CAMILA DIDN'T KNOW what to believe, everything she researched about Nazism and mysticism had made a big impression on her, everything she said about Nazism being more of a religion than a political party made perfect sense.
The Führer's dream went far beyond just being a dictator, he wanted to match Jesus Christ, he had his own prayer, disciples, followers and even after two thousand years, many people would remember his name as someone who changed the course of history.
THE SWASTIC OR GAMADA CROSS is a mystical symbol found in many cultures at different times, from the Hopi Indians to the Aztecs, from the Celts to the Buddhists, from the Greeks to the Hindus. Some believe that the swastika has a special value because it is found in many cultures without contact with each other.
The Nazi swastika has arms, pointing clockwise, and rotates the figure so that one of the arms is at the top.
In Japan, the manji swastika is used to represent temples and shrines on maps.
Since it was adopted as the logo of Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party, the swastika has come to be associated with fascism, racism, white supremacy, World War II and the Holocaust in most of the West. Before, it had reappeared in a recognized archaeological work by Heinrich Schliemann, who discovered this image in the old site where he had located the city of Troy, being associated with the ancestral migrations of the "proto-Indo-European" peoples of the Aryans. He made a connection between these findings and ancient Germanic vessels, and theorized that the swastika was a "significant religious symbol of our remote ancestors", uniting ancient Germans with Greek and Vedic cultures.
The Nazis used these ideas, since the beginning of movements called "völkisch", adopting the swastika as a symbol the "Aryan identity", associating it with the Nordic races – groups originating in northern Europe.
The word "swastika" derives from the Sanskrit svastika (meaning luck), and a particular brand of people or things that bring good luck. It is formed by the prefix "su-", meaning "good, good" and "-asti", an abstract form to represent the verb "to be". Suasti therefore means "well-being". The suffix "-ca" designates a diminutive form, so "swastika" can literally be translated by "little things associated with what brings a good living (being)".
Under the symbolism of propaganda, the flag was what first calls attention: We are the army of the swastika, we raise the red flags The German worker we want to bring to freedom.
The Nordic symbol called the cross of the sun or wheel of the sun, a form usually interpreted as a variant of the swastika, appears frequently in the ancient art of this European people. Similar shapes have also been found in ancient German artifacts (nomadic period), on a spearhead found in Brest – Litovsk, Russia, or the Snoldelev stone in Ramsø, Denmark.
In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler wrote:
"I, meanwhile, after countless attempts, had put a final shape; a flag with a red background, a white disk, and a black swastika in the middle. After long attempts I found a definite proportion between the size of the flag and the size of the white disk, as well as the shape and thickness of the swastika..."
The use of the swastika was associated by Nazi theorists with their hypothesis of Aryan cultural descent from the Germans. Following the theory of the Aryan invasion of India, the Nazis claimed that the first Aryans in that country introduced the symbol, which was incorporated into the Vedic traditions, the swastika being the prototype symbol of the white invaders.
When creating the flag for the Party, Adolf Hitler sought to incorporate the swastika and yet...
These venerable colors that express our homage to the glorious past that so many honors brought to the German nation (the red, black and white).
Hitler also stated that:
Red expresses the social thought that is under the movement. White, nationalist thinking. And the swastika means the mission reserved for us: the struggle for the victory of the Aryan human race, and at the same time the triumph of the inherent ideal of creative work, which will always be anti-Semitic.
The swastika was already used as a symbol of the völkisch – German nationalist movements.
On March 14, 1933, shortly after Hitler's commitment as Chancellor of Germany, the NSDAP flag was raised alongside Germany's national colors. The exclusive national flag was adopted on September 15, 1935.
The swastika was used on badges and flags throughout Nazi Germany, especially by the government and the army, but had its use by other "popular" organizations, such as the Reichsbund Deutsche Jägerschaft.
CAMILA REALIZED that the Thule Society was just a plaything in the hands of Hitler and Himmler, it always has been, so much so that only the powerful commander of the fearsome SS remained in society in search of objects like the Holy Grail, following the story of Parzifal, that the he took to Spain and even Longinus' spear, which was in an Austrian Museum, and the legend said that whoever held it in hand could never be defeated.
Half of the mystery had already been solved, now it remained to know who had killed the five Freemasons, and to know why it had happened in Gothic churches.