Chereads / COMA: Fragmented Reality / Chapter 78 - Team Argent

Chapter 78 - Team Argent

"This is the only way… isn't it, boss?"

Although you are one of the most decorated members of the Kanbu officers, you do not have the right to have an audience and request anything from Oyabun-sama because you lack the merit required for such… or to be exact, you were never given any even with everything that you did for the group.

In the end, not even mother or auntie Akari can make that request in your stead simply because the mere existence of beings like us are detested by the very people that we share vows with under this great family.

"He really is a stubborn one, isn't he, young master?"

"He is. As hard-headed as the metals that he manipulates, he might end up eating the words that he keeps on telling me back then."

"And those words are?"

"Work so hard, and you'll drive yourself into an early grave."

Both of us were cursed with carrying lives that aren't ours. For me, it is the fact that I am a mere surrogate child for the real Imamura Kai… and for you, you live a life that seems to always remind you that you are a slave of something.

"This really would be the last thing that I can do for the group, isn't it, young master?"

"…Yeah. I've already informed Aunt Akari and arranged to have you officially removed from the group by tonight. I know that many others quit because they don't believe that the Miyazonos are going down anymore… but you have different reasons, don't you?"

As I asked that question, the driver remained silent for a moment before answering me.

"I haven't lost my hope about our fight with them… nor have I lost my faith towards what Oyabun-sama told us when we were inducted into the group."


"She told us that even in this world filled with evil and hopelessness, we should keep our heads up and both hope and work towards a better future… I still believe in that."

"Then why did you decide to leave?"

"Because I'm afraid."

"Afraid… of what?"

"Of the things that I cannot understand."

I was puzzled, but after remembering the events during the past year alone, I knew what kind of fear he is fostering in his heart.

"We went from skirmishes and raids against them to battles where hundreds of us die and everyone seems to become simple fodder while facing off against our enemies."

Rai-kun's meteoric rise towards becoming almost toe-to-toe with the Amano Hogosha guardians in terms of power and battle prowess wasn't the only factor. There was also the fact that mother seem to have went through a massive burst in the growth of her powers that she had to isolate herself in order to learn how to suppress it.

"And… there is something that I wish would stay between just me and you, young master…"

However, the biggest reason isn't one that involves Psychics… it is the world itself that is undergoing a change.

"What is it?"

"I... My family learned that I am a part of the Sumeragi group… and they are pressuring me to leave because if my younger brother's higher-ups learn that one of their employees are siblings with a Sumeragi member, it would ruin his career and lose all of our benefits that we are getting through him."


"I don't have the courage to face Kirin-sama and tell her about this myself… I already know that she might take us under her, but I already know that my family would never dare to go against the Miyazonos who has hired one of us generation after generation as legacy hires."

This world has started to lean towards fully and unquestionably believing the Miyazono corporation's vision regarding the future. It was already beyond impressive that they managed to shift the public's opinion about cloning from overwhelmingly negative to indifference by showing off the three Miyazono heirs and naming them as marvels of cloning science. But the recent revival of Miyazono Ryuichi through cloning proved that there is no more reason to feel indifference towards cloning.

"I'm sorry for only having enough courage to tell this to you, young master… but in the end, what is most important to me is still my family."

"Don't be... Don't ever be burdened with the thought that you have done wrong by doing what is best for the people that you love. After all, I know more than anyone else how it feels to want to do the best that you can for the sake of those that are dear to you."

As we arrived at the drop off point, I turned to face the driver and told him what is probably the best wishes that I can give to him.

"Take care of yourself… and even in the shadows, please wish for us to succeed."

"I will, Young master… I will."

After we woke up Renjiro-sensei and he helped me get him out of the car, he left with his vehicle, and we were left standing a street corner away from the secret entry point of the enemy stronghold.

"That guy… he must've known that his family will still be screwed if we do succeed, but there was no doubt in his eyes and tone when he said that he will wish for our success."

"Indeed… It just means that just because he left, doesn't mean that his heart was also mired in disbelief in our principles and vision."


"This is for the best… and we, who never quitted, should also do our best."

"Right. Huuu… Should we get this started?"

"Let's bring the fight to them."

As soon as the Mental Subspace was set and we linked with the massive accumulation of Astra energy surrounding us, we brought out our Augmenter weapons and begun our rampage into the enemy's stronghold.


"Hold on, Mana! I can't see the floor yet!"

