Book Two
Volume 6
Ch. 81 Devil
"Please it's the last bed, you must lay down sir" the doctors insist as I lay Sasha down on the last bed
"God, just shut up!" I growl
"It's alright Sasha everything's gonna be just fine, okay?" I pull her hair out of her mouth
"Ugk*" I choke
My ribs were crushed I don't know how long I'll last like this
"Listen," I grab the doctor's shirt "you're going to do everything you can to keep her alive, you got that?"
"Y-yes, Sir." he nods
"G-good bghk*" I choke
My knee finally snaps
I try catching myself with my other leg but in doing so my ankle breaks as well
Whoever had caught me throws my arm around their shoulder only for it to snap around their neck as well
"Hahah" I chuckle
God it hurts
Kara's Past | Ch. 13 |
"Wh-what's going o-on?" I fall back
"Wh-why did I do that?"
I ripped him apart limb by limb and as he writhed in pain I strangled his son
"And I violated his daughter" I smile widely
Right before his very eyes..
"Yes, how thrilling it was" I raise my hands to the sky
"I had to do it, he deserve-" I stop after blood drips onto my face
What am I saying?
I pull my hand back
I look around there's so much of it
My hands are covered in blood
I crawl back, away from his dead corpse bumping into something behind me
"Oh God, oh God, oh God"
I pull his daughter into my arms
How could I ever..
I shut her eyes
The least I could is burry them
"Oh God, I think it is blood.." I hear just outside the door
I set the girl down before instinctively grabbing the knife that was laying on the ground and I quickly squeeze myself into a small locker
The door smashes open and I could hear someone step inside
I peak through a tiny hole and I watch as he steps around the bodies
"Oh God.." he pulls his arm over his nose
"Call the sheriff" he says
"Holy hell, what could've done this?" The other guy says
"Just go!" He growls
"S-sorry" the guy apologizes before hurrying off
The man crouches down beside the little girl
He checks for her pulse before moving on to the mother
"What kind of beast.." he stops
He saw the footsteps that lead into my locker..
I pull my head back hoping he didn't see my eye peeking through the hole
I could only listen to him creeping closer to my locker
I close my eyes, praying to God he wouldn't find me
But he suddenly yanks the door open
"A-a child?" His eyes widen
I don't know what to do
I'm trapped.. he found me
Now they might..
"It's okay kid, it's all over now" he reaches for the knife
"I-I'm sorry," I tear up
"What are you talking about kid? The guy that did this is gone now, you can c-." He stops as if he came to realize something
"H-he was touching me.. everywhere" I whimper "I-I was scared b-but I was also really, really angry"
"Wh-what?" He asks
"P-please mister.. I didn't mean to" my knees buckle and I fall into his arms
"I don't know what happened.. I just wanted him to stop" I cry in his arms
"Y-you're.. you're lying" he whispers
"Wh-what?" I back up
"M-master Richerd was a wealthy man" he says "he would never lay his hands on a child" he says in disbelief
"B-but h-he really did," I take a step back into the locker
"H-he wanted to do nasty things to me.. b-but I didn't let him. I-I stopped him a-an-and I…" I stop
Slaughtered them..
"N-no I don't believe it…" he backs off
"Y-you're the boy.. the boy with the tail he told us to be weary of" he clenches his fist
"W-what?" My eyes widen before he slams his fist onto my jaw forcing me to drop the knife
I fall back inside the locker, but before he could punch me again I crawl in between his legs
I turn around and I kick his butt
He trips into the locker before turning around
He grabs my knife as I reach over for the pipe wrench laying on the ground
He lounges at me
I raise my hand and he stabs the knife through my palm as he pins my other wrist onto the ground before I could grab the pipe wrench
"Mgh*" I grunt painfully
"Wh-what th-the?!" He pushes
"S-stop it mister" my voice trembles "I-I don't wanna fight"
"You killed him! You beast!" He growls
He lets go of my wrist and grabs my throat
"Agk*" I choke
"You monster, how could you do these horrible things?!"
