Chereads / Smiling Chaos / Chapter 21 - Chapter 21

Chapter 21 - Chapter 21

It was really dark and a lot cold tonight.There was barely any light at all.The moon was completely sealed behind dense clouds. If anything it seems as if it was about to rain and the drops would be accompanied by ground splitting thunder bolts..

This park is really sightful in the day time.As the children play by the shallow lake with paper boats or they run through the dense green grass swinging kites in the gentle day breeze, the scene is always photogenic.Their sweet laughter would fill the air and it just paints a perfect utopia that happiness lies all around and not on the screens of modern day technology.

This beautiful park has exquisite furniture situated all over the place. From zen fountains to statues all to the elegant custom made benches.The said benches come made in different materials. Wooden benches have a curvature woodwork and calligraphated metal bars which serve as the handles of the benches.

Other benches are just blocks of white cement that have been sculpted magnificently to resemble or even surpass ordinary house chairs..

The final design of the chairs is simply metal which is designed creatively to appeal to viewers of all ages .

Anyway, these chiars are positioned all under the shade of different trees. By virtue of being a horticulture park, there are so many ornamental plants everywhere not to mention that the way they are just randomly scattered seemed to be scripted. Moreover to add sophistication to the architecture of this place, cobblestone path ways link to different plants. But the most beautiful scenery is by the lake on the other side were children seldom are.This is because on the other side of the lake there is a large cherry blossom tree with a bench underneath it.. When standing there the view of the whole park is quite sightful not to mention tearjerking as lovers usually declare the magnitudes of their affection here

Be that as it may, the goal of Jungkook coming here at just two minutes before midnight was not so that he admires the scenery at night.

San had called him here and instructed that he come at night and alone..

San had sounded so serious and angry but why is he so aggrivated because when ever a mission is given out ,it is one hundred percent of short notice and always allocated to Jung and imagine how Jungkook would he feeling not having enough time to prepare

Jung had complained about this to San so many times but San keeps asking him what exactly does he mean by 'prepare' besides Jungkook has done perfectly fine without the said preparation

San had said to meet by the chair at the cherry blossom and not the east side of the lake where the benches are usually shaded form the moon hence and no one can see them. But instead he chose where they are exposed to the whole lake. Yet then again at night the cherry blossom does offer exquisite privacy

Anyway Jungkook walked to proposed location and as he was approaching the bench, he saw a figure sitting on it with one leg crossed boldly over the other and hands were nowhere to be seen .. Because of the dark , he could not make out anything clearly.It was not that dark but as long as he sees it's San s contours that's fine

He walked closer and slower towards the the park bench and he saw that indeed it was a human and he very much looked like his long time friend San

He stood next to the chair and tried to locate his eyes but he had no luck and it doesn't matter anyway.He had seen San s eyes many times.

The figure tapped on the space by his right side signalling for Jung to sit down because Jung was just standing there

Jung obeyed the gesture and stepped in front of the bench.His hands were still in his pockets because of the cold but he was not shivering at all.. However that doesn't mean he was not going to get a cold the longer he stays.

"Why did you have to choose such a cold place to meet?",asked Jungkook lowering his body on the chair. He said proceeding to remove his hands from his pockets and rubbing them on his thighs

"Its the only I could think of",he replied.He was sitting so calmly like he is not even affected by the cold at all. Maybe it's because that he was wearing a maybe black coat on top of his probably black hoodie.But still he should have told choose somewhere else.Plus they are sitting by the lake, the water is making the air even colder..

Jung scoffed not buying into that"Fine then, why did you call me here?",he asked his question still trying to make himself warm

"Two reasons", he spoke softly and calmly

"San , I get that you are trying to learn how to speak like Batman but like seriously?",Jung laughed at his statement.He imagined San wearing batman s outfit and him looking like a mop with a black scarf. Ever since they watched a rerun of Batman movies, San has been trying to speak like Batman and by heaven he sounded ridiculous..

He turned his head to the right to look at Jung laughing but he didn't join along instead he scoffed a little.Its not because he was chocking back a laugh or being in character but rather it was because Jung s laughter was so adorable ,if only he could see it in clearly, if only the moon would emerge right now and illuminate the beauty that is concealed in the dark..

Jung stopped laughing and looked at him as well..He could tell that he was looking at him but he wasn't really sure because why would San be looking at him laughing...

"Stop being weird and tell me why am here.Is there a problem?", replied Jung still calming down from his laughter.He was a bit uncomforted by the fact that San is acting a bit too much into character today but then again what is he supposed to think when he is pretending to be Batman..

"There is reason to believe that the IT department is working on something .Its not in the system yet so it's not easy to determine the identity.That means that it's stored somewhere else .That being the case ,there is a need to see inside the room but using the school cameras is not an option because it would mean hacking into the system but that is too dangerous",he spoke.And this time he sounded like Batman.Calm and casual. So cold and unapproachable. Jung was impressed but he is far from complementing San.He would only hype him unnecessarily plus he was more curious about he is saying

" What does that mean?"

"W..You have to install a survelliance camera in the server room.That way whatever is going on can be seen and heard",he concluded without turning his head.He just looked out into the lake.At this point Jung s torso and thighs were turned to him

"San why do I have to do it?",he asked.He did it last time and all the other times.He really does not want to go back to the room for that he is always the one taking the risk but furthermore he didn't want to place the IT helper in this game of target practice.It was already incriminating last time he threw that ball in the room.

That little ball is a tiny robot.Once you drop it scans the perimeter and all obstacles of the room whilst rolling and stores the area in its server and sends the blueprint of the room to the remote controller.By just it touching the ground, it turns on and is controlled by a remote elsewhere due to the virtue of having a very small HD camera .The camera projects onto the remote controller s screen showing everything. Afterwards the controller can direct it where to stay.It will then remain dormant until it detects absence of human radiation within the saved perimeter for atleast ten minutes.At that instant it will then grow legs.

As it grows legs it reconnect to the controller s screen and then the operator can enter the coordinates of where the bot should go using the blueprint. Because the target coordinate is the server closet, it would crawl to the server closet and slip underneath the door or it will simply enter through some tiny space. It just depends on which tiny space can it fit through.After gaining acess it will then climb onto the server and find an empty USB slot .Once it locates it, then a USB head will emerge from its body and insert into the slit and at that point SeJun sever is no different from a public toilet for about three minutes after wards only the USB controller becomes the player with SeJun computers being its chess piece .. However none of this has happened yet that means something is definitely up and that's why it's imparent to have the survelliance in the room..

"Because you're the only one ...good enough",he commented after pausing halfway.It sounded like he wanted to say something but opted against it..

Jung felt a little motivated to hear that but he still doesn't wish to be the one to have MinGi s face be seen by some strangers.Eventually it was bound to happen but he doesn't wish that it happens because of him..

" What are you thinking?",he questioned Jung beacuse he could sense the hesitation and internal commotion that Jung is going through..