"Tch! This Subspace Link sure is wringing us around longer than expected."

Moments after we broke into and stepped inside the Subspace Link gate, an almost-bottomless tunnel greeted us as we twirled around and tried to align ourselves in a way wherein the moment the bottom finally appears, we can safely land.

"There it is!"

"Alright! Hang on!"

I held onto her arm and she casted her pyrokinetic abilities to conjure a chain that sunk itself to the wall and slowed our descent to the bottom of the pit.

"My feet are down. I'm letting go now."

"Got it, catch me."

After we both had ourselves on solid ground, we looked up and we can barely see the Subspace link gate that we came from.

"It seems like we aren't the first ones to stray into here."

"Seems like that's right. By their uniforms… two are regular policemen and one is the Sumeragi patrolman that was reported missing for a while now."

"So, that link gate is at least two weeks old… that's both amazing and horrifying."

"Agreed… In any case, we can't do anything for these three poor souls now. The best we can do is to bring them to peace."

Mana understood my intentions and spread fire on the three dead bodies. I chanted some prayers and after there was nothing left from them but ashes, we moved towards the dark cave where we can sense some Astra energy.


"Yep. Three fairly strong ones on the ceiling and their pack leader is blocking the path.

"Care to give me some cover from the three underlings then?"

"Roger that, Chief."

The cave was really dark, so dark that even with our Astra energy enhanced vision, we can barely make out the walls and floor of the cave. This wasn't normal… and we knew what is causing it.

"I'm in range… ready when you are."

"Gotcha! "



The three misshapen monsters who looked nothing like but acted as if they are wolves jumped towards the charging Mana. However, I was in range to manipulate the blood in their bodies and in one swoop, made all of them burst into a shower of blood as it was forcefully wrung out of them.



"You darned-!"


"Leave this dolt to me! I'll show him not to underestimate me!"

Even after having its shoulder cut deeply by Mana's blazing Augmenter sword, the monster managed to skillfully jump back and charge towards Mana, catching her off-guard as she had her sword stuck in its mouth.


"KYAU-!? WAAAA-!!!"



In an instant, the monster evaporated, not even leaving any trace of its existence as Mana's fire consumed it and finally brought light into the very dark tunnel.

"That was ferocious…"

"Just had to do it. The damn mutt is acting like one when it looks like some horrifyingly twisted beast."

As we thought, the monsters were indeed the reason why the cave was unnaturally dark. It must've been here for a long time to have this much control over its immediate surroundings.

"This isn't just a simple hideout…"

"Yeah. I've wrecked enough of those dainty foxholes of theirs to know that Subspaces like this wouldn't be filled with Malignances this strong if the place itself is too new."

We continued forward and just like that laboratory that we raided last time, this cave led to another massive underground area that looks like a stalagmite deposit. We made our way down and there, recognized something different from the ridiculously sized but relatively natural landscape.

"Cigarette butts and food wrappers…"

"Human presence, huh?"

We entered a place which the enemy is holding down… I don't know for sure how important this place is, but with these clues, I had an inkling about it.

"Hey, Mana… Mind letting me accompany you in tearing this place apart?"


"You know… I was asking for permission since I know that you destroy Miyazono strongholds for a serious reason. I didn't want to be rude by joining you on your vendetta."

She seemed surprised about by request and statement, but it soon seemed like she didn't mind having me here.

"Sure thing. Just because I am breaking open the skulls of these fools, doesn't mean I am making all of this personal and only I can get into it."


"Besides, this place is too big for me to raze to the ground all by myself. I need your hand in making them regret everything they did to us."

"…Alright then. I appreciate your approval."



"What's so funny?"

"Nothing much… You just sounded like a kid who is appreciative of receiving help while also trying not to show it through her face."

"W-Wha-!? What did you just say?! Why you-!"

"Ahahaha! What are you hitting me for, I was just stating the truth!"

As per procedure, we first headed upwards to see if there is an exit point in case we have to retreat. Strangely enough, the higher we go, the less the piles of garbage was. At the end, there was the wide entrance of the cave that doesn't have any guards. As expected, this might just be the same kind of place as last time.

"The secret tunnelway to the laboratory isn't here. That one must've been a unique addition to it."

"Good. Let's head down now and break open this place then."

We made our way to the bottom floors of the cave and found a steel door that looks like the ever-familiar laboratory doors of the Miyazono corporation.

