Karen was just starting her lunch break, the man (idiot) who did the closing shift had come in an hour late (as usual) and she was hungry and irritable, the simple fact was that something was going on in her head she wasn't sure she liked, she had looked at that guy this morning who had been brought in by the owner and she had felt like love at first sight, she had started daydreaming and had made silly little fantasy plans about asking him out. the trouble had started after he left the gym, she had stopped feeling that warm glow, she had been approached by those with high charisma as most pretty girls had, and something similar would happen, you would desire to please them and follow their every command while they were near but then you would instinctively hate them after about six hours of separation or a good nap. this feeling she had now was different, if the warm glow of infatuation had jus stayed she would have concluded she had a crush on him and left it at that and if the feeling had turned into disgust she would have concluded it was just charisma but the positive feelings of their encounter were fading but not turning sour, it bothered her. she remembered how the light from a car driving by l the opened door had reflected off the sheen of sweat on his face and shivered slightly thinking of how attractive he was but she didn't have a feeling of wanting to jump his bones in the middle of the lobby any more, she wondered if this was a new charisma skill, and she wondered if maybe it had just been him, without any skills or stats being involved.
in reality what had happened was simply luck going to work, making her susceptible and slightly lonely the moment before he walked through the door, delaying the traffic light for 7 seconds so that the headlights would make his figure stand out in the open door, applying just the right amount of drizzle for him to look sexy wet and slick his hair instead of making him look like a wet poodle, and making the old lights at the front of the building flicker off for a second to give an air of misteque to his entrance, her mind hadn't been altered at all except that the thought of being lonely had been pushed to the forefront, and because it was a thought that she already had rather then one placed into her it seemed normal to her. this was why the thoughts never turned sour, the feeling of infatuation fading was simply her moving out of the range of his influence, but the fact remained that she had been very attracted to him without her mind being altered.
Karen shook her head and dug into the convenience store sandwich she had purchased, resolving to stay away from that man at all costs, unknowing that her system had picked up on that thought and sent a signal to someone else's system, which then added one more line to the algorithm that defined what a good result was.