SAMUEL HASN'T HEARD from Amethyst for the next few days contrary to what he expected to hear from her more often, especially hearing threats coming out of her lips every other minute.
But he does not.
Not one word.
And the thought of the hundreds of possibilities that Amethyst had for Laia didn't lessen the boy's anxiety.
"I thought you and Laia are good now," Jake had finally decided to speak up regarding how Samuel had been pacing back and forth for the last fifteen minutes since he arrived after his best friend called him over. "What's up with you this time?"
"Have you seen Amethyst these days?"
Jake shoots him a bewildered look. "You finally have Laia back in your arms and you're asking about Amethyst?"
"It's not like that," Samuel stops pacing and groans in annoyance. "You know how Amethyst can be,"