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Lavender Constellations

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Chapter 1 - Ch. I


I wondered why I let myself engulf in this war that had nothing to do with me. I just wanted to do the right thing.


"Let's go home, okay?" I said, hugging the little boy tightly. He looked so sad; I wonder if his dad mentioned that he wouldn't be home later.

I twirled his soft brown hair and whispered fun things we could do when we got to Lisa's house. "We can bake cookies… maybe watch a movie… what about coloring?"

He sighed softly and mumbled that he just wanted to sleep with his new puppy.

Hugging him tightly, I looked out the window. It was late. Very late. It had been hours since I had last seen Frank.


He was my next door neighbor and childhood friend growing up. We grew up in each other's houses. I helped him with reading. He helped me with math. I was great at science and he was amazing at economics when we took AP classes in high school. He was so book smart.

I just wish he applied it all to his life.

Frank racked up so much debt trying to save Emily. He was torn up, blinding himself into the life he has now.

Working at the accounting firm wasn't enough; he took loan after loan after loan out from them. He ended up having to leave the firm and now works a high risk job. He asked me to help out with Christopher and I couldn't say no.

I sighed and looked out the window. The street lights were flying by.

I felt Christopher snuggle himself into my arms. I sighed happily. This little boy really knew had me wrapped around his finger.

Just 5 more years and they'll let me go, Frank thought bitterly.

He stared at the ledger in front of him. He took a deep breath and put the pen down.

He stretched his long legs and arms.

Frank had been working for the last 5 hours, poring over receipts and numbers, making sure it made sense and there wasn't a way to trace anything back.

Putting his hands behind his head, he looked up to the ceiling and pondered about how he got here.

I hope this is worth it, Emily, he thought.

He missed his late wife so much. She's been gone for 5 years and left him and Christopher to live out their lives without her.

He sighed and looked back down at his work.

I'm exhausted. Can I really do this for 5 more years?

He picked up his pen and started scribbling away.

He saw his phone light up.

It was a text message.


Frank's soul left his body.

They're coming.

"Vylet… Vylet!"

I jolted awake. I felt Christopher stir in my arms. I cooed him back to sleep.

"Hmm?" I mumbled. "Jason?" I asked the driver. I noticed we weren't moving.

Jason didn't turn around. But I saw his knuckles white from holding the steering wheel so tight.

"We have to walk to Lisa's," he said, his voice shaking.

I stayed silent, trying to figure out what was happening. What does he mean walk? I don't even know where we are. I looked down at Christopher, asleep in my lap.

"What's going on?" I whispered. I was scared of the answer.

"We have to leave the car. They're coming," he stammered. He haphazardly unbuckled himself and turned off the car. He turned to look at me. His eyes were big, full of fear I've never seen before.

Jason was a former bodyguard. To see him afraid made me fear of whatever there was to come.

I quickly shook Christopher awake. "Baby, we have to go," I whispered urgently.

He moaned slightly.

"Christopher. Please," I pleaded.

He opened his eyes slightly. "Mama?" he asked sleepily. I felt him hold me tighter.

My eyes welled up. Jason was opening the door to help us out. "I'll carry you, okay?" I whispered as I kissed the boy in my lap on his cheek. I gathered Christopher in my arms and got out of the car carefully.

"Jason. How far are we from Lisa's?" I asked sharply. I needed to make sure I wasn't going to let myself be afraid. I didn't want to scare Christopher.

"It's just a couple blocks. We can make it. They don't know about Lisa," he said quickly, as he started to run on the sidewalk that lined the houses of the street we were on.

I ran swiftly after Jason as I could without bouncing Christopher.

The far away sounds of sirens and the flashing police lights made us pick up our pace.

Almost tripping over the last piece of sidewalk, we made it to Lisa's.

Jason went up to the door and yanked on the doorknob.

But it did not move.

I felt my blood turn to ice.

"Jason… where is Lisa?" I asked, feeling my voice falter in fear.

With his hand still on the doorknob, a heavy voice I've never heard talk in, he said gravely, "She's not here."

He turned to me and grabbed my shoulders. "We need to split up. If they see me with you, they'll know you're part of Frank's world."

I couldn't move. Who? After Frank? And part of his world?

I had so many questions but I knew asking Jason would get me nowhere. He needed to go and he wasn't taking no as an answer.

