Chereads / COMA: Fragmented Reality / Chapter 102 - Inconvenient Truths

Chapter 102 - Inconvenient Truths

As the chaos in Old Tokyo died down after much of the Malignances were killed off and the fights became focused on three areas, namely the battle of the Sumeragi syndicate against the Miyazono force being led by Aishi in the Kabuki-cho estate, the fight between Judy Ann and Ryuuichi in a Subjugated Subspace and the duel between the Tetian brothers in the enormous Subspace in New Tokyo, it made Ephraim and his group's escape easier and safer.


"Incredible… I would've expected that the lands outside Tokyo was already destroyed as well."


"That would've been right if it got affected by the collateral damage of the fights there, but because not many people live outside of the large cities anymore after the Seers started the Apokalypse, the Malignances cannot exist outside those said cities anymore as well."


At the abandoned highway leading to the north of Tokyo, Ephraim and the others was riding a van. This is when Mana made a remark about how relatively undamaged the area outside of the cities are. She then followed it with a question that Maya promptly and correctly answered.


"I see… That explains how you managed to remain alive even after being outside of civilization for so long... Anyway, where are you bringing us anyway?"


"Koriyama. The only place you folks can lay low and weather this entire thing out. It's also where the person who I've been helping out is hiding too."


Hearing the name of the place, Ephraim's sister mused in a question.


"Koriyama… that's near Fukushima, isn't it?"


"You're right, Hannah-san. It's a neighbor of Fukushima and isn't too far from here."


While Maya was driving all of them towards the mentioned place and Catherine, Sayaka and the children were asleep, this left Ephraim, Mana and Kirin to talk about the outcome of the battles that they fought as well as exchange information that they presently have.


"Aokigahara Yoshino is dead. I've made sure of that."


"The same goes to me with the Seer of Death that calls himself as "The Jester". He sacrificed himself to break Justice's control over me while I was fighting Ephraim."


"As for me, we received news that the Seer of Death called "The Juror" is also dead. He apparently fought against Akari-sensei and Furuta-sensei where he got caught in the middle of the fight between the Tetian brothers."


"William and Lucas… No wonder we haven't seen either of the two. The likely came across each other and decided that this is where it should all end."


The conversation went more into detail regarding what happened until Ephraim mentioned something that surprised both Kirin and Mana. It was information regarding the battle happening in New Tokyo between Judy Ann and Ryuuichi.


"Apparently, the Innkeeper has borrowed Spirit Knowledge's authority and decided that their battle will have to end in a place where she has the greatest chance of winning against him… which is none other than in his own Reality Fragment."


"Reality Fragment? What is that?"

"A special Subspace where you can manipulate reality in order to boost your power or hinder your enemy's attacks. While I want to explain it to you better, Mana, it's simply too complex of a concept."


"Rai is right. As Spirit Vessels, we're the only ones who can manifest it and no matter how much we explain it, it's simply too difficult to explain correctly.


After receiving that answer from the two, Mana turned again to Ephraim to ask him a question regarding this new revelation.


"How did you know this, Rai-kun? The last time we met, we were fighting Gardener Yoshino with Furuta-sensei and Kai. Did you head to the center of New Tokyo to confront the head honcho too?"


"No… It's because I felt a disturbance in Caelestia. You sensed it too, didn't you, Sensei?"


"I did. That's actually one of the reasons why I snapped out of Justice's control over me. While she is hell-bent on getting her own plans on ending this entire thing to the point that she's directly acting to finish you and Law off, once she sensed that one of the Thrones is beginning to crumble, she negotiated with me and gave back control over my body."


"Y-You two are speaking in jargons again. Can you at least have enough consideration to keep me in the loop?"


Mana's complaint was answered not by either Ephraim or Kirin but instead, the only other person in the vehicle that is not asleep.


"What they meant was that Spirit Knowledge, one of those supernatural beings that are on the same side as the Spirits possessing and supplying power to them two, has broken the rule of not directly acting in our world."


"How did you---"


"The rule goes that as a Spirit, the only way you can manipulate the affairs of the world is by possessing someone as a Spirit Vessel and even then, you cannot directly take over their faculties and force them into decisions and actions that they never consent to. That's the reason why every time Ephraim switched over the control of his body with Spirit Law, he has to agree that Law can only fight for him and only for a limited period of time."


"…Impressive. You really know a lot of things, Maya-san. Makes me wonder how you managed to learn about it."


"Oh please, it's easy… However, I'd highly suggest that you get your answer straight from the old man's mouth."


"The old man?"


"I'm sure you've heard about him if you were studious enough or your last name is Chronia… His name is Higuchi Sora."


"A familiar name… One that I cannot easily forget."




