Chereads / G-one [Hero with a HART] / Chapter 50 - The game and its levels

Chapter 50 - The game and its levels

Moon was still sleeping on the couch. While the boys were up and jumping around exercising. Akash was doing some jumps while Piyush was doing his sit-ups and G-one was on his push-ups.

G-one: (takes off his vest) I will go and bath first.

Piyush: I will see if I can come up with anything to cook.

Akash: Hey G-one! Unlock the door for me please. I am on the sweeping duty today. Put the dustbin outside by the door.

G-one: Where is the key?

Akash: Hanging by the hooks on the wall beside the door.

G-one: Got it.

G-one unlocks the door, picks up the dustbin and opens the door to keep it outside. But to his surprise, Ana was standing at the door, ready to knock on it but instead she finds a bare G-one standing on the door.

Ana: (yells in embarrassment) Ahh!

G-one: (covers his HART by his left hand)

Moon: (jumps up) Wha...

Akash: (holding a broom) What the!!!

Piyush: (Jumps out of kitchen) Yo, what is happe...

Ana: (notices G-one covering his HART and looks at his packs)

Piyush: (butt kicks G-one) Crazy shit! What are you covering only HART for? You are half naked man (throws him inside).

Akash: (sweeps in) Why you! Came to give your attendance in the morning, termite?

Moon: (slaps Akash away) Good morning Ana! You are here early. Need something?

Ana: No, I was just ready to go to college with you.

The three behind: Huh!

Moon: Isn't it quite early for us to go to the college?

Ana: I woke up early today so I thought maybe we should go early.

Akash: For what, mowing the lawn?

Piyush: Maybe for wiping the floors or something?

G-one: For cleaning the fans maybe?

Ana: You three don't need to come, jerks.

Piyush: Well, I have cooking to do.

Akash: Sweeping, sweeping.

G-one: Phew! Lucky, she already knows about the HART. Lets go have a bath.

Piyush: (throws a towel at G-one) Next time cover your body before opening the door, crazy shit?

G-one: Yeah, yeah! (goes towards the bathroom).

Moon: I am sorry Ana. I just woke up, you see. Wait here, let me freshen up.

Ana: (Looks at G-one going towards the washroom, flushed) Geez! (sits on the couch and looks around).

Moon comes out after brushing her teeth.

Moon: Did you eat your breakfast?

Ana: Nah! I was hoping to get something in the cafeteria.

Moon: Silly, why would you eat in cafeteria? I will cook for you too (goes towards the kitchen).

Ana: Moon, don't.

Moon: You just sit there. Piyush!

Piyush: Start with the vegetables.

Moon: Arey! You will make me work as well.

Piyush: Help me a bit atleast cow.

Akash: (sweeping) What propelled you to get up this early today?

Ana: I don't know. I just felt like seeing Moon.

Akash: Seeing Moon huh! For that you skipped your breakfast. You are not homo, are you?

Ana: I can see some dirt in that corner, scram.

Akash: Ok ok, no need to be a termite. Well, is it really Moon or G-on... (recieves a butt kick).

Moon: (peeps out) What Ana? I heard something fall.

Ana: (nervously smiles) The monkey slipped and fell, see.

Moon: Oh! Ok.

Akash: Atleast be worried about it Moon, come on, damn it. So this is how you wanna play it, huh! Meet me outside, bitch?

Ana: I will rip you, punk. Let's do this.

G-one: (comes out wiping his head) I am done (sees Ana sitting, slips in a t-shirt in a zap). You are still here Ana. I thought you were gone.

Akash: (busy with his sweeping) She wanna eat fist.

Moon: (peeps out of the kitchen) Huh!!!

Akash: I mean she wanna eat some food, like as a breakfast. Moon is cooking for her in the kitchen with Piyush.

Ana: (staring at G-one) She insisted me to.

G-one: (slips on a t-shirt) Good, you shouldn't skip your breakfast. Akash go and bath, I will sweep the remaining.

Akash: Watch out for the snake, it has got sharp tongue.

G-one: Tongue or fangs... (sees the battle auras between Akash and Ana) Oh god!

Akash: (walks away) I will have to cool down, damn her.

Ana: Phew!

They get ready and step out for the college, walking together and chatting on their way.

Akash: (sees Moon and Ana walking ahead chatting and laughing) I don't belive this.

Piyush: Just our luck.

G-one: What's the matter with you two?

Piyush: What's the matter! You crazy fuck! It's her. Don't you see? She is suspicious of you. Don't you think it would be troublesome for someone like her to live opposite to our room like that?

Akash: For someone so vigilant, you are very calm about this. Did you forget why we chose to attend this college?

G-one: I did not. I am just sure that being her around would cost us nothing.

Akash: It is better if we keep the involved number on this case low. You understand? First it was Moon, now her, this could lead us astray.

Piyush: And I thought we three were enough and all.

G-one: Such aversion, do you hate her that much?

Piyush: It is no aversion shit fuck. It is just a sense of safety towards her. You know if we slipped a little, what could befall her. We have already seen what Ra-one could do. He is not dead in the last battle of yours. You said that yourself.

Akash: And who can hate such a beautiful girl?

G-one: Beautiful! You are the one fighting with that beautiful girl most of the time.

Akash: That is just time pass. And I am not fighting with her, I am fighting with her attitude. You don't need to worry, I know that attitude of her is just a facade. I just try to get rid of the facade with my rivalry game.

G-one: Is that so? Well, don't you think this benefits us as well.

Piyush: How so?

G-one: Look (indicates towards the girls), with her living so close, Moon can be kept occupied and we won't need to worry for her meddling in our purpose anymore. We can always count on Ana to keep her busy while we can focus on finding that bitch.

Piyush: Hmm! Sounds appealing.

Akash: (eyes grow bigger)

G-one: (notices Akash) What's wrong? It seems you found something.

Akash: (sees Lily and other at the intersection) My heroine! (slips away towards her).

Moon: Hey everybody.

Simar: Yo baby!

Lavangi: Good morning.

Lily: Ana, you coming from this way today.

Akash: (jumps towards her) Ya, let me tell you about it.

Simar: (grabs Akash by his neck) Tell me something first.

Akash: (chokes) Easy, easy, I can't breathe.

G-one: Huh! Weird.

Piyush: What's weird about this? He does that whenever he sees his heroine, doesn't he?