"I'll open it. Burn whatever is on the other side to ash."


"Opening in three, two, one. Now!"




Mana compressed a ball of fire and immediately threw it to the other side of the door that I just opened. We heard pained screams from behind the door and some other noise that we cannot be sure to be from the attack we set off.

"Is that… metal scraping on metal?"

"There's also some noises from wood being broken and splintered."

A moment later, Mana and I looked at each other in surprise.

"No way… Is it possible that those two…?"

"There's no reason to not check it out… I'll look into it."

I gently opened the door…

"Well, well… Just as I expected after I saw that tactic of throwing in a blast of fire."

"Hehe… I heard the other sounds and knew that it can only be the two of you… Mana, it's them."

"Heh. Long time no see, you two…"

"Indeed, it's been a while since we four met again… How are you two brats doing?"


None of us expected that the next time all four of us would see each other after the Battle of Old Tokyo academy would be in a place that we would most likely would've went into together if things were never messed up.

"We've got a lot of catching up to do after this… but first of all, you look like you grew half a foot since I last saw you, Kai."

"Yeah. The others said so too. It seems like the training I went through broke the limits of my body and it adapted to my daily routine nowadays. Well, don't compliment just me, Rai-kun. You also changed a bit."

"Oh yeah? How so?"

"You look a bit more… I can't put my finger on it, but you seem a bit mature than before."

"I've always been like this. Are you sure you aren't just getting childish?"

"What was that?! Take that back, you jerk!"

"Haha! In your dreams!"

While the two are horsing around in front of us, I was walking beside Furuta-sensei who is doing his best to hide it, but it is obvious that he's not feeling well.

"You look like you're holding back some pained sighs, sensei."

"…Was it pretty obvious?"

"A bit, I guess."

"Hehe… you brats really know each other and even my own self. You're sharp to notice that I am not doing well, Mana."

"Well, I've heard some rumors too. I haven't been sitting down all this time anyway."

After I said that I heard some rumors, the expression on his face seemed a bit somber and he asked me what I expected him to talk about.

"What… happened in the school after our battle there?"

"It's as you would expect. It's total chaos. Some students got caught in the fights despite the best of our efforts and ended up either injured or dead. I heard a bunch of third-year students who was the first to push away the others while making their way out were the ones who strayed into the Astra energy pool and transformed into Malignances. Those are the ones that Sir Lucas and his men disposed of when they got inside the campus."

"What about your fellow second-years?"

"Thankfully, all of them managed to escape. But ever since the classes were disbanded and many of them transferred to other school branches, many of them went on with their own lives and doesn't talk much with each other."

"Heh… In the end, Ephraim was right, huh?"

"Hm? What do you mean Ephraim was right?"

"…It's something that he told me when I interviewed him before he was enrolled. It wasn't on the list of questions, but since I was bored, I thought I should ask him something that would throw him off."

"What did you ask, then?"

"I asked him about his opinions about highschool friendships and the idea of having 100 friends at school."

Wow. That sure would throw someone off. If I was asked about that, I'd probably be all "friendship and rainbows" just to make a good impression.

"And his answer?"

"Hehe… He said that highschool friendships are limited to ones and zeroes. No in-betweens. You either get a few friends who will be there through flood and fire… or so many friends who won't talk to you anymore after graduation."

"That is…"

"I know. A very realistic answer. And one that many would absolutely refute although they know that it is right."

As I looked in front where he and Kai are joking around and catching up with each other, a thought crossed my mind which made me smile a bit too.

"What are you smiling for?"

"Nothing much… just thought about how someone who answered like that back then ended up having people like us beside him now."

"…What can I say? People change. We should be thankful that he managed to do so before he secluded himself completely from others."

"Yeah. I guess you're right about that, Sensei."

After I said that, I was surprised that Furuta-sensei had one other question for me.

"I just wanna ask… How has Ephraim processed the fact that he almost killed Akamine-chan from 1-C?"


"…I guess your silence answers it."

Both of us were responsible for looking after her… and in the end, she was used by the enemy and Rai had to put her down.

Akamine Kaori was the girl that Rai saved back then and why he Awakened as a Psychic… that's why I knew that it was very difficult for him to become both her savior… and end up almost killing her.

Even if he tries his best not to show it and is distracting himself with our work as Psychics, I know that this is something that would forever haunt him. He promised to protect her and she looked up to him as someone who risked his life for her sake… and now, she's barely alive in a hospital and stuck in a comatose state with less than 10% chance of ever waking up.

