BERNARDO WAS TYPING his computer like crazy, in those two weeks alone, that was already the fourth murder of the so-called "Sons of the Sun", there was a fifth unconfirmed victim, of course he was working on the hypothesis of having some other madman using this marketing to see if he gained fame on top of others, but it was on top of that fact that things didn't fit perfectly, that only time would tell if he was right or wrong.
— You'll have to forgive me, but I won't be able to give you all the attention you deserve.
Camila made a face of few friends.
— Are you really going to take over the case here in Spain?
Bernardo kissed his wife and hugged her, almost trying to console her.
— Yes, I will, I already contacted Palmeira, he will help me with some dark points of the case, of course, you too, without a doubt, I will need your research, no one is better at this than you, dear, some thing tells me that the murder of the former Prime Minister's son shouldn't be on this "Black List".
— These cases are linked, but you still haven't figured out the link?
Bernardo sat on the sofa, threw back his head, showing defeat at that moment, but he knew it was a matter of time before they resolved it.
— That's Palmeira's hunch, these murders follow a chronological order in the killer's head.
— How can they say that?
— That I leave for you to answer, we need to find the first clue, of the four deaths, it was written on the wall with the blood of the victims:
— Fornication – Impurity – Lascivia – Idolatry
— And how am I going to find that out, it's too subjective, it could be anything, what was written in this boy's case?
— So far no one has written anything, but the way to kill is practically the same, the person kills and pierces the victim's heart by putting a rose through the hole.
Camila was thoughtful for a moment.
— I know you will find out — she said, interrupting her beloved's thoughts — Sandro Palmeira said that she is the most capable in this, and I think so too.