Chereads / Legacies : A Legacy of a Fallen / Chapter 1 - Ch.01 Burning Agony.

Legacies : A Legacy of a Fallen

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Chapter 1 - Ch.01 Burning Agony.

(11 Jan 2030)

Hello, there I am Lucas Clark, I live in Coolville, Ohio. I live on the outskirts of the town with my Mother Lilyanna Clark. We ran a small shop that sold herbal medicine, my mother was also a midwife. She helped in delivering babies.

My mother used to tell me 'You are different than the rest of the kids Lucas you are special.' I thought she said those things because I was his son. We lived a fairly normal life, a quiet life. Our little family was content with what we had, even though I wanted to get out of this place. but I wouldn't leave my mom behind no matter what. All was going good until all of this change.

(8 Jan 2030)

Today was my 16th birthday. So I was very joyful today. I got up early and did my chores like picking fresh herbs, cleaning the store, tending the garden. all of this stuff took me no time to do it.

I got home and the smell of my mother's cooking filled the kitchen. She was making pancakes, bacon and eggs my favourite.

My mother said "Good morning son."

I said in a cheerful tone "Good morning mother. How is your back?" and sat I down.

She said "Same as always trying to kill me." She places the breakfast in front of me and said "Happy birthday son."

I put some syrup on top of the pancakes and said "Thank you, mother."

After we had breakfast, mother was doing the dishes and I asked, "Mother I know you have said no to this every time I ask, but can you allow me to go out for one day out of the village?"

She sighed and said, "I have told you a hundred times son."

I blurted "Yes, I know mother but I will be careful. Please mother it is my birthday consider this as my birthday gift."

She sighed and turned around and said, "Fine you can go, but make sure to stay out of trouble okay?"

That was the happiest moment of my life. I would finally be able to get out of this village. I dressed up as what I thought would look good on me. I wore a black bomber Jacket. underneath that was a white shirt and blue Denim Pants.

I was fairly tall about 6'2" fair-skinned, with a broad torso with strong arms and legs. My face was very good according to my mother but that is not an accurate scale. My hair was long and Black. I had hair that came to my shoulders. I usually tie them up in a man bun. I wanted to look good today because.

I was going out with Hayley Hart she had recently moved from New Orleans. Her father was a priest. I still don't know why they had moved here of all places but whenever people asked them why? they would say that the Lord has led them here. And there is some work that must be done here.

I got ready and got down and went into the store. She was reading a newspaper

I asked her "How do I look, mother?"

She said "Dashing as always." She took out a box from the drawer and gave me the box and said, "Here take this I was hoping to give you this."

I took the box and opened it It was a locket it had a pentagram inside a circle and had small engravings on the ring. I didn't want to wear it because it looked weird but I said: "Thank you, mother." and hugged her

She said "Wear it. It will protect you." I reluctantly wore it and she looked at me and had teary eyes and said "Look at you, my baby boy, all grown up."

I said, "Thank you, mother." I hugged her and said, "And I will always be your baby boy."

She wiped her tears and gave me the keys to the truck and said "Here, are the keys and here is the money. Come back before 9 okay?"

She saw Hayley on the driveway and said "Go and enjoy your birthday. Do use protection dear."

I looked at her and she said "What I meant seatbelt." and in an undertone said, "amongst other things."

I went outside and found her right beside the truck She said "Happy Birthday baby boy."

I said "You heard that. Wonderful." wonder what else she had heard.

She asked, "So where are we going?"

I said, "Let's find out."

We got into the car and we drove after I was away from the house I packed the locket that mom gave back into the box.

Hayley asked me "Why are you removing the locket?"

I said "It looks weird that is why. So where are you going to go after this year?"

She was excited and said "Richmond"

I said awkwardly "Cool, cool, cool"

She said, "You can try to be honest."

I said "You know I am happy for you. You know that right"

She said "Lucas come with us to Richmond. My father likes you we can take care of you. You will be able to get out of here."

I said, "You know I want that but I can't just leave my mother here."

She said, "I know but at least talk to her about it."

I said "Look it's my birthday right we'll just forget about moving and everything. Let's just enjoy the day."

She said, "Fine."

As we reached out of the Village a power filled the air. and the locket inside the Box shined a bright red.

We then went to a camping site near the river. We talked, we fished, we grilled we had an amazing time.

We were sitting by the campfire and I asked, "Hey, if you don't mind me asking you and your father look nothing alike what is with that?"