G-one: Yes...he does. I got something to talk to Simar and Lavangi, don't I?

Piyush: Oh yes! Get them to stop this nonsense.

G-one: I will try (goes to them). Hey, Simar, let the slime go. I need to talk to you two.

Simar: (let's Akash go) Me! What is it? You wanna fight?

G-one: Ya, let's throw each other. Lavangi you too.

Lavangi: I, I don't want to fight.

G-one: It was just a joke. I just need to talk to you two, alone. Come this way.

Mia: What is it G-one? What is it that you can't talk before everyone?

G-one: (gets closer to Mia)

Mia: (flushed) What are you!!

G-one: (whispers in her ear) It is for the sake of Piyush. I am gonna try to reason with them. Just keep this to yourself, Ok (walks away).

Mia: (looks at him go)

Ana: What did he say?

Mia: He, he wants to talk about Moon with them.

Moon: About me?

Mia: Ya, like how you are doing in football. The friendly match is coming up right, for that.

Ana: But that could have been discussed before everyone right.

Mia: He didn't want Moon to know.

Moon: But now I know, don't I?

Lily: Hey Piyush, what's that all about?

Piyush: What do I know?

Akash: Don't tell me G-one decided to take my place.

Lily: You slimebag! This is all your doing again (pulls him by his bag).

Akash: He is my best friend. That's the least he can do.

Lily: Geez! Well, you were going to tell me why Ana was coming with you all today.

Piyush: Because she got herself a room this way.

Lily: Is that so?

Akash: Ya, right across ours.

Lily: Wow, isn't that convenient.

Moon: Hey Akash, come over here for a second.

Akash: Huh! I will be back (goes to Moon).

Moon: Check if I saved Ana's contact properly or not.

Akash: Idiot, you only worte her name, where is her number? Gonna call her just by her name.

Ana: Let me tell you.

Mia: I am saving it in too.

Ana: Share me yours after this. (To Akash) Don't you dare save it in yours.

Akash: What a big termite! Tell me the number already I wanna get away from your stink.

Ana: Pig!

Mia: What is going on between you two?

Lily: He is always causing chaos everywhere.

Piyush: Lily!

Lily: Yes, (looks at Piyush who was serious).

Piyush: I too have something to discuss with you.

Lily: Huh!

Simar: What!

Lavangi: Piyush said that.

G-one: Yup, he doesn't like for you two to change yourself for him. He doesn't want to be the reason for you to create a fake personality.

Lavangi: Is that so?

Simar and Lavangi look at each other.

G-one: He is worried that he will become a wedge between the great friendship you two possess. So he wants you two to stop. He wants you to be real with each other, stay as you two are. By changing personalities, acting as someone else, you both are deceiving none other but yourselves. Listen to me, if you want to pursue him, just leave the showoff, be yourself. A person's own character makes him strong. Trying to be someone else will suppress your own powers and make you weak. Instead of asking for someone else's help, why not you two try to court him yourselves. This will allow you to understand your mistakes and help you correct it next time. Asking help from that monkey is only making you look stupid before him. And I am sure that is not what you want. You know why Nikita can't have him?

Simar: Why?

G-one: She is a fake.

Lavangi: Fake. You are saying that her boorishness is fake. Get real.

G-one: May be that is real, but the other thing is definitely fake.

Simar: Other thing?

G-one: She doesn't like Piyush as much as you two. She is faking it.

Lavangi: No way, how do you know?

G-one: Well, I have seen quite enough of her.

Lavangi and Simar: Huh!

G-one: I mean I have seen enough of her acting to come to this conclusion.

Simar: Oh!

Lavangi: You and your double meaning jokes.

G-one: You have a dirty mind, it is not my fault.

The first period...

Nikita sat in the other row like always from G-one and his group.

Akash: Hmm! I don't understand sometimes what that girl is thinking.

G-one: You are an old friend of her, talk to her. Maybe she is suffering from some kind of problem.

Akash: She is the problem termite. Well, she does tend to take fights alone. I will ask her.

Simar and Lavangi confused to what to do after hearing G-one, they keep glancing at Piyush now and then. Piyush noticed them acting weird as usual.

Piyush: (thinks) Looks like G-one failed to make em understand. (Sees Akash and G-one whispering) Bastards, I forgot they both were on it together. I never should have expected G-one to do anything. They both enjoy when I get fucked. Sons of bitches. I myself will have to talk to them.

During the lunch time...

Piyush: Simar..

Simar: I..I have to go (walks away).

Piyush: Huh! Lavangi!

Lavangi: I got something to do (walks out talking with Simar).

Piyush: What the! They are ignoring me. (Looks at the seat but G-one was not there, neither Akash) One is in the library and another one is with his heroine. What are they planning now? Is this another strategy to trap me in? Ok! I am not gonna loose either.

In the Library...

G-one: (stretches his arm) Yes! Writing is such a boring job.

Mia: You are finished?

G-one: Yeah.

Mia: But, we just started.

G-one: I have quite the speed, and I was already ahead of you from the start.

Mia: Oh no, Looks like I will have to sit here and complete it by myself then.

G-one: Why? I am not going. You will never be alone with me here.

Mia: (blushes) I..I.. thankyou.

Suddenly Ana enters into the library...

Ana: (sees G-one and Mia sitting) There.

Mia: Ana!?

G-one: Here to look for references for your practicals as well.

Ana: Well, you two told me that you saw books related to my subjects. Where are they?

Mia: Oh, let me see (stands).

G-one: (grabs her hand) You continue with the writing. I will help her.

Mia: (lost in the relaxing sensation, sits down).

G-one: (goes to Ana) If you won't mind, let me take you to that section.

Ana: Yes, ofcourse.

G-one: Tell me the content you are looking for. I will see in the indexes if I can find them as well.

Ana: Well..

After searching for sometime, they bring back few books.

G-one sits on his chair. Ana sits adjacent to his left and Mia was already sitting on his right.

Mia: That was quick.

Ana: He found them quickly, and I got only one relatable book.

Mia: Yeah, he is quite fast in his job.

G-one: Most of her content are almost in the same book unlike ours. And it seems she doesn't have much to write in.

Ana: Looks like it. I would be able to finish this by tomorrow I suppose.

G-one: Should I write some of it for you?

Ana: No, please, I don't want my teachers to think that I made someone else do my work for me.