"I got to attend the first day of the culture festival as one of the teachers in charge of checking the stalls and facilitating the visitors. When I was on break, I went to her class's stall, and she seemed like someone who had a bright future ahead of her."

"She did have that kind of expression when we picked her up in her house. It was as if all of the trauma that she faced before was erased after she learned that Rai was alive, and he doesn't hold her in contempt for anything."

I don't know how to call it. It sure didn't seem like her admiration is stemmed from love nor did it seem like one that will blossom into one… it was more like Ephraim was someone that she has been missing throughout her entire life.

I was about to speak more about this when he and Kai stopped walking and began to emit their Astra energy out of their bodies.

"Mana. Take the front."


I see… the mess that we made upstairs must've alerted these crooks that we are coming.

"This is private property owned by the Miyazono corporation! Leave now before we use force against you!"

"We outnumber you four! Leave this place or your bodies will be rotting here!"

Twenty or so Seed Psychics, almost all of them having the same faces as mass-produced clones implanted with a Psychic's Astra energy and artificial consciousness, stood against us and warned us to leave before they attack us.

"I trust you haven't rusted yet, Mana-chi?"

"Geh! Who do you think you're talking to, dummy? I'm not some push over who'll be sitting on her ass and rust away!"

"Well, well! Let's rock and roll, then!"

As I wrapped myself in my flames and coated my sword with fire, Kai activated his Battle form and massively increased his physical abilities.

"Sensei. Just give us some support and defend yourself. We'll handle this."

"Sure, sure… I'm keeping my power anyways for someone else later."

After telling Furuta-sensei to leave this to us, Rai opened two flasks on his belt holsters and manipulated out blood that formed into sharp crystals that surrounded him.

"What do you say, you two? Should we give them what they want?"

"You don't need to even ask!"

"Let's do this, buddy!"


I've heard a lot about you, S.S.S Psychic. They said that for the past year alone, your rampages have destroyed a lot of our plans and most of the True Psychics amongst our ranks has either become very scared of you or has seen you as prey that would win them a high position in our organization.

I am in the latter. My dearest desire is to one day fight him and offer his dead body to Miyazono Ryuichi-sama.

"Claiming your head is a task that only I should be given… and one that I will ceaselessly pursue in order to be acknowledged by the others and… the one that I love."

Ever since you caught her eye, nothing has crossed her mind other than the thought of one day being allowed to fight you and get her hands on you.

It frustrates me… Nothing else brings me sheer hatred other than the fact that even if she keeps it as a secret, you are someone that she yearns for the most.

"I will defeat you… I will make Yoshino-sama look down on you so much that she will direct all of her attention to me who deserves her more than anyone else."

And as if Sprit Freedom has blessed me with this opportunity… you have come here and brought yourself in a silver platter.

"Ephraim Chronia… You will go down today!"


Fending off the Seed Psychics was something that is beyond unremarkable.

We all thought that since Miyazono Ryuichi has been revived and should be able to impart his knowledge about cloning that was lost to his followers, the Seed Psychics would start to become stronger… but if I am asked, they got weaker than I expected.

"I know that we got tougher from everything that we went through, but…"

"Yeah. This is starting to become less about being challenging and just being about wearing us down."

Prioritizing quantity over quality, the Seed Psychics only have the most rudimentary of functions as living beings and are usually implanted with Psychic powers derived from the four basic elements of water, fire, earth and wind.


"Hah! You call that a fire lance?! Hey, Mana-chi! Did you see that?!"

"You shut up, Kai! Don't lump me with these talentless bums!"

Teasing me about our enemies having the same kind of Psychic power but at a level abysmally lower than mine, my blood boiled, and I directed my annoyance towards beating the cloned Psychics to a pulp.

"Wahaha! Mana-chi's turned into an Oni! Let's go!"

"Whaddya' say, punk!?"

Indeed, he might be right. I noticed it after a while of raiding Miyazono hideouts and strongholds. Whenever I get caught up enough in a fight, my physical abilities and Astra energy efficiency rises as long as I remain in a brawl.

Unfortunately, it was Kai who was first to notice it, probably because he underwent physical training and is more adept in detecting it, and ended up naming it without my consent.

"Argh! Forget it! I gotta keep my head in the fight."