She said, "He was a friend of my parents, so when they died, Mathew adopted me."

I said "I am sorry. To ask such a question."

She said "No, problem. Now tell me about your father then?"

I said "I don't know much about him. I know that once my mom loved this guy and he also loved her but once she got pregnant my dad left us and never came back. My mom won't even tell me the name of the guy." We then sat there in an awkward situation.

It was getting dark so I said "We should go now mother said to be back by nine or your father and my mom will kick both our asses."

She grabbed my hand and said, "Let's just stay for the night."

I said, "We didn't bring any....." She looked at me like 'seriously' and then it clicked and I said "Ohh"

She gave a shy smile and said, "Yes, dummy."

I then picked her up and we went inside the car. We started to kiss, I removed my shirt and she removed her top and I kissed her on the neck and then I felt a sting on my shoulder but thought nothing of it and still kissed her after a few moments again a sting was felt I thought that it was mosquitoes or something her moans could be heard I removed tried to remove my pants but after a few moments my vision started to blur and I said: "What is happening?"

She smiled and said "You really are a beast it took two shots to daze you" and again I felt a sting and now I was knocked out cold.

After a few moments I woke up in the church I was tied up and beside me was my mother. She looked all bruised up her nails were removed her toes were smashed she was missing a finger. The sight of her filled me with rage and sorrow. I roared in agony as I looked at her.

I called out to her "Mother! mother! mother! who did this to you?"

I heard a voice "I did this" I recognised the voice it was Father Mathewes the village priest. Beside him was his daughter.

I tried to break free but couldn't I asked "Why are you doing this?"

He slapped me and said, "Because your mother and you are evil. And we are going to clease you of your sins."

I was confused and asked, "Let us go we are good people we have never hurt anyone."

Hayley said, "Your mother is the terrible witch who has caused great pain and suffering to many people."

I said, "What are you talking about my mother is not a witch and she didn't hurt anyone. Please you have to let us go this is a mistake."

she said "No." I tried to grab hold of her but I couldn't because of the rope.

Mathews said "Don't worry son. You and your mother will be forgiven. You just need to ask forgiveness to the lord."

He then put gas on us and said "Pray for forgiveness to the almighty."

I looked at my mother and she smiled and said "Ebery thinb wilb be fine son." They had cut her tongue, and I heard a click and we were both engulfed in fire. The screaming agony of my mom was more painful than being burned alive. I saw the fire melt her face off.

The fire burned my skin and I screamed in pain and I roared "IF I SURVIVE THIS YOU BETTER HOPE THAT I NEVER FIND YOU. CAUSE IF I DO I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SUFFER MORE A GRUESOME DEATH THAN THIS!!!!" my roar filled the entire church. I saw them leave on a military truck with a shield and sword emblem on it. with a gryphon on top holding a scroll in his claw.

The flame had engulfed my mother and I lost my consciousness. The screams of my mother and the betrayal by my loved one were constantly on repeat in my mind.

I then opened my eyes and It was a night I could see the new moon but I was able to see everything clear as daylight I got up and looked for my mother. Her body was now all dried up and black.

I went ahead to pick her up but when I saw my hands it scared me. I looked at my arms they were crimson red and leathery, I could feel a tail, a pair of dragon-like wings and one black curved horn. My hair was now even longer for some reason it reached my knees. I had grown big fangs. My pupils now looked crimson red and they shined in dark.

I broke down when I looked at my mother's corpse and I fell on the ground and cried I looked at my mother's body and it reminded me of the horrors committed by that man. I took my mother in my arms and I saw a locket shine. I moved towards it to take a closer look and it was my mother's gift. I picked it up.

I then just thought of flying and my wings flapped and I soared through the sky and then landed easily in my backyard. I then placed my mother on the ground and dug a grave with my arms for my mom.

I laid my mother to rest in her favourite place. Her garden. I then sat down on the ground and looked at the present left to me by my mother. I then wore the locket and then my body's look changed again.

I vowed that day that I will kill all of them. But I didn't know where to look for them for all know everything she had told me might be fake. Then I looked at the locket it was glowing golden in colour. and I heard my mom's voice 'Find Alaric Saltsman of Mistic Falls' and a few butterflies came and it gave me a bit of peace.

I mourned for a few days and then gathered my things and went looking for Alaric Saltman.


Hello readers I hope you liked the chapter if you have any questions or suggestions of any kind please leave a comment.