Mia: He is right, let him help you. The teachers don't know your handwriting.

Ana: Oh yes they do. I am very much known among the teachers.

Mia: Among the students as well.

G-one: (thinks about Karan) Is it because of him?

Ana: (Looks at G-one) Well, I should start with it.

G-one: Well, I should get some books to spend my time with (goes looking for a book).

Ana: Has he completed his practical?

Mia: Ya, I am copying from his now.

Ana: Why doesn't he go back then?

Mia: (blushes) I don't know, maybe he doesn't wanna leave us alone.

Ana: (blushes as well).

G-one roams around looking for a book when he comes across the section of epics and novel. There he finds two huge books named The Ramayana and the Mahabharata epics. Fascinated by the names he was already quite familiar with. He pulls out the two epics and heads for his seat. He gently puts the books on his table and takes his chair. Ana and Mia look at the book in surprise.

Mia: Epics!

Ana: Why would you bring the epics?

G-one: I just felt like reading them.

Ana: But, don't you know the stories already?

G-one: So what? Judging by the size, I think I will be able to study detailed events of our epics, some of which I might have missed.

Mia: I didn't know the library had them.

Ana: It seems no body took them out for a long time.

G-one: Idiots, all of them, who look for knowledge elsewhere when we have such mountains of wisdom in our epics and Vedas. I am not stupid like them (flips the pages and begins reading).

Mia: Not in Sanskrit.

Ana: They would be idiot to keep sanskrit books in the library. No body studies Sanskrit these days.

G-one: Shame, I wish I knew how to read Sanskrit. I would have read the original writings long ago.

Ana and Mia smile at each other and continue with the writing.

In the field, Akash lay on Lily's lap, humming a song.

Akash: Well, you said something about a wedding.

Lily: Ya, of my cousin's. I remember.

Akash: When were you going there again?

Lily: I think it is the next month after the coming one. There is still time. Why do you ask?

Akash: I was thinking, it is about time as well.

Lily: Time for what?

Akash: For you to meet my mother.

Lily: What? Your mother!!

Akash: Yup, I think my mother should get acquainted with her daughter-in-law as soon as possible.

Lily: (flushed) Me, are you sure? Won't she be mad about it?

Akash: She will be mad if I didn't tell her about you. (Gets up) She will whack me for keeping such a beautiful girl a secret for so long.

Lily: I am scared.

Akash: Of whom? She is my mother, my. She would trade me for you in a heartbeat. I am sure she would be ecstatic to meet you.

Lily: Really! Then I should prepare myself.

Akash: What prepare! Just be yourself. And don't worry, we are not going just yet.

Lily: Then?

Akash: How about? After the friendly match of football. What say you?

Lily: Why after the match?

Akash: Well, I wanna tell my mother how strong her daughter is.

Lily: You think we will win?

Akash: Well, your chances of wining are slim but the chances of you giving your all is super high.

Lily: Then you think we won't.

Akash: What does that matter? Those are footballers just like you all. And if you trust and understand biology, then I know you will understand, even if you and the boys have trained the same, the boys will always be superior in terms of physical attributes. There is a significant difference between physical designs of a male and female. Therefore, if you gave them the need to run for the ball, even if you couldn't win, trust me, you actually won.

Lily: Well, I will try my best to give them the run for the ball, my partner. As long as you will be cheering for me from the side.

Akash: Cheering! I will be dancing for you.

Lily: (pushes him, laughing) Idiot, cheering will be enough. Don't become a real monkey just because they call you so.

Akash: Well, nobody's watching, I am ready (closes his eyes and forwards his face, pouting).

Lily: (puts a finger on his lips and pushes him back) Not now.

Akash: Again, you ruined the mood, again. Lily!

Lily: I will give you your mouth to mouth after the game. What say you?

Akash: You promise?

Lily: Promise, partner. Can you wait for that long?

Akash: Well, I can't for that long in truth. But for you, I will wait forever.

Lily: Is that so? I won't make you wait forever though. (Stands up).

Akash: (looks at his watch) Where are you going? We have so much time left.

Lily: You see, Moon was saying that I don't spend much time with her since I come out with you every lunch.

Akash: Did she say that, really?

Lily: Umm, maybe, something along that line. Anyway, how about I go to my class with Moon after our field time from now on?

Akash: Well, I am forbidden to go to your department anyway. Atleast Moon can go farther than me. Alright, But the field time is our alone, ok.

Lily: (smiles) Ok, partner (turns to walk away).

Akash: (grabs her hand, kisses on his right palm and then slides it over on the back of her grabbed hand) Love you, my heroine.

Lily: Love you too (starts walking looking back at him from time to time).

Akash sat there, looking her go. Suddenly a ball blow his head away.

Lily: Akash!!

Akash: (Gets up, pissed) Son of a bitch!

Player: (approaching) Sorry, I didn't mean to.

Akash: Termite, you again (throws the ball on his face), take this, bitch.

Lily: (walks away laughing).

Moon, Lavangi and Simar sat in the classroom on their bench laughing seeing something in their phone. Piyush stood outside the gate chatting with Shivam and Ayush.

Shivam: Well, looks like G-one isn't finish yet.

Ayush: You said Mia went with him.

Piyush: Yeah, I don't know why she followed along with him. She has already completed her practicals.

Shivam: G-one is quite a ladies man, I see. Girls seem to get attached to him easily huh.

Ayush: I don't understand, he is so awkward around girls. Piyush is more of a ladies man, if you ask me.

Piyush: Yeah, the honey that attracts all the dangerous bees.

Shivam: Now now, atleast you attract some. Some people are just depended on their hands.

Piyush: What made you think that my hands are on rest?

Shivam: Aye!! My boy. I knew you are our brother.

Ayush: But that horn dog Akash, how does he get girls proposing him?

Piyush: He is a smooth talker my man. If nothing, atleast that should be obvious to me for how long I have known him.

Shivam: Right, right, talking to them is the key.

Ayush: But what should we talk to them about?

Shivam: Ofcourse, that is the question.

Lily comes towards the class.

Ayush: Yo Lily.

Shivam: Hey,

Lily: Hey guys, is Moon inside?

Ayush: Yeah, she is sitting right over there with Simar and Lavangi.

Lily: Oh, thankyou, see you guys around.

Ayush: Yeah!