I pat around trying to find the wrench
But it was no use
I was quickly losing my strength and my consciousness slowly began fading away
"You s-stupid, stupid kid" his tears dribble onto my face
I reach out one last time and I grab ahold of something
Even as heavy as it was I yank it over with all my strength and I manage to smash it onto his head
The wrench falls onto my chest
"A-agh* my head!" he cries
I roll over, shaking off the pain on my chest as I rip the knife out of my hand
"D-damn it I'll kill you!" He grabs my ankle
I raise the pipe wrench over my head
"Leave me alone!" I smash it onto the back of his head
I feel his grip loosen
I raise the wrench another time before smashing his head again and then again until I was out of breath
"Dammit, d-dammit, dammit, dammit" I pull on my hair
I killed him
What is wrong with me?!
What's happened to me?
I killed these people..
I'm a…
"A-a devil" I cover my face with my hands
He was right
I am just like him..
"H-hey man I brought the sheriff" I hear outside
"Backup is on the way, I made sure to come here as fast as I could" the sheriff says
I quickly hide behind the door as they both enter
"Where's the light?" The sheriff asks as the guy froze in front of him
I slowly creep outside hoping they wouldn't hear
"P-Pete?" The guy says as he turns his buddies body over
"Holy-" the sheriff says under his breath before sneak around them
I ran on and on for hours
I made sure to stay far from home at least until the blood that was all over me dried up
I then hurried home where I hopped inside the waterfall
"G-get off, get off, get off, get off" I scrub my hand, on and on and on and on and on and on and on with a rock trying to rid myself of the blood
"What is wrong with me? Why'd I do all that?!" I stop for a second
This is.. my blood
"Oh Papa, please forgive me" I cover my face
After crying in the waterfall until the sun finally rose I find the strength to go inside
I wrap my hands in bandages when I suddenly heard a knock at my door
I slowly turn my head before they knocked again
"Kara, you home buddy?" I hear Ignia
"Maybe he's still asleep" his sister adds
I head over to the door
It took me a second before I found the courage to open the door
"Hmm? Oh hey Kara" Ignia smiles
"H-hey, sorry I don't think I can make you those sandwiches" I frown
"Oh.. that's fine, c'mon over to our house my mom should have dinner ready soon" he says
"Oh.. alright" I smile
We head over to their house where his mom cooked for us and I was able to stuff my face with some absolutely delicious rabbit
But even as much as I tried not to think of the other day I just couldn't
"That was super!" I lay beside Ignia who was looking up at the stars
"You know this is our first sleepover" he whispers
"Yeah, I asked my mom if you can sleep over and she said yes" he says
"Yeah that's super awesome. I've never had a sleepover before" Mia kicks her feet
"Hehe" Ignia giggles "yeah this should be fun"
"Alright, let's play tag then" Mia says
"Tag?" I ask "oh.. well okay let me just go to the bathroom quick"
After hurrying inside I bumped into Ignias mom after turning the corner
"Oh s-sorry miss" I apologize though she was on the telephone talking to someone
"E-excuse me miss" I tug on her shirt finally getting her attention
She turns around to face me
She had this blank look on her face "o-oh hey Kara" she gives me a fake little smile
"Hey" I smile "sorry I have to go to the bathroom I point behind her
"Bathroom? Oh why yes of course" she lets me through
I skip on over to the bathroom where I knocked just in case there was anyone inside
I was just about to open it when I felt a chill go down my spine and my body had suddenly froze
"Wh-what's going on?" I lean on the wall
I turn around
Ignias mom.. she was…holding my tail?
"W-What are you doing m-miss?"
