BERNARDO WAS EMBRACING VICTORY in his lap, his happiness bordering the sky.
–– Bernardo – said Camila.
–– Yes...
–– Do you know what you're going to do from now on?
–– I have a small idea, after all, it is not easy to discover that your entire life was something, and today it is quite another.
Bernardo put his daughter on the floor, kissed her, patted her on the butt.
She ran after a purple butterfly.
–– Camila...
–– Yes...
–– At least I see that some things worked out.
Without being able to resist the moment, they kissed for the first time.
–– I don't know how I really feel about you – said Bernardo – but...
Camila gently put her hand over her mouth and whispered in her ear:
–– Say nothing, let's live one day at a time, okay? We need to learn to be happy again.
–– I hope that one day you can forgive me.
Henrique hugged Ana.
–– Forgive what? – he said – Forgive for saving me? Forgive for being by my side in the most difficult moment of my life? Forgive me for making the man happy?
–– But...
–– Ana, you are the woman of my life.
They kissed.
–– I don't know what you did in the past, or your family, that's the least important thing, what really matters is to be part of my future.
HENRIQUE HAS TAKEN THE DIARY of Willian de Rillencourt, he was not like his grandfather, given to secrets, he wanted to be as far as possible with the world. This story of secrets and legends was for a few, of which he did not fit.
–– Are you sure you want to do this? – Bernardo said – this must be the greatest archaeological find in history, we can donate it to a museum.
–– Many people have died because of this legend, I don't want our children to suffer what we did, if they hid it it was for a reason, the world has lived almost a thousand years without knowing what this secret is, it may well live the rest of your days with no problems.
The two looked at the flames that burned in the leaves of that old diary, and in the end smiled contentedly with themselves.