after one year of training my wind element to the level of a C+ I will be learning the fire element with my mum so that I can use the flame that she can use to make me stronger than before if my dad had a lighting spell under his belt of techniques he can use and now I'm going to be trained how to change the colour of my flames and to have a techniques style that will work with me after a few weeks I learned how to make a louis with one petal (note how many petals you can make show you skill and Louis can shoot fire ball when it has one to three but more it has I can be used like a semi to automate machine gun of death or a flamer and if you can make more than one or change the colour you are equal to S+ rank Mage's that all I will tell you) and I can change the colour of my flames to orange to blue meaning I will learn the serpent consinflax with can summon a fire snake that you control to fight with you in battles you might have with beasts or monsters or other human
but right now will rest for a bit then continue training .