Lily: (looks at Piyush)

Piyush: (nods slightly)

Lily: (goes in).

Shivam: Damn, the girl must be upset that Akash got hit because of her.

Ayush: She didn't know that they will hit him for just going to her department.

Shivam: Nah! Not just for going to her department, he is engaged with a girl of their department, that's what ticked them.

Ayush: The fuck! She can go out with whoever she wants, it has nothing to do with them. Who they think they are, her father.

Piyush: It's not him or her guys, it was because of me. I misbehaved with some of the seniors of that department when I first arrived. I didn't know that they were seniors. They just wanted to get revenge on me by pulling out a reason to strike a fight with me.

Shivam: Don't worry my man, it is all done now. You said sorry, didn't you. If they try to come over you again, just call on us. We are brothers after all.

Piyush: I know bro. But I don't want a faculty war because of me. We are just here to study and enjoy our college time together. I don't wanna ruin how much fun we have together on the court.

Ayush: Yeah man, neither do I.

Shivam: Anyway, just don't be ashamed to ask for our help anytime.

Piyush: You too.

Shivam: Well, we are your seniors, so it is our responsibility to look after you.

Piyush: Why, aren't younger brothers supposed to help out their big brothers as well.

Ayush: Well, if you put it like that. Just don't go burning anything down hothead.

Shivam: Like he would, after all the thing he said.

Piyush: Don't be counting on it.

Ayush: Son of a bitch!!


Lily comes out with Moon. Simar and Lavangi follow them.

Piyush: Well guys, see you on the court. Bye.

Ayush: Yeah!

Shivam: Bye, brother. (walks away with Ayush).

Piyush: You are going somewhere?

Moon: Yeah, seems like Lily wants to take me on a walk around the campus.

Piyush: Great, I am coming with you too then.

Simar and Lavangi go back to their seats after hearing that.

Piyush: What happened to them?

Lily: I don't know. They were coming with us. I don't know what happened all of a sudden.

Moon: Hey guys, come. Why did you go back to your seats?

Lavangi: You all go. We got something to do.

Moon: Suddenly!!

Piyush: Good, good, very good, we three will be enough. Let's have some fun. Right, Lily.

Lily: R..right.

Piyush: (looks back at Simar and Lavangi but they were busy in their world). Let's go.

G-one imagined every scenario of the epic as he read through the pages one by one. Ana and Mia were astounded by G-one's unreal reading speed.

Ana: Are you even reading it or just flipping the pages?

G-one: (stops his finger sliding through the lines) What!?

Ana: Looks like you are just flipping the pages.

G-one: No, I am reading.

Mia: He is, what do I say, I was surprised by that as well but he has unordinary speed of doing things.

Ana: What, you have superpowers or something. Oh, I forgot, he does.

G-one: (puts hand on his HART) Ana! (slightly shakes his head in negative).

Mia: What!? What did you say?

Ana: Joke! A joke!

Mia: A joke? You do jokes. It appeared serious on your expressionless face.

Ana: I don't have a expressionless face.

Mia: You didn't know.

Ana: (touches her face to check) No, it can't be.

Mia: Tell her G-one.

G-one: Well, I have seen expressions on her face.

Mia: You have! Might be when she gets angry or something.

G-one: Nah! Some girly expressions.

Mia: What!?

Ana: I don't do girly expressions.

Mia: Why?

Ana: Umm! I just don't.

Mia: But, isn't it supposed to be normal for you? Or are you not...

Ana: I am a girl. Mia!

Mia: I was asking if you are not familiar with those feelings.

Ana: I am, (looks at G-one) I am.

G-one: Are you? Good to know then. Well, I knew that anyway. I don't know what kind of conversations girls have, but a person themself knows it better what he or she is. And you have interrupted my divine study for quite sometime. And again, yes I am reading the epic not just flipping the pages so don't sway me again, please (goes back to his reading).

Mia: (stares at Ana).

Ana: I am a girl, Mia.

Mia: Ok, I never said you were not. Calm down.

Moon: (leaning on the edge, looking out the window) Lily look, we can see the entire playground from this part of the building.

Lily: Ofcourse you can. This is the third floor after all.

Piyush: I heard we couldn't come to the third floor.

Lily: No, who said that? We can go anywhere. We just need to stay away from causing the third years any trouble.

Piyush: I see. (Nods to ask her if she noticed anything).

Simar: (nods in negative).

Piyush: (looks at his watch) Well, looks like the bell is about to strike. Let's head back.

Moon: But, this is just the first building. I wanna see Lily's classroom.

Piyush: How about we do it tomorrow. You wanna do everything in just one day.

Moon: What do you know? You have already been to her class.

Piyush: Well, going to her class didn't bode well with us. And you have been to that part yourself too, crazy sis.

Moon: I have just been to the cafeteria, that's all, jerk.

Piyush: You can see her class from there, can't you?

Moon: Woah! Would that do for me?

Piyush: Nothing just do for you, does it?

Moon: What did you say? I will throw you out of the window now.

Lily; Now now, relax you two. We will go their tomorrow. I will take you there myself.

Moon: Ofcourse, you are my dear friend after all (grabs her hand and hugs her).

Piyush: (smiles)

Akash: (comes out of the cafeteria with a huge packet of chips in his hands chewing one by one).

Nikita: (passes by)

Akash: Yo, Nikki,

Nikki: You! There is always something in your mouth.

Akash: Oye! What does that mean?

Nikki: Won't give me some?

Akash: You have to ask.

Nikki: (opens her mouth and Akash feeds her).

Akash: Can't eat by yourself.

Nikki: I am doing some work, can't get my hands dirty right now.

Akash: What work? Practical?

Nikki: Yeah! Something like that.

Akash: (feeds her) G-one and Mia are doing practicals too. They have been in the library for the last few days.

Nikita: Is that so?

Akash: Where are you doing your work from?

Nikita: My classmates made a group for it.

Akash: Check out the library if you need some content.

Nikita: Yeah, I will (eats).

Akash: You don't come to eat lunch with us. Others were worried about you.

Nikita: Well, I told you, it's the practical. I needed sometime with my group. And I meet them on the football field everyday, don't I?

Akash: Well, it was G-one who thought that you might have some kind of problem. And I know you better. You always try to solve your problems alone without letting us help.