From the seat on the back, the old lady woke up after hearing the name that she admitted was familiar to her.


"Who is Higuchi Sora? Why is he familiar with your family, aunty?"


"Because Higuchi-san is Jonah's guarantor and the only other person besides Miyazaki Akihiro who knows of the research that brought my husband to this country… That explains things…"


After Catherine revealed all of this, Mana turned to Ephraim to see him carrying a bothered expression on his face. Probably sensing that it would be better if her son opens up about it, she told Ephraim to spill the rest of the truth.


"…As you already know, I came here to Japan to replace my father in his workplace but unfortunately, he was killed a day before I landed here. The Miyazonos covered up the entire thing and they only informed me a week after it happened."


Ephraim paused for a moment to recompose himself before he continued his narration.


"However, I already received the news from Professor Akihiro and I got the entire truth from Higuchi-san using a letter. He told me the reason why my father, who was simply researching for a way to artificially replicate the natural cell division mechanism of the body for the sake of healing disabilities and lengthening lives, had his research used in a wrong way such as cloning and creating artificial beings such as the three children of Miyazono Ryuuichi… That's when I understood that there is much more to my father's death than what is on the official statement."


"Are you saying that…"


"…Yeah. That was the reason why of all the places where I could've went to, I attended Miyazono Old Tokyo Academy, not only to get closer and get the entire truth from Professor Akihiro, but also find a way to avenge my father. However, I quickly realized that after my father's death, the Miyazonos made a fatal mistake before they dispatched him…"


Ephraim's next words was met with a gasp from Mana who couldn't believe how much all of the things that they initially held to be nothing more than coincidences were all intricately connected behind the scenes.


"Father may have perfected the method of inducing artificial mitosis which can sustain the body of Replicants, but he never told them about how it would later create a mismatch between the method of piecing together someone's persona and memories that was created by Professor Akihiro. Because even though they collaborated on this research project as it is the perfect halves of their respective topics, they were never meant to be used together for a period as long as an average human's lifespan… which is exactly what the Miyazonos did."


"T-Then that means… the death of Professor Akihiro's family in the Sagami Bridge incident… the creation of their Replicants… and your dad's death…"


"Correct… It was all done by the Miyazonos. They knew of how precious that research was, but they also knew that they can't coerce either of the men to disclose how it is supposed to be done, even if they threaten their lives. Which is why they acted like a savior for the other and murdered the other. They knew that Professor Akihiro would bend if he loses his family yet he can get them back with the knowledge that he is keeping, and as for my father, he was just a foreigner nobody that can be disposed of without much fuss… or that was how it was supposed to be."


After that narration, Ephraim turned his gaze to his mother who gave out the truth about all of this.


"Jonah already said before that a truly artificial human, one that is not born from naturally-occuring physical matter and doesn't have a persona that they are born with, is an impossibility. But if everything supernatural that is happening right now will be used in the pursuit of it, it will be possible… but not in the way that we would like."


"Why do you say that, aunty?"


"…Because if that happens, the one that would perform it would damn this world into becoming something that we Chronians became many, many eons ago."


Catherine, after staying silent for a moment, began to tell the ones who are awake in the van a story that she was told by her husband after they got married. A story that may sound like an extraordinary fairy tale but is nothing but the entire truth.


"We Chronians, Descendants of Cecilia Chronia and her kin under the lineage of Seliah Cecilia Chronia, do not belong to this world… We are outsiders, or in the proper way of saying it… [Invalids]"



In the duel to the death between the two brothers who swore to take the life of the other, one alone emerged as the victor and left the loser to die inside the Subspace.


"Even now…! Even after everything I did---!"


At the ground, filled with holes across his body and sprawled over his own pool of blood, Lucas Tetian was on the verge of succumbing to death.




Filled with desperation, as well as his still unfulfilled desire to avenge his friends that William killed alongside Kaede, Lucas held on to life and ordered himself to stand once again and face his monstrously powerful opponent.




Slowly, as he stood up, Lucas saw William stomping towards him with enough force to cause earthquakes.






William struck him with a punch that he caught with his guard up, but with his injuries and lack of remaining strength, he was flung once again away and rolled on the ground, striking the rubble that was sprawled around.


"I made a promise… that I would avenge Touya-sensei… and I will protect Kaede!"






Trading blows with William was a foolish move, given that they have such an enormous difference in power and William can simply shrug away the damage that he sustains. Still, Lucas held on and never skipped a beat until William landed a punch that once again flung him away.


In his mind, Lucas began to wish.


"I need power… I need a way to overcome him…!"


He knew that he cannot overpower William. In the first place, his entire plan that involved killing Himari's Replicant hinged on the possibility that William would slip up during his rage that he can possibly kill him. Now that his opponent has regained a portion of his sense of self, that completely went out of the door.