"Y-you stupid, s-stupid, monkey" she growls
"A-ah*" my knees buckle but she grabs my hair before I could fall
"Ugh* ouch s-stop it" I whimper as she drags me back into her room
"Agh*" I grunt
After she pushes me onto the ground she stomps on on my tail
Before I could scream she grabs my throat
"You did it, I know you did" she whispers "he told me he finally got his hands on you without being seen" she pulls a bottle of pills out from her pocket as she crawls onto my lap
"The three of us would be playing right about now," she drools on my chest as she pops the bottle open
"N-no" I tear up
I remember him saying he had a partner
But how could it be..
Ignias mom ?
"I don't care if you think it might explode." She licks her lips "I'm about to fuck you sensless, baby boy" she pours three pills into my mouth
"G-get of m-me" I croak "g-ge-"
I could feel as my thing get harder and harder till it I thought it might explode
"P-please, St-stop it." I beg as my eyes began rolling back "n-no-
-No! No, stop!" I gasp "I said get off, don't touch me!" I try freeing myself from her grip
But God it hurts
I'm in so much pain, everything hurts.
"Kara! It's alright, it's us!" I open my eyes to see Levi holding my arm down
I look over to my other arm to see Falco trying his best to keep me still
"It's alright Kara, we're all here for you" Hange huffs as she rests her forehead head on my own
"F-Falco" I croak "your mother?"
"She's.." he stops "she's alive"
"She is?" I try sitting up "I-I have to see her" I groan
"No you can't!" Hange yanks me back "don't you understand?!" She tears up "you're lucky you're even alive, so stop making things harder for us" she sobs
"Wh-what do you mean? I'm fine now, what's wrong with Sasha?" I ask again
She looks up at Falco
"That's enough Hange, let the man rest" Levi says
"R-right" she wipes her face before she and Falco follow him out
I sat there in silence, waiting for the sun to finally go down
From what I could hear from the voices outside, we arrived three days ago
That means I've been out for about a week
It was weird
I could've sworn every bone in my body had been crushed or at the very least fractured but from the looks of it my muscles were the only ones that needed recovering to do
I clench my fist
I have to see her
I force myself out of bed
"Sh-shit" I curse after having to lean against the wall
I turn around, checking for my tail
It's.. gone
Damn it
Now I can't transform
No matter how strong I got over the years without it, it's impossible
I put on my joggers before sneaking out
I follow Sasha's scent into the third room down the hall where I tried my best to not make any noise with the creaking door
I head over to Sasha who was covered in bandages from her shoulders down
You could clearly see my handprints on her throat burned to the second and even third degrees
It was awful
They had to perform a tracheostomy in order to get air into her lungs
I could only imagine how the rest of her body's been holding up
"I thought they told you not to leave your room" I hear behind me after the door finally shut
"Falco.." I turn around to see him hovering his hand over his blade
"You know.. I hate you, I hate you so much" he grits his teeth "more than you could ever know" a tear rolls down his cheek
"I know…" I lower my tone "you're free to feel that way forever if you'd like. I wouldn't blame you"
"The hell you won't."
I probably hate myself more than he could ever
I couldn't control myself, I did this to Sasha
"There are so many questions I have to ask you, father," he slowly stands up "but first," he draws his blade "what the hell are you?" He asks
"I… I don't know"
"Don't bullshit me," I could hear him squeezing the grip on his sword
He was itching to kill me
"I wish I was" I sigh "I see memories of my past in my dreams every now and then, a-and…" I set a hand over my eye
It's as if I could feel it now..
His blade digging into my skin
I can hear the painful cries of my younger sister being violated right before my very eyes
"Every time I do I feel like I lose another piece of who I am"
"You'll honor the thirteen long years mother had to put up with you by helping us win this war, after that…"
"Don't expect the same answer from Colt"
"Yeah I know," I turn back to Sasha
I wonder how things would've turned out had I never fought back on that day
Maybe I should've let them execute me
My existence has caused nothing but pain to everyone I've grown to care about
Maybe they would've all been better off without me..
-to be continued