We were heading back to the castle after finishing our mission, but it was night and we still have a long way to go. We did not eat anything since we start to escort the caravan to their destination to make sure that they arrive safely. We were hungry and tired. The best thing to do was to find a place to spend the night and find something to eat we will depart tomorrow morning. The moon was bright and full it was better to find a place soon the forest was going to be infested with werewolves.
- let's find a place to stay tonight. I said.
- We should continue Gen a couple of werewolves should do nothing to us, we are 5 of the best knights of our clan. Luke said.
The clan Moon was a clan that govern one of the five countries of the kingdom Arrowl called luner. My name is Gen Deris a General of and select squad that guard the castle.
-No we should look for a safe place to stay there is something weird in the air. I replied.
- Yes there is something that I don't like tonight. Aron said.
After some minutes we found an old cottage that was in the middle of the forest.
- Ron, Marcus secure the perimeter and create a shield to protect the cottage.
Aron is the second in command. He is the perfect soldier, skilled and wise. He almost won the title of general, but in the last minute of the contest he committed a fault and they take a point away from him and that's how I got the title. We have been together since we started to train for a position in the army of the clan Moon. We used to see each other as a rival and force each other to be better than the other one. After I won the contest in a fair competition he swore to protect the clan and me with his life. Since then we became close friends.
Ron and Marcus came back from the inspection. They hunted a small deer in their way back. They were the best at hunting and cooking that's why I like to bring them along. Marcus and Ron are twins and they are always together even when they fight most of the time. After eating we were talking about taking turns to guard the cottage while other rest so Aron was the first one and the rest went to sleep. Suddenly horrible howls woke everyone up there were not just a couple like Luke said earlier there were dozens of werewolves. I woke up covered in cold sweat and chills. I have never heard that many werewolves howling at the same time. Everybody took their sword out and see through the window if the shield was working.
- Luke, reinforce the shield. I knew there was something weird in the air. Aron said.
Luke started saying the prayers and since tonight was a full moon our powers were stronger than some other day. The phases of the moon enhance our skills and it gives us more power.
We were not a match for such amount of werewolves there were a thousand roughly and they were in an unusual satate.
-What is that? Ron asked
-Looks like a person. Luke replied.
-How can he be in the middle of them and not be attacked.? I asked.
-look at his hands. He is holding something and seems like he is controling them. Aron said.
Then we heard the sound of the door openning and everyone turned to see who was it just to realized that it was Marcus who was going outside to atack the man but Luke hurry up and grab him from the collar.
What do you think you are doing? Luke screamed.
Shhhhh. I said
Then I looked outside and they had gone. We went to look for that man just until the shield could cover our presence but we did not see anything.
BY the morning I was guarding the cottage and since the sun was coming out everybody was getting ready to depart and Luke removed the shield on the cottage and I went to a river that was near by to wash my face.
-Don't move someone said putting a sharp knife in my neck.
I was surpried I couldn't feel his presence niether a sound of someone approuching.
-What is a thief doing with his guard down.
- I am not a thief. I replied.
- So who are you? you have a sword and a bow, a peasant you are not.
I can not reveal my identity to a stranger. He could use it against me and try to get information.I would rather die. With one movement I could get away of his sword but when I tried to get my bow he seize one of my hands and throw me on the ground and get on me holding both of my hands.I could saw that he was a knight by his armor and his sword I can see that it was a good sharp sword.
-Get off me. I screamed.
- A low thief like you should go to jail and be investigate for all the crimes that you must have commited.
I can blame him for thinking I was a thief because we don't wear a uniform or armor. We protect the castle on clothes that are comfortable for us. Suddenly I heard a strong noise and the knight fell unconscious over me.