After a blooming trip to betolovia to celebrate the pondlily festival, it's been 3 days after Jo's birthday. He went back to kyotana after doing some normal business fighting bad guys again. When he arrived, he took a deep breath and gazed at the skies to watch fireworks exploding in the sky. People in that city are decorating the streets with colorful vibes and they dressed in polka dots believing it can bring them good luck.
The Copernicus family prepared many foods and they are also dressed in fancy clothes and take pictures of them welcoming new year. Li suggested if they could celebrate it in the rooftop since she wants to celebrate new year with her bestest friend. Liz would always bring her boyfriend during family gatherings except if they have a valid reason not to attend on.
While Jo is peacefully gazing at the skies with a warm smile, Julie wanted to trouble him for a moment.
"Hey! Don't just stay idle right there! Atleast help us prepare for new year celebration."
"Okay okay hold on for a sec-"
Julie dragged him without letting him to finish what he was trying to say. Too bad he forgot to change on his suit but his face isn't covered.
"Wait a damn second! Oh **** my absent-minded *** forgot to take my suit off! Great… people will found out who am I really now." Jo realized, he ****ed up.
"Your fault for taking your goddamn helmet instead of your suit all the time." Julie reprimanded him.
"But i only do it rarely what do you mean?! Id do that when nobody is around-"
"Cut the bull****! That won't do the job and people will find out who you are even if they aren't around!"
They kept fighting until they arrived to their house. When they got home, they were still fighting and arguing. Then there's Jenny who is the one who decorated the house and prepared everything for new year.
"Welcome back- ehhh??? Why you guys are fighting?!" Jen asked worriedly.
"This idiot! Please he have the freaking audacity to actually take off his helmet in public but he did not notice he didn't take off his suit. How weird-"
"What the heck man ok ok I was too exhausted from fighting that I took that thing off instead and so I was running out of oxygen but atleast let me breathe for a damn while-"
"You two are the idiots here. Even you, Jo. Instead of helping me prepare for this celebration, you guys are fighting over that really?"
"Ok fine alright im the idiot here u guys keep preparing and you guys should dress up too." Jo went upstairs and took out the clothes to be worn for new year.
While he was dressing up, he received a text message from Li.
"Jo, lets meet in the rooftop. I want to celebrate new year with you! Lets watch the fireworks together!"
"Sure, I can celebrate with you if your parents allow you to." He replied.
"Don't worry! I asked permission to them. I even told them your just a friend anyways and they understand that your the only friend who stays true to me." She answered.
"Haha, okay okay! We'll bring food there. Cya!" Jo put down his phone and continued putting his clothes on.
A few moments later. They arrived at exactly 11pm. They brought the food and everything else they need.
Fast forward, while they are eating and taking pictures at the same time, the countdown starts.
Jo and Li decided to sit at the building's edge. Their family had been telling them not to sit on the edge of the building because they might fall down.
Time's ticking at 11:59. They got to watch those beautiful fireworks before its 2022. But it seems like they want to do something better.
"One favor.. please?"
"Yeah? What was it?"
"Lets do it."
Meanwhile the crowd outside, they started to count. Jo and Li began to k*$$.
Its already 12am. Every loud noises has been made and fireworks are blooming in the sky while they are having their sweet moment of their life.