Nikita: (laughs) Do you think I need anyone's help to solve my problems?

Akash: Well, those people need to know about your problems who will get cocked up after you are done with it.

Nikita: (ignored him and tries to walk away).

Akash: You always do this. Nikki, I am talking to you. Well, tell me that you will participate in the upcoming football match, they really need you.

Nikita: (looks back, smiles deviously) Don't worry, that game has nothing to do with my plan (walks away).

Akash: Wha!! What does that mean? What a cunt!

G-one and Mia return from the library.

Mia: I still have some left. Tomorrow I will be finished.

G-one: We can come back tomorrow. No, we have to come back tomorrow. I still have that one book left to read. I can't believe how much knowledge they contain.

Mia: And I can't believe that you have finished two epics of such capacity in one hour.

G-one: We are so lucky that those two epics belong to our culture (sees Akash walking about with the chips packet) Bitch! (jumps and chokes his neck) You dare eat that alone.

Akash: (coughs) I..I...was bringing it you, damn it.

G-one: Scum, you have already finished more than half of it.

Akash: Take the left over termite. It's all yours.

Mia: (swipes the packet of his hands and gulps down the remaining chips in one go).

G-one: Oh no! You didn't, Mia.

Mia: (chewing).

G-one: (mouth hangs)

Mia: (slowly starts laughing).

Akash: (puts his hand on her shoulder and breaks into laughter with her) You played it girl and you won.

G-one: (sighs, smiles).

After school...

The boys were walking behind with endanger reaction while the girls walked ahead of them.

Akash: Hey G-one!

G-one: I know, but I can't do anything about it.

Piyush: (says nothing).

Akash and G-one: (look at Piyush) Huh!

Piyush: (Yells) What crazy fucks! I do not trust you anymore. You are surprised that I didn't say anything and I am worried what you said to them.

Akash: What termite! I didn't say nothing to no one.

G-one: I said what you wanted me to say to them.

Piyush: Shut the fuck up crazy bitches! I know what you did. I told you to get done with this woo-doo thing and all I see is another agenda brewing up.

G-one: You got it wrong man.

Piyush: I got it right. Here these two and there that girl who could kill you by her gaze. And anything I say is another piece of garbage that nobody cares about. So, I better stay quiet, fuck.

Akash: (goes around and wraps his arm around Piyush's neck) Take it easy man. Don't worry, until I am here, nobody would say that you are a piece of garbage on your face.

Piyush: Crazy shit, (pushes him) Fuck.

G-one: (giggles)

Akash: (laughs) I mean until I am here. It doesn't matter what garbage comes, it will have to go through me.

G-one: Ya, through the garbage cleaner.

Akash: Oi! Well, cleaning something is always the better job than spreading shit.

G-one: Say honorable.

Piyush: Ha! While cleaning, sweep me away too, bastard.

Akash: (tackles him) Chill babe, I am here.

Piyush: You are the one who did this to me.

Akash: Hahaha!

Later that day,

Moon: (wearing her slippers) I am going to Ana.

Piyush: You became quite good friends with her in just one day.

Moon: She is a good person, ofcourse I will become friends with her.

Akash: She is a snake. Stay away or she will bite you, Moon.

Moon: Play your game, monkey.

Piyush: You have G-one's phone, don't you?

Moon: Well, I had no one to spent time with, so I immersed myself in the phone. But now, since Ana is just living in the opposite house, I would rather spend my time with her.

Piyush: Well, atleast you got off of the gaming. Don't go anywhere else.

Moon: Yeah, yeah (walks away).

Ana: (peeping out of the window and sees Moon leaving and Piyush standing at door saying something to her).

Buddy: (sitting with Akash watching him play).

Piyush: Well, I think I will go for a walk too. Buddy, come on.

Akash: Hmmm! (playing).

Piyush: (squints) You better not have adviced those girls to pull another stupid charade over me.

Akash: (waves his hand) Go away, I didn't even talk to them today. Well, not about you anyway.

Piyush: I hope you are telling the truth (walks out with Buddy, shuts the gate).

Akash quickly closes his game and goes to his browser looking into the incident report that happened with G-one and his mother three years ago. Everywhere, he finds incomplete details about the incident. He himself knew more than what was given in the reports. Atleast he found out what the world knows about the incident. They just washed it off like any other local murder. The incident was just another piece of paper in the records. On realising he can't find much from these half assed reports. He goes to finding the origin of the game and the HART. Even though the game was discontinued, the records about it were still present on the internet. He comes across the name of the company that made it. Upon looking into the company, he found out that the company was also working on a technology that could bring digital information into the real world, which can then be touched and felt using the invisible frequency waves around us.

Akash: What's this? They are not serious (sees a demonstration video linked with the article) Son of a! This could explain how G-one and Ra-one came out of the game and attained physical forms.

As he went deeper, he found about the death of two people related with the production of the game. First death was deemed as electrocution, while the second death's cause was unidentified. The second person had a wife and a son, who were reported to be chased by the same person who died first on the London streets. Then, a person resembling the man who died next, showed up on the CCTV footage of two airports, one in London and another in Mumbai. Apparently, the person was involved in a skirmish outside the Mumbai airport, however, the cause of the skirmish is unknown and details about the incidents were unclear. Later, the wife and the son were reported murdered by an unknown individual in the same manner as that of G-one's mother. The more surprising fact is that her husband or the person resembling her husband had vanished quite a long time before the death of the mother and son.

Akash: (wipes his sweat off of his forehead) The name of the victims, it is of those who died in the haunted house. Where is this taking me? There is no way nobody noticed such an abnormal case. But why is there so little detail about it? Is someone trying to hide this case or something? Or just simply people are not aware of it. Prateek, huh! The article has this name and even G-one said it. Maybe I can find something about his name. His picture, if I remember, it was in the first article along with his mother's.

Akash searches the name on the browser and a list of related names pops up.

Akash: Ofcourse, there wasn't going to be only one Prateek in this world. It wil ltake too much time if I open and look every website. (Notices) FB, oh yes ofcourse, hope he is on FB (clicks the link).

Looking into the suggested list, he matches the profile pictures with the article picture. After some searching, he comes across his profile.

Akash: There he is. Let's hope we find something valuable here. 

