Chapter 20 - Episode 16

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Seeing a pristine, clean lake after 3 whole days running across this forest, it's just a refreshing sight. It feels like this battery inside me is being recharged. Truly one of God's best crafts, this lake is. Once we arrived and settled here, I ordered some of the wolves to go hunt for food supplies.

I went back to my human form, I really want to play the water, it's been so long since I went out to see and enjoy the nature like this. Because I was just too focused on my work, if I remember, four of us actually goes to the nearby lake of the town and had some picnic almost once every month.

Even though, it seems like a far past, I still remember it vividly. Mom is making some sandwich, dad is preparing our little sized barbeque, Naoki is playing with our old dog, I'm *chuckles* always ate the first batch of the barbeque, mom would get angry at me, but smiles and laughs afterwards. Naoki was jealous and ran to get his hands on the sandwich…

I miss all of you… *cries* I miss you, dad, mom, Naoki… It truly hurts me remembering that those memories won't be able to be relived. I hope Naoki and my grandparents are doing okay, I haven't seen any dreams about them again. That's cheating, Uriel. Giving me those dreams, I do feel glad to see them in my dream, but…

<> a female werecat approaches me and seem worried about me. <> I asked.

<> she asked. <> I ordered. She nodded and ran somewhere else.

This is bad, I'm showing my weak side to my subjects. I should be strong, both physically and mentally. Some time passed, I can smell the meat being cooked and they finally gathered to have dinner, and they waited for me to come eat with them.

I sat in front of them, starting to eat, and they're following me to partake in the meal as well. This was about to be a good meal and resting day, but…

[Master, I confirmed the presence of about 2 wolf packs, a group of hyenas, a family of slime and 3 big orcs approaching this location. Probably, they smelt the smell of the food. Be ready, Master]

Alnoe-sensei jump startled me and I ordered all of my party to stop eating and ordered them to go in fighting stance. Wha- Alnoe-sensei just alerted me, but the orcs are already dashing here and they hurt some of our members.

<> I ordered and smirked. <> all of them responded.

I used [Supreme Intimidation] to stun them down, which succeeded, the vanguards went to the front and flinched the orcs down and ravaging on their body, it does seem like a torture. I went to the hyenas and the rest of the orcs, used [Chaos Claws] and shredded them all down to pieces in an instant.

I looked at the slimes, they looked terrified of me. After some chat with the slimes, I found that they're just pushed and used by the orcs as baits. I ordered my party to not attack them and I told the slimes to go behind the fight with the supporters.

I finished the rest of the ambushers shortly after, and asked the cooks to disassemble them and make them part of our rations, which shocked them, but they did it anyway.

After the surprise attack, I ordered them to clean the blood splatters and all of it, since I don't want to make this forest and lake look scary or just dirty. And the night goes late and I received reports from the scouts, that there are some packs of wolves near here, but they're seemed kind of neutral packs.

So, I ordered some of the members to take turns protecting the camp and I went to bed. After some good night sleep. I was awaken by bright morning sunlight and I saw birds playing around flying circling the lake, what a good morning.

I greeted and briefed the expedition party members and ordered them to pack up and continue the journey. After we finish packing up, I enlarged myself and let the supporters ride my back, used the two speed spell. By the way, these spells are [Acceleration] and [Friction Barrier] and their functions are as their name suggests.

After the vanguards and rear guards finished readying themselves up, we presumed our travels, and 17 more days passed, we're still, running through all the greens in the autumn forest, and now.

We could see what the dungeon might be, it's basically a big twig-shaped tower all made of wood and leaves, and once we get near to it, we're about to be ambushed, so I alerted the others.

[[Master, I confirmed the presence of about 20 ogres. And about 5 kilometers away, there are about 500 of them. And I can feel the presence of huge amount of bloodlust among our ambushers. Be ready]

Ah, I got it, Alnoe-sensei. I told the others to go behind me and I used [Supreme Intimidation] against then, and I was right, they're about to ambush me from up there, on the trees. They're falling down one by one fainting and dropped on their faces.


After I said that, the biggest and the buffed ones of them fell down from the trees. They're greatly aware and conscious of us, especially to me.

<> the biggest of them started talking.

<> I greeted.


<> I asked.

They flinched, seems that I was right. Even if their village surrounds the dungeon, that doesn't mean that is their territory. The way to get yourself your own territory is to claim a dungeon, right?


<> I asked.

<> he asked. I nodded and showed them the Dungeon Claim Sigil, they're shocked. Afterwards, they offered to escort us to their village to meet with their Chief to discuss about us clearing and claiming the dungeon.

I agreed but I'm still carefully aware of them, I can't forget that there are people with me, I have to protect them from anything that could harm them. After some while running we finally arrived at the Ogre Village and we can see clearly the shape of the dungeon and the houses surrounding it.

The Ogre General made us pass the gate easy, but I could still see their gazes, they're also terribly aware of us, probably they can feel that I'm way stronger than their General, let alone themselves.

Well, let's just quickly pass this talk with their Chief, restock and storm the dungeon already, I cannot wait. What new monsters I will be facing there? Maybe I could get some new skills, even a evolution. This will be fun ^~^.


P.S, I just realized, I haven't released this, I'm very sorry