He lies still waiting to hear if she will reply, when she did it was as calm as though nothing has happened earlier in the morning. "Good morning." Although she responds, she did not look at him.

"Are you still angry with me, Sidney?"

"Angry; why would you think I was angry with you?"

"I don't know but seeing how silent you have been keeping, I guess so, but I could be wrong; and I am sorry for assuming such ridiculous thought."

"Good, now if you hurry, I have to visit the Auditorium, so let me hurry along." 'Vince knew immediately she was up to something, but what?'

Her behaviour is a bit too nice, 'I could be jumping to the wrong conclusion again, but her mood swing is unpredictable.'

Having his breakfast then hurry and dress. Thinking, 'He could drop her off at the auditorium, and see what work they are doing. and how far along they have reached the completion. I like to hear her speak of her plans and ideas of what she intends to do.

Thinking, 'GP has not told me anything about going to the office, so I have some free time I could spend with her.

Seeing her already dress, as always working or not she always dresses businesslike. The grey suit looks good, recalling she had come the first day in his office with that said grey suit, also I had received my first kiss that day.

Vince hurried about organizing himself, taking only fifteen minutes. When he stepped into the room, thinking she was waiting for him, but she was not there. Running down the stairs hoping she was still home, but it seems she had left already.'

Knocking at GP, door hearing to enter Vince went in. She was sitting with GP, "Son, I see you are ready to go into the office."

'Now, why did he have to think that? Is this one of Sidney's plans to get me out of her way?' "I suppose I should go; it has been a few weeks since you told me not to."

"I did, yes, yes, I had completely forgotten, well never mind that I had a call earlier and you are needed to go and sign some paperwork. My child here was now telling me she was going to the hall, then to visit her mom."

Looking at Sidney, only I wasn't getting any expression on her face, unable to figure out what she was thinking, "Don't worry GP, I will take her to the hall then when I am finished with the paperwork I will visit her mom with her if that's okay?"

When Sidney said, "Please don't worry, I have a few small errands to get done in town, so how about you collect me around four or five by Mom."

"Okay, then that is settled, if you are ready to leave I will just get my briefcase and we can be on our way."

Noticing her kiss grandfather, then she reminded him to eat what she had asked Molly to prepare then leaves.

Sitting in the car with her, Vince notices she was quiet once more, 'Is she giving me the silent treatment again?' Vince buckles up, and slanted a glance in her direction, seeing her buckle up before driving out of the garage.

Putting on the radio, when she said nothing as she keep looking out the window, Five minutes of dead silence, hurting on the inside but he knew he had to be patient and tolerate her. If he goes to ask a question or she might give him some attitude or throw something about Chrystal on his face. Taking a few deep breaths as he drives.

Three weeks going on four and she is so headstrong and stubborn. I have told her so many times I love her and care about her and it was like I was just throwing water on a duck's back.

In front of the family, she makes everyone think that all is well between us, but when we are alone away from the family she treats me as though I don't exist. Feeling the pain when the tears seep out, angrily he brushed the tears away and stupes.

The discussion on the radio on business was more irritating; Vince change the station to hear another discussion, this time on the Economy.

Sidney glimpses at him hearing his stupes, "Is there a problem or is something bothering you?"

"Me, are you speaking to me?" Sidney notices the tears wondering what was wrong. And why was he behaving so restless?'

Glimpsing at him once more saying, "Is there someone else in the car?" Smiling, feeling good that she break the silence, he looks at the review mirror, hearing him shriek, "What's wrong?"

Seeing him pull aside and stop. "Get out of the car right now?"

Looking at his face seeing how angry he was she asks, "Are you crazy? I am not coming out of the car."

"I said to get out of the car this minute?" Sidney observed he was dead serious, and he meant every word he was saying. His entire facial expression has changed. wondering what could she have said or done to make him this angry, it was the first time she has seen him this rigid.

"Sorry, Vince you are not going to leave me here," getting out right now, Vince hurriedly went to her side of the car, opened the door, and then held her hand, "What are you doing, let me go right now? Vince behave yourself?"

"Will you just listen to me for God's sake?"

"Vince, stop your foolishness, I know you are angry with me and I am sorry, but please stop what you are thinking?" Lifting her out of the car then turned her around to watch over her seat.

Hearing her scream grabbing holds of him. "Where did that come from? My bag is in there suppose it crawls inside it."

"Are you studying a little bag, that is in my car and it is crawling inside?"