Akash begins looking into the profile. The teenager, as other of his age, had posted many pictures and stuff on his profile recording various moments of his life. Looking for something relatable, Akash ends up at the post where he and his father took a selfie in the game launching ceremony of the said game Ra-one. The caption read, " At the game launch with my Appa". Akash checks the date of his father's death. There was a significant time gap between the next post which Akash assumed was because of the passing of his father. But, the next one suprised him greatly.

Akash: (stunned) The fuck!

The caption of the next post read, "Meet G-one, from the game". He quickly slides down and checks the earlier post. G-one and Prateek's father had the same face.

Akash: (rubs his eyes) What is this? The one in this picture with him is G-one. But, isn't he his father? Well, the hairstyle is different and kinda looks more, handsome. Well, that's my perspective atleast. But, isn't his father supposed to be dead by now? Then, he is the one from the game.

Then, there were many other posts of G-one, Prateek and his mom together and individually in the timeline of them having some great time together. Suddenly, there again came a significant gap between two posts. The first post had G-one standing tall looking towards the sky, alone. But in the next post, it was just a PC setup, with G-one's HART connected to the setup via wires. The caption read, "Found a way to bring back G-one".

Akash: Bring back!? Does he mean he went back into the game? Then what I heard was true. When G-one defeats Ra-one he will go back or say vanish with him.

Next post read, "Back to India, I failed in London, but I will definitely resurrect him this time, I just have to play the game once again".

Akash: So, after G-one vanished, they went back to London, I think Prateek must have asked his mother because G-one first appeared in London. He must have thought he can somehow resurrect him there. But when he failed, his mother must have brought him back to India. But the boy didn't give up and he went and did the only thing he could think of to bring G-one back and the thing that will bring disaster along with it. Looks like this was his last post. God! (Grabs his head) I thought I would find a solution on how to stop G-one from vanishing, but looks like there is nothing I can get from this profile. Wait, (eyes grow bigger) What if! Yes, I need to talk to G-one about it first.

G-one and Piyush return together with Buddy walking beside them from the supermarket.

G-one: Hmm! So Lily didn't see Moon unintentionally leaving magic residues anywhere.

Piyush: Maybe, you were wrong. She must have good control over her magic if she can give her magic to someone whenever she wants.

G-one: It was just a possibility. Did you see her activate her magic anytime?

Piyush: Crazy shit, I can't see magic.

G-one: I mean Lily.

Piyush: What do you mean?

G-one: It is an aura which becomes visible whenever one activates his or her magic.

Piyush: Hmm, Lily didn't mention anything like that. But, if someone has magic, isn't it supposed to be visible all the time?

G-one: Yes, like Lily's, her aura is visible all the time. That tells she has exceptional amount of magic. But, there are some cases where you can't see a person's aura even if they have magic.

Piyush: Explain it, will ya?

G-one: Like in Akash's case, if you have little magic, then it won't appear out of you as your aura unless you activate your magic.

Piyush: Hmm! But what makes you think Moon has less magic. If she can give magic to others, it is to understand that she has exceptional magic capacity as well.

G-one: She said it herself that our realm has low magic compared to hers. She can't absorb magic as much as she could at her home.

Piyush: But, you said she gets her magic from the sun.

G-one: Not just sun, from the Moon and the trees as well.

Piyush: Then there should be plenty of magic for her to take in.

G-one: I am not sure but there are other reasons that are restricting her from absorbing magic.

Piyush: Now what could those reason be, man?

G-one: That only she could tell.

Piyush: Then, I should better discuss this with Lily tomorrow, the aura thing and continue with monitoring her if she activates her power anytime.

G-one: That's the idea. I will try to ask her about the restrictions.

Piyush: Ya. Anyway, what should we have for dinner today?

G-one: Let's see. Buddy might be hungry too, right my friend?

Buddy: Woof.

G-one: Looks like you two had some good workout together.

Piyush: Yeah, I think I should go out for a walk like that everyday. Don't you agree, Buddy?

Buddy: (nods yes).

G-one: I told you, he understands more than we think he does.

Piyush: (laughs) Ofcourse, (rubs Buddy's head) he is our dog after all.

The room...

Piyush: (on phone) What! You gotta be kidding me.

G-one: (cooking in the kitchen)

Akash: What's wrong termite? Why are you barking?

Piyush: Moon says she is sleeping over at Ana's.

Akash: (gets up) Huh! Tell her not to get so comfortable with her.

Piyush: (On phone) Get back here this instant. We are cooking for you. What do you mean you have already eaten there? That's not what we agreed on when you went to see her.

G-one: (Comes out of the kitchen wiping his hands) Ok ok, let her stay the night with Ana if she wants.

Piyush: But!

Akash: G-one, has your brain slipped?

G-one: Don't worry, she has my phone with her. If anything happens I will notice it immediately. And she is just across the road to us. Well, if you will excuse me for sometime. Keep watch over the gas stove. I will be back in a giffy (runs out of the house).

Akash: There he goes. I wll check the stove (walks towards the kitchen).

Piyush: Fine then, see you in the morning.

G-one shuts the door and runs alongs the street. Ana peeps through and watches him go while Moon spoke with Piyush behind her.

Next day,

Piyush was being ignored by Lavangi and Simar, G-one bounces his shoulder looking at Piyush saying he doesn't know what's going on either.

During the class...

Akash: I wanted to ask you for a favour, my man.

G-one: This better not be about Simar and Lavangi's issue.

Akash: No bro, we have moved ahead of that.

G-one: Then, is this about porn? It has been some time since I saw one, I don't have any new links to provide you with.

Akash: Termite, it is about a game.

G-one: Bitch! You play games more than me, you got the laptop. Why are you asking me for games?

Akash: It is about the game.

G-one: The game!

Akash: Ya, if you don't mind, I want to know about the game to which your HART belong to.

G-one: Why all of a sudden?

Akash: I just felt like, I... I need to know. I am very curious. How the game, that has allowed its characters to hop out of it, is actually designed?

G-one: Well, if I remember, the game's graphics were pretty advanced and the mechanics was high class. It was obvious that some very hi-tech company developed it.

Akash: No doubt about it, how were the levels? I mean the missions or objectives in the game.

G-one: I think the game had three levels, each level had different missions or say sub levels, pretty long and immersive gameplay if you ask me.

Akash: Can you give me a summary about the levels and the missions?

