo came over to study and we had some popcorn until everyone else got back from their night out

"S-so you all live here? Together?" She asks after Mira walks in with Kara.

"Yep." I return that same dirty look Mira was giving me, probably for inviting Momo cause Kara quickly got comfy between us and started to flirt with her

I try jumping into the conversation but Kara kept on shutting me down.

She eventually forgot about me so I went on to my room.

When she finally left and everyone else was asleep Kara pulled me into his room

I wasn't sure how I felt about it anymore.

We have plenty of fun. Every time he somehow manages to top whatever we did last time.

But him ignoring me all day made me feel like this was all I was good for

I felt so terribly useless and pathetic, just being another woman he can come to. 

I scrub and stroke his hair in the shower.

He seemed to like it whenever I scrubbed him. Probably because I make sure to treat him like a king and by that I mean plopping grapes or berries into his mouth every now and then 

When he's relaxed in his short self he usually treats me rather fairly. He doesn't jerk me around and spank me as much as he normally does.

Instead he tends to fondle me. Since we're both short I probably feel a lot bigger than I actually am.

I was rinsing myself down when I suddenly felt him grab my hips

My body tensed up the very moment I felt his steaming hot breath sizzling against my pussy lips

I was tempted to look back but too worried he'd pull away.

Soon enough I felt his tongue outlining the lips before he began licking me up and down and even sliding his tongue deep inside me

I couldn't help but shake and quiver, fighting the urge to squirt in his face but it was becoming increasingly harder to hold in

Before I could he flips me around and submerges his head into the water

His tongue somehow wiggles deeper inside me

I grab his hair, worried that he'd drown inside the water but he kept eating me like someone might take me away

I inevitably began thrusting my hips and instead feeling thankful his head was submerged in the water so he couldn't see me drooling with ecstasy, being driven to insanity after every, single, orgasm 

Even despite how terribly rough his tongue was it somehow made it all the better

"Kyah!" I squeal one last time before my head rolls back

He quickly jerks his head out of the water and shakes like a dog

I bite my lip, trying to control myself as he glares down at me

I thought he'd be done, but then he suddenly grabbed my throat and shoved his middle fingers inside me.

I hold my breath, trying my hardest not to cry from how painfully good it felt.

Even so, before I could squeal he shoves my head into the water

I cough and gasp before he does it again and then again until I passed out

"Brhhh." I shiver

I lick my lips and pull my hair out of my mouth

That was… a lot…

I rub my eyes

He was much more… courageous?

No that's not the word…

What's the word

I tap my chin

I felt my tummy rumbling suddenly so I slide into my chanclas and my little nightgown before wobbling out of bed

What's the word?


Yeah that's-.

I pause after really feeling sick all of the sudden

I also felt really dizzy

I stumble into the bathroom before puking into the toilet

I try holding it in but I quickly puke again and then again before finally calming down

"Geez." I quiver before crawling into the shower

After brushing my teeth I wobble to the kitchen for some water where I found Mira sitting on the couch 

"H-hey…" I say awkwardly, hoping she hadn't  seen me step out of Kara's room

She gives me the same dirty look she always gave Erza

"He's going to kill you when he finds out." She rolls her eyes before heading to her room

"Wh-what?" I blush

-to be continued