Chereads / G-one [Hero with a HART] / Chapter 2 - Here I come

Chapter 2 - Here I come

Now, the place where Prateek used to live with his mother is a ruin. A warning sign board standing before the house says to stay away from it for good sake. I went to the neighborhood after few months of the incident. I usually live with my mother. She is a teacher. After my father died on the front lines serving our nation, my mother was all left alone. My father ones told me,"son be mischievous as much as you want but never forget to help someone in need". I admired him the most. He was my hero. When I lost my dad I switched my self to games to overcome his presence. As a result, it turned me into a gamefreak. I love to play computer games.

Mom:Jeevan! Jeevan! where are you?Breakfast is ready.Come have it before going to school or you will be late.

Ya, it's me. I am Jeevan. This name was given by my father. He gave me this name because he used to protect so many lives on duty. Calling me Jeevan used to make him remember his one and only job he loved that is protecting lives. When I asked him that why kill to protect life, he replied that he only kills those who destroy lives, who don't have any value or sympathy for anyone's life. One day I would have the same decision to make and he knew I will make the right choice. I still remember his words and I wish that judgement day never comes cause I don't like blood, however, fighting and killing is fun without blood , like in games.

Jeevan:Ya mom , I am coming.

I quickly had my breakfast. Suddenly the door bell rang.

Mom:Son, check who is at the door?

Jeevan:Ya mom.

I knew who was at the door. They were my friends Piyush and Akash. I opened the door.

Mom:Who is there?

Akash:Its us Aunty. We are here to accompany Jeevan to school.

Mom:Oh!did you both have your breakfast?Should I bring something for you to eat?

Piyush:Thanks Aunty but we are already full. May be later.

Mom:Ok,ok.You three don't forget to have your lunches.

Jeevan:Ya mom we won't now see you later. (Bus horn)

Akash: Hurry,bus has arrived.

Piyush stumbled.

Mom:Easy you three (whispering)These boys.

We sat beside the driver in the front. Driver was a nice guy. He used to joke most of the time. I used to pass almost daily after the haunted house. I was curious about what was inside.

Jeevan:Driver uncle!What's with that creepy looking house?

Driver:Sheesh boy!Don't talk about it. Its haunted. A boy with his mother died almost a year ago. Since then weird noises could be heard if you go much closer.

Akash:Ya,he is right my father told me to stay away from the house.

Driver:The boy was brutally murdered.Police found his body pinned on the wall and..

Piyush(interrupting):And his limbs and legs were torn apart.

Jeevan:What a tragedy!

Driver:Ya,that's why I will advice not to go any closer to that house.Got it.

Jeevan:Ok,I got it. I kept thinking what would be inside of the house. I played so many games that I didn't believe in ghosts. I wanted to see inside the house. So I decided to go in someday. It was Friday, date May 31st .National holiday for some reason. My mother was resting at home. I decided to go check the house.

Jeevan: Mom,I am going to play with my friends. I will return soon.

Mom:Ok lad,Just watch yourself on the road.

I went out to meet my friends to convince them to come with me.

Akash:(frightened)You know about that place, don't you? On the other hand my father restricted me to go there.

Piyush:You know what is in there,then why?Go if you wanna go, I am not coming.

Akash: Neither am I.

Jeevan: See buddy,you don't have to come in. Just stand at the door and go tell my mom if something happens.

Akash:Why take the risk when you..

Jeevan:Oh cut it,are you coming or not?

Piyush:Ok ok, but only till the gate.

Jeevan:Enough for me.

We three marched toward the house. An eerie aura could be sensed just by going closer to the house. I could feel the two shivering in fear.

Jeevan:(to light the situation)Damn it's cold.

Akash:(faltering)Stop joking and hurry.I can't stay here for long.

Jeevan:Ok bro,chill

Piyush:Go in already.

We striked the back of our fist with each other. I went in. It was dark inside though sun was still up. I could hear it now, the sound of typing and babbling. I got stuck. What is it?A hole in the floor. I pulled out my leg and went deeper. I could hear something, whisper, what does it say,"welcome I have been waiting for you". It sounded like the voice of a boy of my age.

Piyush:Hey!you okay in there?

Jeevan:Ya I am fine.

I proceeded cautiously. A noise of foot steps creaked behind me. I turned back.No one!

Jeevan:Who is there?

Anonymous:It's ok no need to be afraid.

Jeevan:What the....

I heard someone crying in the other room . I went to check. There were dead body markings on the floor and one on the wall. So the driver was right. Something fell off in the other room. I ran towards the noise.

Jeevan:(trying to see properly)Where is this light coming from?A computer!How is it working without any electrical supply?

I was surprised.The Hart was connected and was glowing brightly. It caught my eye. I wanted that. I didn't know what it was first but I wanted that. When I moved to get a hold off it I saw something.

Me:Whoa!A gaming console. wow

Anonymous:(whispering)Take it, my friend, take it with you and have my revenge.

Jeevan:Wha..what was that you say?

Suddenly the HART disappeared.I could feel something in body. My veins turned blue. They were shining crazy blue like the HART.

Jeevan:What's wrong with me?I should get out of here as soon as I can.

The room behind me began to crash.I looked behind while running. I saw someone,a boy of my age standing there watching me and smiling. A drop of tear rolled down his cheek. I didn't stop running. The game set was in my arms. I was being followed by pigeons. I think they lived in the house. I came out.

Jeevan:(huffing)Did..did you see that?

Akash:We should get out of here asap.

Piyush: Follow me. Hurry.

We reached the park we used to play in.We sat under the tree.

Piyush:(indicating)What's this?

Akash:Looks like a game gear to me.

Jeevan:Yes it is. I found it in the house.

Akash:Ok why don't you give it to me today?

Jeevan:No, first I will play then anyone else.

Piyush:Ya he is right. He got it by risking his life though. After playing give it to me ok.

Akash:No,I will be the one taking it.

Piyush:no it will be me.I agreed on his decision first.

Akash:That doesn't make any sense here.

Jeevan:I will give you both don't quarrel.Let me check if it works.I had a blue shining object in my hand.It disappeared when my veins turned blue.

Piyush:Veins turned blue!What are you saying?

Jeevan:Ok leave it. It doesn't matter anyways. But it was really beautiful.

Akash:It's ok but how did you manage to ruin the house?

Jeevan:I don't know.It fell on its own.

Piyush:It could be.It was already a ruin to begin with and only a roof at the back side has fallen, most of its parts still stands.

Jeevan:Ok lets go home.Its getting late.

Akash:We should go with you to your home to tell your mother we gave you the gaming gear or she will worry for where did you get that.

Jeevan:Ya,you are right.Lets go.

We went toward my house.My mother opened the door.

Mom:Oh!you came.You two are with him too.What's this in your hand?

Piyush:Oh! that Aunty,Akash gave him to play.

Mom:Oh! I see.Come in then.

Akash:Ok Aunty we should get going. Good night aunty.

Piyush:Good night aunty.

Mom:Good night son. Be careful on your way home.

Jeevan:Ok good night.See you tomorrow. Bye.

I didn't know whether that night was good for me or not,though I said that to my friends. How would I have known, on that night I am going to lose one and only special thing I loved the most, after my dad.