G-one: Hmm, the first level with a cutscene of me and Ra-one facing off on top of a building, then he jumps down into the crowd and vanishes. You will have to use your power to sense the negative energy and find out Ra-one who is disguised as a citizen. When you find him, a power blast sequence takes place, where you shoot blasts at each other, jumping from building to building or crashing on the streets. And when you are close to beating him, he disguises himself into another citizen and you have to again look for him using your energy sensing ability. I think it happens three times.

Akash: After that?

G-one: After that we go to level 2, it had more sublevels and God they were long. He used his most disturbing power, the power of manipulation. He would randomly choose citizens from the crowd and manipulate them into fighting me. The worst thing is that, he himself disguises as a citizen and would attack from anywhere within the crowd and if you failed to counter at the right time, you will loose a great portion of your health. You cannot find him unless you defeat and set free all the citizens being manipulated. There is a given time limit, if you fail to free citizens within that time limit, the number of citizens grow and another time limit appears. And bitch, this level was hard to beat. When you finally find Ra-one, you had to engage in a melee combat of three rounds with that bastard. You had to survive for three minutes every three rounds, but the problem was his inhuman and super regeneration, it was 10 times the regeneration speed of G-one, I mean come on, if you didn't want G-one to win then you should not have given him arms and legs. All you could do is, dodge and counter and use his own momentum against him. Even if you knocked him down, after few seconds he recovers his entire health, you listening, entire health and stands up again ready to fuck you up. Ridiculous!

Akash: And I believe you beat that level too you game freak, what was in the third level?

G-one: After the second level I paused the game to go and have dinner, I decided to play the third level after dinner, but you see, it was not meant to be.

Akash: Oh! Then if my deduction is right, the last time you and Ra-one fought, you beat him in the blast fight.

G-one: Yeah, and I blew up that poor truck too. God knows who the owner of that truck was.

Akash: That means you completed the first level. And you defeated him before he could disguise himself into another citizen, that means you didn't have do this sublevel three times this time.

G-one: You are right, and I even freed all the citizens under his control, but I destroyed him before freeing the citizens, or I would have completed the level 2 as well. Damn it. Next time I will wipe him out of existence, for sure. Dude, you gave me quite a motivation, now I think I can sweep him off easily.

Akash: So, he is on level 2, huh.

Through the class, Piyush focuses on his studies and ignored them ignoring him. During lunch time, the girls get a message on their phone saying they have their friendly match scheduled the day after tomorrow.

Piyush: (Goes to Moon) Let's go, sis. You wanted to go to Lily's class right, come on let's go.

Moon: Where is Lily?

Piyush: She is with Akash. We will meet her outside.

Moon: Fine, see you later guys.

Lavangi: Yeah.

Simar: Bye.

Piyush walks out of the class with Moon while Lavangi and Simar stare at him go dolefully.

Lily and Akash were walking back into the building.

Akash: What did you say?

Lily: I said you made the atmosphere between those three awkward.

Akash: What did I do? It was all those two. They wanted my help, I helped them. That's what I was supposed to do as their friend.

Lily: You helped them mess up, now you have to help them make every thing go back to normal.

Akash: Arey! What am I, a mechanic who should keep fixing everyone's car if it stops moving.

Lily: (twists his ears) Then don't give them a car to drive if you can't fix it when they break it.


Piyush: (arrives with Moon) Yo, Lily.

Lily: They are here, go talk to Lavangi and Simar.

Akash: Fine(walks away).

Moon: Lily, (locks arm with her) we got the date for our friendly match.

Lily: Is that so? Who told you that?

Moon: Lavangi and Simar got a message in their phones from the seniors.

Lily: When is it?

Piyush: (Silently follows them).

The library...

G-one turning the pages of Mahabharat epic.

Ana: You didn't finish them yet.

G-one: What! You thought one can finish such massive epics in less than one hour, not even one but two. Get real. I am not a robot, you know.

Ana: I never considered you one.

G-one: Well, I will attain all the knowledge from the respected epics today. You two better finish your writings too. You both are so slow.

Ana: Don't act smug just cause you can read fast.

G-one: I don't need to show off before you, do I?

Ana: Why?

G-one: Because you know taekwondo, my reading speed is dust in from of your ferocious kicks.

Ana: Making fun of me, are you?

G-one: Damn, nobody believes the facts nowadays (focuses on his reading).

Ana: (sighs)

Mia: Well, your kicks are famous for making people eat dust (smiles).

Ana: Are they?

Mia: Yes, that is a pretty popular pair you got.

Ana: P..pair! (Whispers) I am a girl. Are you still confused?

Mia: God! I am talking about your legs, Ana.

Ana: Oh!

G-one: (lost, imagining the scenes he is reading).

On the other hand, Moon charms everyone as she passes through the corridors exploring the building like a adventurous kid. The other students were surprised by her beautiful foreign face. As soon as she enters Lily's class, the students present were intruigued upon seeing Moon up so close. Lily takes Moon and makes her meet her friends and classmates. They quickly flock around Moon talking about this and that, showing their apparatus to Moon, Piyush just silently watched them from outside the class.

Boy: (passing through) You looking for someone, buddy?

Piyush: Nah, I came here with my sister.

Boy: Sister!?

Piyush: There (points to Moon).

Boy: She is your sister! God damn. Did she come back from abroad or something?

Piyush: Yeah, yeah, something like that, hehe.

Boy: She is pretty, my man. See you (pats on Piyush's shoulder and walks away).

Piyush: Thankyou, (Whispers) my sister would be, happy to hear that.

After some friendly conversations and explorations, Moon comes out with Lily and her friends.

Moon: Thankyou all, I learnt many things today, all because of you.

Lily's friend: You can come again anytime you want.

Other girls: Yes, right.

Moon: Ofcourse, I will come back soon.

Lily: Let's go, we still got some places to see.

Moon: Bye you guys, see you soon.

The girls: (wave their hands).

Piyush: You enjoyed your time inside.

Moon: Why didn't you come in with us?

Piyush: Well, I didn't want to ruin the mood ( looks at Lily).

Moon: Just say you have already been here that's why you did not come with us.

Piyush: Understand at once when I say something. Don't always be ready to fight.

Lily: Now now, where is the brother and sisterly love between you two? You both just need a chance.

Moon: Where should we go next?

Lily: Let's see.

The three of them start walking. They pass by a group of boys who were whispering and giggling about something.