However, there was still one sliver of hope remaining for him even in this seemingly hopeless situation.


"Do you seek power…?"


An ominous voice beckoned him from within his mind.




"Well then, face my trials."


With those words, Lucas's vision became faint until it was totally dark. His other senses gave him no input about his surroundings. It was as if suddenly, he was robbed of his connection to reality.


"What on-"


"Answer me, mortal. Why do you seek power?"


The ominous voice asked him inside the void that his consciousness is trapped in. While Lucas was puzzled about this thing that he is facing, he didn't feel as if he is in danger, prompting him to answer truthfully.


"I… I seek power in order to correct the wrongs of this world… and avenge those that was wronged."


"Who defines what is right from what is wrong? What makes something rightful and what is improper?"


"There is always an objective stance in things. One cannot do something illegal and say that it is somehow right."


"Wouldn't there be somehow a difference in opinion between people? What is right for one man isn't perfectly the same to someone."


"Nuances mean nothing when things are done in practice. Everything bends into what the many declares to be the right and the few has no choice but to follow it."


"Then why is it that at times, the voice of the few overcomes the many and what they wish, regardless of if it is truly correct, becomes the "truth"?"


At this point, Lucas realized who it was that was speaking to him in his head. It was a voice that he has never heard before although he tried to talk to it.


"I see… so that is where this is getting to…"


"I sense that you have understood who I am. Indeed, it is I, one of the many facets that compose the entire identity and Principle of Spirit Knowledge. I am Reason, the Principle of Truth."


"Why are you here?"


When Lucas asked that, he was given an answer by the Principle shortly after a brief pause.


"Spirit Knowledge's Throne in Caelestia is beginning to dissolve as the seal placed upon him by Spirit Faith is being undone. Slowly, he is becoming a Tainted Spirit which would break one of the last remaining foundations that is keeping this Reality away from the grasp of The Icon of Chaos."


"I don't get it entirely, but with my knowledge of what is going on, I have a gist of it. That must mean that we're nearing the end of this world. Haah…"


Hearing Lucas sigh, Reason asked him why he seem to be less worried and more exasperated about all of this. He answered him promptly as such.


"Well, that's simple. That's the only reasonable future left for this world. Out there, the S.S.S, the Seers of the Mori cult, the Sumeragis and the Miyazonos are waging war and there's no pause in sight for any of it. If anything, I can only pray that the end of all of this comes quickly and painlessly for everyone…"


"I see… are you saying that you are being indifferent towards all of this?"


"Far from it. It's exactly because I know that a long period of fearing for one's life, resisting and enduring pain and loss, and a painful death is all that is waiting humanity that I pray that this impending end comes swiftly and give everyone an end that has as little suffering as possible, that I am saying all of this."


Lucas's answer gained Reason's silence and he ended it with something that caught the Principle's attention.


"In the end, the weak cannot defeat the strong… in the face of their cruelty and tyranny, we can only bend according to their order and await what future they have for us."


"You are right. Such is the fate of the weak… but it is not their only option."


All of a sudden, Lucas regained his sense of sight and saw something bright ahead of him.


"W-What is-"


"Long, long ago… in a reality torn by a cataclysmic destruction that had to be overwritten, a Spirit once trod this world. His existence was small, weak and fragile. In ways of combat, he has little capability and thus, his authority amongst his peers was dismal… and yet, as the sunsets piled on and mankind spread across the face of the world, all of them sought his strength as they challenged the might of the world's dangers and those that aimed to harm their family and what they held dear."


As Reason continued to narrate, Lucas approached the glowing object and realized what it was.


"That weak and feeble Spirit had little innate strength. And yet, in the face of adversity and those that wished to harm what is important to him, he drew out that little power and pushed it using the only redeeming quality that he was born with and now, known for…"




"The strength to force everything to obey my will may not belong to me, but in my heart is a relentless drive that made me endure any hardship and do what must be done. Even in the face of a great danger or an enemy a multitude of difference in power compared to me, I will still stand up and desire victory."


"I will not back down…"


"I will not falter…"


"If might makes right…"


As Lucas grasped the sword, he revived the will of the Spirit that has been sealed in this place ever since his demise eons ago.


"Then courage is all that I need!"


And that Spirit is none other than Courage, the Spirit of Immovable Resolution.



"What's wrong, Lucas!? Get out of there! I will show you once and for all what separates me and you!"


As William barked those words, the cloud of dust that covered the rubble where Lucas landed wavered for a moment before it was torn apart to reveal nobody behind it.


"What the-"






In one sweeping motion, Lucas appeared behind William and swung his blade towards William's neck. However, he dodged in the nick of time while still being far too shocked about what happened.