"You sure need to. Duck, you two!"

After we heard him say so, both Kai and I lowered ourselves just in time for a giant scythe blade made of blood to pass over our heads and kill seven Seed Psychics in one sweep.

"You want more, you freaks?"

"How dare you!"

"We are the masterpiece of Ryuichi-sama's research! We will not take this insult!"

"Oh yeah?! Then come and change my mind!"

If anything, it was Ephraim who was very engaged in the fight and ended up putting down enemies than all three of us can individually.


"We will overwhelm him with our numbers! Retreat and regroup so- Ack-!"

"Who decided that you will get to do anything against me? I'll already be finished with all of you before you can even put up a fight against me!"

Terrifying… Absolutely terrifying.

Both Kai and I have went through many battles and have discovered more and more things about our powers that added to our strengths later on, but seeing Rai wield this much strength and destroy any adversary thrown to him is something that reminded us of the fact that the last time we met each other like this, even Kirin-sama who has unlocked the epitome of her Psychic power was unable to stop him without our help.

I still don't know enough about what Ephraim is hiding about his power… and at this point, maybe it is for the best that I don't learn about it at all.

"G-Go back! R-R-R-Retreat!!!"


After the bravest and strongest of them was effortlessly slain by us, the remaining Seed Psychics ended up running back to the depths of the cave. They must've lost their nerve after seeing that even the strongest among them can do nothing against us.

"Should we pursue?"

"Is that even a question? Of course, we will pursue them, Mana-chi! Come on and-"

"Hold it, you two!"


"What's wrong, boss?"

Kai and I was about to begin pursuing them when Furuta-sensei raised a steel pipe from the cave floor using his powers to block us from going forward.

"Can't you sense it…?"

"Sense what?"

"There's someone who is going towards us unlike the others."

"What do you mean, Rai?"


As he gestured in front of us, a person emerged from the shadows and looked at us with a smug expression on his face.

"Well, well… I see that you've received a warm enough welcome from my underlings."

"Underlings… is this a stronghold that you own?"

I have enough experience in breaking apart places like this to know about how the Miyazono group makes them work. By saying that this is his place and the Seed Psychics that we faced are his underlings, it means that he is a bonafide Psychic with a high ranking.

"Hey, ain't it rude to not answer when you're being asked something?"


"Why, you-!"

And as I expected, with a high rank comes a high ego and pride to back it up. When told by Kai to at least respond to my question, he spat on the ground and showed a disgusted expression towards him which made the hot-headed guy pissed off.

"I have no reason to interact with paltry and third-rate Psychics like you who will not get me what I want. I'm here for one prey and one prey alone."


"Ever since I became a Gardener Candidate, I kept on hearing about your name and how claiming your life would skyrocket my position and prestige in the Psychic society. Now that I've got this chance of a lifetime, I am not going to waste it!"

"Is that so? …Mana, Kai, Furuta-sensei."


"You three go ahead and deal with the laboratory further down this place."

"W-wait, dealing with this guy by yourself is reckless. Only Kai and Furuta-sensei has something to do down there. I'll stay here and help you out."

"Just do as I say, Mana… This is for the best."


When I looked up at his face, Ephraim has an indescribably unpleasant expression to show. This is when I realized that he must've had some reason to ask me to assist Kai and Furuta-sensei instead of staying back here.

"Alright… We'll leave our backs to you, buddy."

"I got it. Don't worry about enemy reinforcements storming towards you from behind."

"Mm. Wipe the floor with this imbecile!"

"I will!"

As soon as he and Kai had that exchange, Furuta-sensei, Kai and I made a dash past this guy who is blocking the path towards the depths of the cave.

"Like I would let garbage like you to get away!"



He was about to conjure his power in order to block us from passing through where he was standing, but before he can muster up his abilities, Ephraim raised his hand and he was forced to stand motionlessly in there as we ran by.

"You said that you are here for me, right? With the number of Seed Psychics under you and the fact that there is a hint of jealousy under your tone that you are trying so hard to hide… let me guess, you're a follower of Gardener Aokigahara, aren't you?"


"Well, well… This is amusing. To think that someone would be thirsting for that woman's attention is certainly beyond my expectations."

"You shut your mouth! Don't you dare insult Yoshino-sama!!!"

"Oh yeah? Then make me!"

These shouts were the last that I heard from them before a deafening sound of an explosion echoed throughout the cave tunnel.