Grandma Bai was still insisting on not signing iver their homes. Even Bai Guiren was hesitant. Seeing this, the lawyer smiled.
"My client did say you would not agree so easily. So she asked me to remind you of what is hidden from all," he said while giving Bai Guiren a mocking threatening gaze.
Bai Guiren felt shivers throughout his whole body. He stretched his hands to take the pen one of the bodyguards held out for him.
"No. What are you doing, Guiren? Don't be a coward," Grandma Bai scolded.
"The battle is already over, mum. It ended without us even having to fight. There is no use of rebelling now," he stated.
Slowly but surely, Bai Guiren started signing the documents. Grandma Bai was shocked. Who is this man she sees? It is definitely not her son.
He must have been possessed by another spirit. If not how could he just give up all they had including their home.