I was walking down the street when this guy came and tried to rob me ( bad move there). He was like give your money kid if you know what's good for you. Then I was like mmm.. no. Normally they go away after that ( after a few tries ).
But this guy was stupidly brave and attacked me ( like at least give me a warning ). But being the pro and awesome dude I dodged but his left hand came out of nowhere and hit me. At least he tried his hand disappeared and he screamed more in anger than pain but I don't know what he was thinking maybe he thought it was a one time thing. Then he attacked me again with his right arm. Well boys give him a big F cause he won't be able to masterb- I mean uh nothing.
After he ran away. I went to sleep ya no thinking why he attacked me no thinking that I was scared ( cause that happens almost every day ).
Any way after this I'm gonna write about that school I still can't remember so I'm gonna research wait for a while...... ok done it the Wood's land university finally I thought it was bow man or something ( any way that's it i need to sleep too )