I looked at Christopher, asleep on my shoulder, legs wrapped around me.

"Do they know about Christopher?" I asked quietly.

"No," Jason said, turning me back to face the street. "You need to go. NOW."

"Jason," I began but he cut me off.

"Vylet. Go!" He yelled behind me. He gave me a slight push forward. "They're coming. If they get you and you're with me, you will die. Along with Christopher. We are fucked. It's over. You need to go. RUN."

I wanted to cry but I felt Christopher move in my arms.

I didn't want him to die; he's only 6; he's only a little boy.

I heard the sirens louder than ever and the lights were now casting shadows against the houses.

I hugged Christopher tightly and ran.

I don't know where but anywhere but Lisa's house was the idea.

The sirens and lights were closer now.

My mind was reeling with unanswered questions but I realized I hit a dead end a couple blocks down.

I adjusted Christopher and turned around when I realized that there were three men waiting for me on the other side, the only exit.

No. This can't be. I didn't hear them! I thought frantically.

"Let's go. We can make this easy, or this can be done the hard way and who knows if that means you'll make it out alive," said the tallest of the men. His voice was rough but clear.

I took a step back, hitting the tall fence behind me. It rattled. "I'm just lost. Who are you? What do you want?" I stuttered. Maybe I could get myself out of here without getting caught up in this mess. I didn't belong here!

"Sweetie, Frank's already been caught. Let's go. We're going to ask one more time. They don't like waiting!" the man snarled at me, taking a few steps towards me. The two men next to him cackled.

This is bad, I thought. I held Christopher tightly.

"I just want to go home. Please. My boy is tired and we just got lost. We're new to the city. Please!" I cried. Who are these men? Who sent them? Why is Frank involved with these people? "I don't know what Frank did but I don't work with him!"

The tall man took another step towards me. He was now only 3 steps away from me. I cringed against the fence, trying to hide Christopher.

"We already asked twice."

The two men next to him lunged at me.

I screamed as they pulled Christopher off me.

Christopher was screaming. "Mama! No! I want to be with Mama!"

The tall man grabbed me and put me over his shoulder. I kicked and hit him. "Let me go! Let us go!"

The man laughed. "Doesn't matter anywhere. You're listed."


Frank opened his eyes to see that Jason was put next to him. Frank eyes widened. Where's Vylet? Christopher? He thought.

"Jason! Where's… where is she?" He whispered. They didn't know about Vylet. He made sure to never get her involved since she was never part of the deal.

Jason put his head down. "Lisa wasn't home. I told her to run." He started shaking. "We didn't get caught together. I really hope she ran for it, boss."

Frank clenched his jaw. They got Lisa too? How did they know? And Vylet? Where's Christopher?

His heart was pounding, hard. The Concordats sent an X. That meant he was on their hit list. But he's not even sure what he did. Frank's mind started racing. Were the balances last week okay? Did he miss a line?

As Frank's mind was filled with doubts of his financial skills, Jason froze as he heard steps coming up the stairs of the room they were in.

"Well, well, well… I haven't seen you guys in awhile…" said a dry voice.

Frank snapped out of it. That voice…


"Let me GO!" I yelled, as I struggled against the talk burly man who slung me over his shoulder.

I felt him chuckle.

How was this a joke? I snarled in my head.

"I need my little boy back! Let me go! He needs me!" I pleaded as I hit his back as hard as I could. This man is a rock! I thought as my last hit on his shoulder hurt my fist.

"He is fine. He will go with Mr. Moon," said the burly man matter of factly as he walked over to neighborhood lined with cars.

Mr. Moon? Who the fuck is that? I panicked. I needed to know Christopher was safe. I didn't know who this Mr. Moon was.

I took a deep breath and shut my eyes. Here goes nothing, I thought and bit the mans shoulder.

He yelled and dropped me. I fell hard and crawled away to the nearest car to me and hid from the man. I needed to get away. I don't belong here.

"Little girl! That was bad. You're going to regret that," I heard the man sang.

I peeked under the car. His feet were on the other side of the street. I looked around, trying to find a way to sneak away from this man.

I heard the gravel crunch under his boots. Not too close, I thought. I can do this.

I crouched and slowly moved to the next car. The cars lined up perfectly, leaving almost no space between them. I could sneak away into the next neighborhood as long as he didn't find me on this side of the cars.

