IT WOULD BE AN UNDERSTATEMENT to say that everyone was beyond excited to see who Aiden would sit next to the moment he finished answering some of the questions his new classmates asked him, the question being most asked is whether he had a girlfriend or not.
"I don't have one," He sheepishly grins. "I think it's because of how I often dye my hair, maybe they think I'm a "bad" boy?"
"You can definitely be my bad boy!" Vivi yells from her seat, making most of their classmates laugh at her remark.
Well everyone except for Laia who looks away and tried to distract herself by pulling out one of her textbooks and reading it. The girl almost jumped in surprise the moment Aiden sat next to her, confusing everyone else who thought that he would sit next to them.
"Hi again," Aiden smiles at the girl seated on his left.
Laia looks away but was able to mumble. "Hi,"