Damien chokes on his whistle.
She chuckled hysterically as if I am out of my mind. "Unfortunately for you, that surname is not as powerful as before. You really have to go proud of that, huh-"
"Then kill me now." I menacingly challenged.
Someone grunted on the ground, and we all know who it is.
"I don't have the upper hand of things and I am now in your territory, in your mercy..."
The immobilizing force disappeared and swiftly I am in front of her, leveling exactly at her face, letting her know I am already a grab of her hand so she should really do something.
"A Ferro without the power, so beat me till I die already,"
I beamed considerately when all she can do is breathe indignantly and try harder to make use of her eyes. Not even brave to risk any more steps.
"You shouldn't? Oh. No..." I belted in a glum tone. I stared straight into her lauded hypnotic eyes that is apparently to no avail for me. For the Grostoque blood on me is too revolting—too proud to be ruled by someone's mind. "You can't. You know why?"
Orbs getting the gravest of all the heavy I have witnessed in this world and craze heightening each time my lips curve, her glare is an alarming sight... at least for everyone aside me.
"Cause you don't have the upper hand either. So do give me what I need and this wouldn't take long. Thank you,"
She derisively rolled her eyes at the courtesy. "Boast all you want now. You are gonna die sooner, anyway."
Suddenly finding exuberance to govern and downplay me, she crossed her arms.
I remained mute, fueling her ego.
"Like how those older Ferros did before they fell? Until now, unsighted. Shirked despite all the pride and glory they have bragged everyone. Apparently your family is just for show and it has been ought to have its conclusion. And it seems, you'll be the final conclusion to the Ferro's fall,"
Maybe she's right.
But it didn't stop me to lean closer into her ears, for a whisper so shady it'll taunt her soul. "Though even if I die..."
She fibbed on my eyes and got none. I smirked.
"the itch... that has been taunting you since cannot be soothed." I echoed, fixing a strand of hair into her ears. "Cause a woman as low as you would never be crowned of such power."
I let her disrespectfully slap my hands out of her. Because I know my words are more painful than that of her physical attack.
"You will remain a follower, Merry. Never the followed. Not like the older Ferro that ruled all the bloodline... your bloodline... for decades. Not like their daughter and son who can repel all the distinguished capabilities they term your ancestors, and the bearers like you, are great at," I give her a final warning. "So you do not touch my brother while I'm away. Moreso all of my family. Cause I will know. And it won't turn out great for you."
I calmly step back and stared right into her sore orbs.
"You are such a show-"
Hmmmm. "We indeed love our show, so be careful because you might not be in love of the role we are gonna cast you for."
I disappeared in hindsight when I successfully encrypted her mind and read his location.
"You are stubborn as hell!" Damien's lucid disapproval echoed like a boomerang in my skull.
"I am fucking gonna rip that man on my hands! And I swear these pieces of shits won't be able to stop me!"
That man, isn't he too prideful for a goodbye?
I hope he finds someone that'll be as patient to him as I am. Dearest Damien, I wish you all the best until my very last thought. Even if the whole world doesn't agree you deserve such.