Chapter 116 - ABOUT THE BOOK

THE IDEA FOR THE BOOK WAS BORN the day after reading my second favorite author, Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol, where he addresses the subject of Freemasonry in the United States, I realized that there was not much talking about the same topic here in Brazil, let alone talking about their connection to Nazism — one of my favorite themes.

The characters have no mystery, most of their names were born from tributes to personal friends or family, if someone has the same name as any of them and is not part of my circle of friends it was pure coincidence.

The Thule and Vrill Society really exists and is still active today, even after the fall of Nazism and the death of Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and all their creators.

The Thule Society remains in operation today, with an official website ( ). And it is under observation by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution of Germany, for fear of the promotion of Nazi or neo-Nazi ideology, even if the Thule Society does not have a political character, but rather a religious and initiatory one.

Vrill is even easier to find.

The pigeon episode really happened to me, only in the light station, like the guy who rubbed his ass and flirted with Henrique, both situations are based on real events.

The book already has a sequel ready that will be released very soon under the name of Twilight of the Gods.

All places, historical information, architecture and some rituals correspond to reality.


SANDRO PALMEIRA: Sandro is the name of one of my brothers-in-law and Palmeira, as in the book it is a tribute to my father and grandfather who were from Palmeiras (although I am not), I am from Corinthians, I insisted that the character have some of my characteristics, especially the struggle to learn not to swear which is @#%@%% to stop.

ELISA: No one in particular.

BERNARDO GARCIA: the first name doesn't belong to anyone in particular, but the last name is a very special tribute to a classmate in the police who died while on duty and left three beautiful children.

CAMILA VON SCHULZ: Camila was a neighbor who dumped me first, Schulz, the creator of Charlie Brown.

MARCUS SALDANHA: Marcus was the lead singer of a band he had at the time.

HENRIQUE CARDEÑAS: Henrique was my neighbor and Cardeñas was a friend who played keyboards in church.

ANDRIUS COLMENAGHES DE RILLENCOURT: Andrius was what he called a friend named André.

CARLOS CARDEÑAS: Actually, his nickname was Carlota, but the name was ugly, so I left Carlos the name of one of my neighbors who had 11 brothers.

ANDRÔMACUS VON CIELO: the name is a reference to the wife of the King of Greece and Cielo to the Brazilian swimmer who won the gold medal at the Olympics.

WILHORN VON CIELO: the name I came up with while playing Final Fantasy XII, one of the prizes for defeating an enemy was a horny of something.

JUAN HERNANDES: Because of the singer Juanes and last name because of my dear church parents, Estevam and Sônia.

ANITA: When I wrote the book, the singer MC wasn't successful yet, so it's not about her specifically.

ESPERANZA: Because of the music of Banda Alliados.

LINICKER: A teenage friend had that name.

FRANCESCO NUÑES: The Monumental de Nuñes stadium.

MARTIN GONZALEZ: One of my favorite authors, George RR Martin.

VITÓRIA GARCIA: No one in particular.

BEATRIZ HELENA GARCIA: Two nieces, Bia and Helena.

ANA BASTOS: Ana is my wife's name, and she has a twin sister.

CAROL: Despite the reference to being a twin, the name itself doesn't refer to anyone in particular.

ERICK VON STOLFGRAN: No one in particular.

ANETTE: No one in particular.

CESLAU: My paternal grandfather had that name.

GODOFREDO: One of the members of the first Templar entourage to Jerusalem.

RUDOLF: No one in particular.

ANNIE: A friend from church.

JULLIUS: Chris' Dad From "Everybody Hates Chris"


COLONEL JAMES CLIVERT: The name after James "Sawier" from Lost, the last name I made up.

ASAPH: Nobody special.

JONNATAS: A pastor that I had a straight fight and fight with, he was very annoying.

TOMAS: No one special.

ANELISE: A friend from college.

FRANCISCO: Nobody special.

CAMILO SANCHES: the surname belonged to a chief in the Highway Police.

SONIA: No one in particular.

RAMÓN: He studied with me in the gym.


JEAN DESJARDIN: Character from a book by Sidney Sheldon, my favorite author.

ESTEFÂNIA: great-grandmother, mother of Ceslau.

AISHA CAMINO: The last name because of the album "Camino Palmero" by the band The Calling.

CARMEN DI PAYEN: The surname is Templar, from the first entourage, the name was put during the review because of the minister Carmen Lúcia, there was an article about her, so I decided to put it.

MANUELA: The BBB's Manu.

SOPHIE: From the book Sophia's World.

INGRID SOSA: The name of nobody in particular, the last name because of the singer Mercedez Sosa, although I don't like the songs, I thought the name was cool.

FRIDA KOTSHOWSK: I made up the last name, the name is from a German girl who studied with me in high school.

IVAN: No one in particular.

PABLO LUIZ AGUIRRE: Pablo is an alleged son of my father, Aguirre of a college girl.

CARINA SCHULZ: My biography has more details.

DILERMANDO: He was my father's friend when I was a child.

EDUARDO: Neighbor who composed music together.

DORA: my grandmother Fernanda's neighbor.

CONSUELO: No one in particular.

FELÍCIA: Sister of my grandfather Ceslau.

Martin Luther.

SID: Cid, character from Final Fantasy, one of my favorite games.

WILLMUT: I invented it.

FABIO: No one in particular.

FIF'TWO: It was the name of the brand I wanted to start.

PAULO CAMILO: No one in particular.

AMANDA: Maybe Amanda Françoso.

CREUZA: No one in particular, just the most humorous part of the speech.