Chapter 12 - Episode 11

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Well... they're here with their hunts. It's just like when my cat catches a mice and brought it up to me, and their faces. Sigh, they expect too much. Alnoe, can you identify who got the most of these rabbits. Run it down to only 100.

I don't think these thousands of monsters could fit in an only 20 levels dungeon. And be sure to notify me of the wicked or sly ones!

[Affirmative. Calculating...]

[Calculations Finished. Results: 41 beta wolves, 9 omega wolves. 5 maternal wolves, 15 rapis tigers, 20 goblins, and 10 werecats, Master]

-_- Since when there are werecats in the party of these monsters. But well, they need me as well. Bad, I drooled a bit by thinking of roasting the rabbits.


Their expression got brighter again. Hum, Alnoe-sensei, how can I communicate with the monsters other than the wolves, do I have the skill to understand them. Until now, only the wolves talked to me.

[Affirmative. Upgrading [Wolf Language] using experience points... Success! [Wolf Language] upgraded to [Universal Language]

Whoa, you can do that now as well, Alnoe-sensei? Umu, I'm proud of having you as my first skill, Alnoe-sensei.

[Certainly, Master. It's my pleasure to be your help]

^~^ Umu umu~. Well, let's give them the results, shall we? But of course, I have to include the kids in the clan before them, whatever the results of the hunt are. Kids are precious, I don't want them to get hurt.


Their expression was now stressed and anxious. I got what they might think, but my decision is settled even before they started the hunt.


Then, the mothers and their kids came to my side. Their number is small but some of them are pregnant, which is good news. It's sad to separate the kids from their dads but, I have to be strict.

Afterward, I cooked some of the rabbits, and gave the meat to the kids and moms, they seemed to be hungry.




I cast Patronus and shaped it into a ball and I sent them to the hundreds of them that I chose. After a while, some of them are happy to be chosen and the others despair.


The chosen ones came to me with a happy faces and some are sad to be separated. And the rest goes away and disappeared into the forest. I'm so lucky that the dungeon entrance is on a wide clearing field of this forest.

This dungeon's defense is good and it was on a higher elevation than the forest, there's no snucking or spying on us. Umu! Well, shall we do make a pack now?





I clearly forgot about that, and I don't know how. Alnoe-sensei~~~, please tell me how to create a pack?

[Affirmative. Explanation: To create a pack between monsters, the one who leads them shall hold a ceremony. First, the leader's blood should be dripping on the ground forming a circle]

Ok, let's do this. I then went to the widest field of the ground and dripped some of my blood forming a circle. They were shocked and asked what I'm trying to do. But well, it's better to show them than explain it.

Alright, it's now a circle, it looks like a magic circle to summon a demon or something, umu.

Umu, this is interesting, they still in shock, though. What's next, Alnoe-sensei~

[The next process in the ceremony is for the leading candidate to offer the circle: a handful of their fur, one fang, and one claw]

[Do not worry, Master. Gaia Heal are capable of replacing these ingredients]

Alrighty~, let's do this then. Just taking some furs off of me is easy, but removing a tooth and a nail is hard. After I did that and put them in the circle, I quickly used Gaia Heal to replace the missing fang and claw.

[Next Process is to write this outside circling the magic circle: dominus omnis bestiae! tolle tibi oblationem et non suscipe nos in dominio tuo. ut in ipso offerentis cede, nove nobis vinculorum catena fabricare. vincla tibi, constringe tibi fata, vitam tibi constringe vitae. declara, corporis unionem immensam esse animam!]

Oh my, that's a lot to write, well not as much as the author ought to write, though *chuckle* Let's just do this, the sun is about to fall after all. I then wrote all the text Alnoe-sensei ordered me to, it took some time, it's already dark and they are anxious.

[After this, Master should chant these: dominus bestiae! ad coelestem cubile tuum redi! archidux pacta! descende ad hanc humilem terram. Liga nos, liga nos, liga nos. Animam tibi cede, et fatum tuum ad te confer, et constringe eos ad te voluntatem! And on the last Master should decide on the name of the pact and say it on the last part of the chant]

I've been thinking recently, aren't the spell chant all this time really resembling the Latin language from my last world. Eh, it's not time to wonder, let's decide on a name. What about using my preceding name.

Umu--, umu-. Hum, Kurokawa Pack? What is that, it sounds like a house moving service. Umu, Yuuki, huh. I don't have a name, so I don't really know what to name it with.

Yuuki, Yukio? Nah, too bad. Mirage forest... Waw, the moon is out and pretty... Ah! Got it! Miratsuki clan! What a nice name! Good job, me! Let's do this, after this, I think it's appropriate to call an eating party. We have a lot of these rabbits, after all.


Some red streaks of a lightning strike the center of the magic circle and the circle now glowing in crimson color. Some of them got freaked up because of it. So, what should I do next, Alnoe?

[The candidates of the members of the pack should drop some of their blood in the center of the magic circle. With it, they become an official member of your pack, Master]


First, they're worried and anxious but the one that talked to me the first time, the big boss wolf dripped his blood and something is being stamped on his right hand, an insignia or a symbol of something.

[Master, it's the proof being in your pack. It's the pack's insignia that also serves as a command seal for you to order the bearer without any resistance towards your will. Insignia is made of your soul image and redrawn by the Ceremony as the pack's insignia]

Whoa, what a strong magic, it's like they're now my Servant and I'm their Master. Wait, Author-san, you really like Fate, huh. One by one they do the exact same thing the first wolf did and then, they all have the insignia.

[Master, since all 100 of them has done their part in the Ceremony, to end it please chant: custos vinculorum, Gemini. finito epulo, conviva satur, conviviumque finitum est. insignia ligatura cede regi tuo and the Ceremony will be finished, Master]


Seconds after I chanted the spell, the magic circle, shrink, shrink until it's forming a new and different insignia and it transforms into streak of lightning and came to my left hand.

Ooooh, what a cool-looking insignia. It was round-shaped with a crescent moon as background and pine forest sits on the left side of the moon and a wolf covering the moon on the right side. Cool, so this is Miratsuki's pack insignia, huh. Umu umu~

And then I take a look at my pack member, they're waiting for me. Okay, okay, let's get in the dungeon, and let start designing jobs for them.

But that's going to wait until we have another meal since we have a lot of these meats. An empty stomach is the least you want to think. I then guided them to the dungeon and lead them to the dining hall and we have a fitting feast as the mark of our pack's beginnings.