"…I know that presence."




William's growl was mixed with another tone which the different voice that now comes from Lucas's mouth promptly identified.


"…It's been a great while, Luxuria. Last time we met, I annihilated your folks in Sodomarai and you barely escaped with your life."


"COURAGE!!! After everything that we did to get rid of you… How… HOW?!"


"You seem to forget who I really am after you deluded yourselves into believing that I am dead… So I'll remind you again about who I am… Why among the Celestial Spirits, I was the only one who Ascended after my physical form was broken… and the being who I bested in a duel."




As Luxuria charged towards him, Courage raised his blade and made use of Lucas' Psychic power.




In but a second, the storm of blows that Luxuria launched was broken by Courage's barrage of psychic-enhanced sword strikes, who then lunged forward after tossing his sword upwards, leaving him barehanded against him.








Courage curled up a fist enhanced by an enormous amount of Astra energy and once it hit Luxuria on the torso, struck him with such a great amount of force that his bones audibly cracked and the flesh around the impact point almost turned liquid.




"Come on, Luxuria. Don't falter on me now."




"You yourself said back then that you want to test the strength of the Spirit that fought and triumphed over Law in a friendly duel… You're getting your wish right now."




"So come and get it!!!"



Except for the innate combat knowledge and the strength built up by his thousands of years and battles that he fought, there was another reason why Courage has come not only toe-to-toe with William but possibly even stronger than he is.


In Kabuki-cho estate, the battlefront of the Sumeragi syndicate has turned from a lost cause into a state where if things continue as they are, they will not only drive away the enemy but possibly even wipe them out completely.




"Hogosha Moriyama is waiting for us to join him in the outer gate! DON'T LET GO NOW, BOYS!"


"Muster your courage, men! Tonight! WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS!"




The men of the Sumeragi syndicate, regardless of their personal and individual fears, charged towards their enemies with the collective valor that burned in their hearts.


"No mercy is to be given to these fiends! Never let up with the attack!"


"Push! Push! PUSH THEM OUT!!!"


They struck with a force that none of the Miyazono Seed Psychics expected and meter by meter, the previously unstoppable wave of strikes against them were blunted and turned against the Miyazono forces.


"Here comes the barrage!"


"Go them 'em!"


Finally, at the edge of the gateway, at the few meters that split the outer courtyard and the outside world, the Sumeragi defenders succeeded on driving their enemies out.


One of the Kanbu officers called to push out to the outside and assist Kamaji but was promptly cut off by a chilling aura that they all began to sense and promptly recognize.


"COME ON, MEN! Hogosha Moriyama surely need our help! Anyone who still has steam with them! Get here and-"




"I-Is that---"


Flanked by her two direct attendants who has assumed an appearance that it far from their usual Shrine maiden outfit, it was no other than the leader of the Sumeragi group, Oyabun Sumeragi Nichirin.


"My men who has loyally served me all this time, I ask you for one last act that will decide whether we will be successful in our endeavor of driving out the Sumeragi group or not."




The woman wearing a pure-white robe and has her face hidden by a hat with a silken cover addressed her subordinates and began to tell them of the last request that she has for them.


"This is our last chance to fight against the Miyazonos. Our hundreds of years of legacy and decades of resistance against them has led to this moment. Today, we are finishing them off! Today, we are going to claim victory!"


Her words that rallied the spirits and support of her men became solidified after she gave the last line of her rallying call.





As soon as they crossed into Koriyama, Ephraim's group was led by Maya to a rural cobblestone path leading away from the highway and into the countryside. It took a few more minutes of travelling the less smooth cobblestone path before it turned into a gravel path and eventually, bare dirt that only stayed solid through the fact that it has never rained for weeks now in this area.


"I know that the path is quite restrictive, but I can guarantee you that it is intentional to deter a random passerby from coming across the hideout."


A few minutes of traversing the rough dirt road, a fully asphalted road appeared again but is now limited to a single lane. The group travelled through it until Maya stopped in front of a large area similar to a ranch with a fairly big manor house in the middle.


"Come on, I'll bring you to the old man so you can immediately talk about business."


While the children was brought to a quiet bedroom in the manor, Ephraim and his fellows were led to the master's bedroom where they met face to face with the person who can help all of them.


"You must be… Higuchi Sora."


"You are right, youngster. I am indeed, Higichi Sora."




"You must've had a lot of questions in mind. Don't worry, I will answer it according to the best of my knowledge."


Facing the old man in person, years after they last made contact, Ephraim heaved a sigh before greeting him back.


"It's been a while, Higuchi-san."


"Indeed, it is, young one. It really has been a while since then."