Chereads / {Broken Memories} / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10


Warning: There is swearing, abuse, bullying and gay slurs. Please, if any of these things offend you, don't read ahead.

It was an early morning in middle school, Fukumori was hanging out with a big group of people, he was pretty popular due to how strong he was but he was also loud and VERY cocky. Yoshiya, Fukumoris tiny boyfriend, was walking with a brown haired boy who seemed very interested in what the blond boy was talking about. It was Daxai, yes he was popular as well, but he was only really close to Yoshiya since they grew up together. Yoshiya suddenly stopped talking once he spotted Fukuori. He ran over, leaving behind Daxai with a semi sad look.


Fukumori looked up from what he was doing, his face lighting up slightly as he spotted the blond boy, almost bouncing over.

"Hey Yoshi" He opened his arms and hugged the smaller male, causing them to get some weird looks from the people around them.

"Dude, that's kinda gay…"

One of the other people said that was standing next to Fukumori. Fukumori looked back at the group and saw them giving Yoshiya and him weird looks, which made something snap in Fukumoris head. He pushed Yoshiya away and stepped back.

"Yeah man, thats gay" Fukumori said to Yoshiya with a serious look. Yoshiya looked up at Fukumori with slightly wide eyes and looked down


He turned and walked to Daxai who saw the whole thing and was pissed off. Fukumori turned back to his friends and started laughing and making fun of Yoshiya. The next couple weeks were terrible for Yoshiya, everywhere he went, there were rumours about him. People pointing and whispering about him. Daxai was the only one that was still hanging out with him even though people kept telling Daxai not too.

Yoshiys found out that is was Fukumori who started those rumours, about Yoshiya being gay and being in love with him. Yes they where true but people didn't really like things like that and found it gross, so Yoshiya, who was already bullied, began being bullied more. Yet he still went to school so that he could see Daxai. He didn't even go for Fukumori anymore, He didn't even want to look at him in fear of crying. It was Thursday and Yoshiya was outside sitting under a tree, eating his lunch alone since Daxai was at tryouts for a band he wanted to join. He hummed to himself and sang under his breath only to be met with the feeling of a cold liquid running down his head. He looked up to see one of the boys that would constantly be around Fukumori. Before he could even open his mouth to ask why he did that, he was kicked in the stomach, causing him to fall over, holding his stomach in pain and coughing. Tears building up in his eyes as he lifted his head weakly to see that 3 more people showed up to join in. He didn't even have a chance to run before they all started kicking him with all their strength, causing him to bleed and cry out.

After what seemed to be forever, the bell rang and the boys ran, Yoshiya lifted his head the best he could and what he saw made his heart shatter. It was Fukumori, standing next to the 3 boys..laughing…Yoshiya layed there, unable to move till a teacher saw him and ran over to help. He was in the hospital for a week, some of his ribs being broken due to the force they used. Daxai was the only one that went to visit him over the time, Daxai and Yoshiyas mom would keep him company and bring him food. Well that was until Daxai had to go to practice.


After he got out of the hospital, he was afraid to go back to school and his mother was trying to get him into another school because she knew he wasn't safe there, but he just needed to attend there for another week while his mother looked and tried to get him in.

Once he entered the classroom, the room filled with whispers and he felt glares on him the entire time he was walking to his desk. I took all of his energy to hold in the scared sobs that threatened to fall, but he refused to give everyone another reason to bully him.

Lets just say...that was the worst week for him, all it filled with was him being beaten by the same group of boys and Fukumori standing at the side lines, laughing, showing no remorse.


On Fukumris side of all of this was that he did feel really bad, it caused his heart to ache and at night, he cried. He loved Yoshiya but he was afraid of being hated. Yes he didn't have parents so his friends were like the family he never had, so when they started making fun of yoshiya, he joined in, though he hated it. He wanted to fight against him and tell them that Yoshiya was a sweet guy and that he was adorable, but those words never passed his lips. When Yoshiya was hospitalized, he tried to visit but Daxai stopped him, not trusting anything Fukumori said about being worried and just wanting to check up on him.


Soon after Yoshiya changed schools, so did Daxai since he didn't want Yoshiya to be alone. Fukumori left and moved away, promising himself that when he came back, he would find Yoshiya and fix the things he did wrong.


At the end of middle school, Daxai went to korean to fulfil his dreams and Yoshiya was doing his best to help his mother and study to get into a good highschool.

Fukumori got into an accident which made him forget a lot of things from his past, the only family he had was a distant cousin who he barely knew, but that cousin took him in and took care of him till Fukumori was well enough to move out and get a job.


(this is the end of this chapter, it's a bit all over the place but i'll edit it soon. Hopefully it's good. I got sad writing it-)