In the beginning, Shangdi created heaven and earth.
In seven days, he created the world known today to mortals and gave Yadang the right to rule over all creatures and enjoy all that the earth had to offer.
Realizing that Yadang was lonely, Shangdi raised Xiawa and she became his companion.
I, Lu Xifa, the perfect creation, was not chosen to rule this place he calls Eden.
After millennia of being second in paradise, I believed that this time, I would have a kingdom of my own. Ungrateful! I dedicated myself to cultivation for so many years and yet…
The plane known as earth, after billions of years, had become a peaceful place. Everyone was happy, praised their creator, and respected their progenitor.
But what about me?!
I who administered for so many years. The second in command of heaven. I achieved nothing! Absolutely nothing!
Anyway, when I realized that my efforts were in vain, I gave up cultivation and took my infinite life with Shensheng of Linghun, the immortal killing sword.
I thought that would be the end... But here I am again. At the beginning of everything.