Boy 1: Holy shit! Look at that chick. Oh my god, what would I not do to pin her down.

Boy 2: Do you know if she is available? I will really like to take her out sometimes and have her taste my cream roll.

Boy 3: No man, look, that wimpy boy is with him.

Boy 1: Don't worry about him, he is just her brother.

Boy 3: Oh then he should have no problem if we take her out, should he? He should thank us for thinking of taking care of his sister.

Boy 1: Yes, right. After all, not everyone is capable of handling such beauty.

Boy 4: Should we ask her if she is free?

Boy 2: Hey, you, blondie.

Moon: Are they calling me?

Lily: (nervous, pulls Moon) Ignore them Moon, they are just playing around.

Boy 3: Don't ignore us sweet cheeks, would like to go on a ride with me babe?

Moon: I don't think they are just playing around. They are seriously calling me.

Lily: You just keep walking. (sees Piyush walking with his first tight with endanger reaction on his face, walking with heavy steps before them) Piyush!

Piyush: (slides his fists into his pocket, looks back with a forced smile) Yeah, Lily.

Lily: (terrified) Don't do anything rash, they are seniors. Things could escalate.

Piyush: Hahaha,what are you talking about? Is there a problem? Well, none that I see (turns his head ahead and continues walking).

Moon: What's wrong Lily? Why is your voice shivering? You are alright?

The group begins approaching them now.

Boy 3: Hey babe, we have been calling you. Oooh! You are really mesmerising up close.

Boy 1: Intoxicating, look at that smooth skin. Gotta feel good right.

Lily: (pulls Moon close, Moon looks at her face) Sir, please, she is new here, spare her.

Boy 3: Shut your mouth, thank God that you belong to our department or you would have faced the concequences of talking back to your senior by now. Just let her come this way (tries to pull Moon towards him).

Moon: (Swats his hands away) Why you, why are you talking so rudely to Lily? There is a limit to joking around.

Piyush: (Burning up)

Boy 3: (shakes his hand) Ouch, shit, she got some hit man, feels like I broke my wrist.

Boy 2: Son of a bitch, she is a beauty with brawn.

Boy 4: If the daughter is like this, imagine her mother.

Suddenly a fist straight to his face throws him back to his group and the boys behind grab him.

Boy 4: (balances himself and wipes his blood dripping out of his mouth) Now you have done it.

Piyush without saying anything jumps on the boy and unleashes a barrage of punches. The other boys engage with him as well. They kick him away of the fourth boy, Piyush swings his elbow to the one who tries to grab him from behind, then drives his knuckles into the face of the one coming from front. Another boy pushes him from behind and third guy punches him in the face. Soon, the students begin to gather around. Lily stood there frozen on her place thinking about what to do when she sees feels a sudden chill and sees Moon's aura suddenly enveloping her and gradually growing bigger.

Moon: (Angry) What are you doing to my brother? (Steps ahead).

Lily: (grabs Moon and pulls her back)

Moon: Lily! Why?

Lily: Don't, don't be crazy Moon, calm down.

Moon: They are hitting my brother.

Lily: You stay away from there. I am calling Akash.

In the library...

G-one: (touches the book and then touches his forehead as a sign of respect, stands)

Mia: You done?

G-one: Thankyou God, for blessing us with this great treasure.

Ana: Treasure it is, truly.

Mia: You are going?

G-one: Is your work finished?

Mia: Just some left. Will be finished soon though.

G-one: Then let me just put the book back to its respected place.

Mia: Ok, don't go yet but.

G-one: (smiles) I won't.

G-one goes to put the book back. Suddenly he sees Nikita in the history section, shuffling through the books.

G-one: Nikita!

Nikita: (Looks at G-one) What a surprise! (goes to G-one).

G-one: You here looking for a book?

Nikita: Yeah. A very good friend of mine told me that I will find the reference book I am looking for in the library. And (looks at Mia and Ana busy writing there practicals), looks like you were here for the same reason.

G-one: Yeah, but I have already finished my share of work. I am just accompanying Mia and waiting for her to finish hers. Did you find the book you were looking for?

Mia: Not yet, but I found the other thing I was looking for.

G-one: Other thing?

Mia: I heard you were worried about me.

G-one: Not just me, Moon and Akash were worried too. They thought that you might be facing some problem.

Nikita: What makes you think that?

G-one: You kept sitting far away from us and were not coming to do lunch with us, so we thought you were involved in some trouble.

Nikita: That or me not coming to see my darling Piyush made you tick.

G-one: That was a part of it too, I guess.

Nikita: You guess! Does it make you jealous?

G-one: Make me jealous? Of what?

Nikita: About me fawning over Piyush like that?

G-one: You kidding? I am rooting for you two to hit it off. If you ask me, (Whispers by closing in) You two look good together. And I think Piyush has slight feelings for you too. You may win him over before Simar and Lavangi.

Nikita: Tch! You do not get it.

G-one: I think you don't get it that I get it more than you think.

Nikita: (Looks at Mia and Ana) I can see that.

G-one: (laughs) Ofcourse, I am an open book after all.

A classmate of Nikita walks into the library all giddy. She sees Nikita standing by the bookshelves alone as G-one was hidden by the shelves.

Classmate: (Goes to Nikita) Nikita!

Nikita: (Looks at her classmate, nervous, tries to send her away).

Classmate: I got something interesting to tell you.

Nikita: (smiles nervously looking at G-one, gesturing her to leave).

G-one: (Whispers) Go head, listen what she has to say, don't worry about me. I won't hear in.

Classmate: Listen girl, hear this then you won't ask me to leave. Your plan is in motion. The seed you sowed for the faculty war has sprouted. Our boys along with some of the boys from the B tech department have engaged your friend, what was his name, G-one, yes. They confronted him with that foreign girl in the B tech section of the building. A little taunting as you said and he lost control. It is just about time now, until his science buddies join in the fray. I didn't see it myself, I just heard it from one of our boys who came back from the scene to get others. I came to get you, hoping we could go and witness it together.

Nikita: (her eyes grew as she looked at G-one).

Classmate: What are you looking over there? (Moves behind Nikita) I told you to

As she crossed behind Nikita, she found out what Nikita was looking at all frozen. She was looking in the sharp eyes of G-one which were glaring at her with an expression that can only be defined by one word, "Rage".