"We've been looking for you for years. I don't even know why," he sighed. I heard metal bang. He must be hitting the cars to scare me. I closed my eyes to compose myself, covering my mouth hard to not let noise escape.

I checked again under the car for his boots.

They were still on the other side… but closer.

My heart started to race. I need to go.

I moved a bit quicker this time. The gravel crunching slightly under my shoes, but not louder than the cars shaking and banging.

"I'm going to tie you up this time. Maybe there's some duct tape around here!" His voice seemed louder this time. The gravel crunching under boots felt deafening.

I kept crawling to the end of the car line. I'm almost there! I can run behind a house to catch my breath and think about my next move.

The car next to me shook violently.

I need to run! I thought desperately.

I took a deep breath, looked at my destination, and ran for it.

"I see you!" I heard him gleefully yell behind me.

I wanted to scream.

But I knew no one was coming for me.

"Frankie! Where ya been, bud?" Rift said cheerfully. He slapped Frank's back and held on to his shoulder. "It's been awhile, huh?"

Frank looked at Rift sourly. "You think? What's going on? Why am I getting hit?"

Rift smiled broadly, his teeth perfectly straight, gleaming from the low light in the room.

"We needed you ASAP. You have something I want," he said simply, as he clutched Frank's shoulder.

Frank looked at Rift's hand on his shoulder and slowly back at him. Rift's tousled hair reminded him of Christopher. Christopher…

"Where's my son? Jason says you have him," Frank asked. Hands bound behind him, all he really wanted to do was to punch Rift in the face.

Rift laughed lightly as he pulled up a chair to sit in front of Frank. "Christopher is fine! He's with Moony." Rift took out his phone and clicked his tongue.

Frank rolled his eyes. Of course, he thought sarcastically.

Rift paused and without looking up from his phone asked, "Did they tie you up?"

Frank looked at him pointedly. "What do you think, Rift? You know I would've punched you by now."

Rift sighed, ignoring Frank's last comment. "They take everything literally…"

He got up from the chair and untied the straps from Frank's wrists. "Jason… you okay?"

Jason, who had stayed silent, nodded solemnly.

Frank untied Jason's wrists. "I vouch for him and you know it," he said firmly to Rift.

"Yeah, yeah." Rift waved his hand. "That's fine."

There was a silence.

"So… are you going to tell me why you sent a hit out for me?" Frank was annoyed. If the hit wasn't real, then why go through the theatrics?

Rift smiled slightly. "Like I said: you have something I want. Moon Man wants to talk to you." Rift held up his phone. "Yes or no? I need to answer now."

Frank narrowed his eyes. He hasn't spoke to Mr. Moon in 5 years. "Why now? I have 5 years left and you can get rid of me," Frank said irritably.

"I promise it's worth your time," Rift said sweetly.

"Boss, just take it," whispered Jason.

Franked sighed; he knew he had to say yes. He owed them so much and they only wanted 10 years of his life. He would do anything to get out sooner.

Frank nodded his head.

Rift grinned and went back on his phone.

"Let's go. They're waiting."

The velvet fabric was cool against my eyes. I felt the breeze on my cheeks as my hair brushed it. I couldn't tell where I was, but I knew we were still outside.

My hands were bounded like the man promised. He couldn't find the duct tape though, I giggled in my head. But I still wouldn't dare make a noise after the last couple of threats he gave.

I felt strong hands on my shoulders push down and my legs gave way from the force. I gasped as I fell into a chair.

"You don't know how to sit down?" I heard him say mockingly behind me.

I wanted to tell him I did but I didn't know where the stupid chair was but I kept my composure. I rolled my eyes behind my blindfold.

"They'll be here soon," I heard him snarl. He must still be mad about the bite, I thought. I felt a slight tinge of remorse but that was gone as soon as I heard footsteps and voices come closer.

I heard chairs shuffling. I heard laughter. Greetings. I heard some whimpers next to me.

Are there others? I panicked. Are we on a death row?

"Are we all here?" I heard a slow but loud droning voice ask.

The voices and laughter quieted.

My heart was racing so quick and loud, I'm sure they could hear it.

My wrists were hurting from the bounds more than before.

"Reveal them," instructed the voice.

I felt the blindfold come off but I didn't open my eyes.

"Let's begin."