Chereads / COMA: Fragmented Reality / Chapter 68 - Extra Chapter: The War of Heaven and Earth (Part 1)

Chapter 68 - Extra Chapter: The War of Heaven and Earth (Part 1)

The few days after the initial attack on all three fronts of the Northern Continent including the partial destruction of Swistu domain was spent in ceaseless battle.

After three days of utterly decimating the invaders of Kleiv that flooded their defenses with no particular organization, Spirit Justice was finally given permission to use her powers and was said to have split the ground with innumerable thunder strikes that no trace of those who were hit were left.

For Itole, their mountainous terrain was a huge advantage as none of the desert and rainforest warriors was prepared for the hike and with their superior ranged weapons and machinery, blunted the advance of the attackers while also inflicting massive damage to their numbers.

No news came for the western islands under the control of the Chronians. But the fact that no reports of the warriors from across the sea reached Caelestia was a good enough proof that they are holding off the invasion fleet.

All seems to be well for the inhabitants of the northern continent… or at least, that is what it seems like for now… because in the main hall where all Celestial Spirits are supposed to meet in order to decide what to do in the war, the two chairs that are not supposed to be vacated has no one sitting on them.

"Is he still not out yet?"

"…Not yet. He and she are still inside his Domain."

These two seats are for Law and Love. The two Guardian Spirits of the Northern Continent and the leaders of the Celestial Spirits. Normally, both of them or at least one of them would be present and seated up there… but given what just happened, none of their compatriots can blame the one who can still attend, to not be there.

"Decision making was left to Faith and I. Law, as you already know, isn't in the right state of self to even speak right now."

"I do not question your capabilities, but I believe it is just proper that we at least appeal to the Guardian Spirit to allow us to use the full power of Caelestia."

"He is right, Spirit Justice. Right now, we cannot access our Divine Armory and Raiment because Spirit Law is in a distraught form which is affecting the rift dimension that contains our weapons and armor… I believe it is only rightful for you to request authority over it so that we can fend off our enemies more easily."

"Right. We can't fight with our hands tied behind us like this. We need to appeal to him now."

As their fellow spirits demanded Justice and Faith to talk to Law, they were stopped by Knowledge who, instead of wearing only his pure white scholar's robe, is currently wearing a black scarf across his shoulders that drapes down to his torso, a northern continent form of showing mourning.

"That's an easy thing to demand, my fellow spirits, but actually doing it would be an impossibility."


"That black scarf is…"

"Let's not waste our breath with words of wishful thinking and comforting… I know that she can't make it."

Knowledge's words are insensitive and brazen, something that clearly deserves reprimand or even some beating in order for him to recant it… but none of the Spirits in attendance do not know what Knowledge really feels about the impending death of his spiritual sibling.

"Stop looking like you're full of pity and start placing your attention on what really matters right now…"

"Knowledge… you can at least-"

"I said stop acting like you're bearing something heavy and actually think about our current predicament! You're wasting your effort and time on meaningless things!"

"You're overstepping your-"


Justice, whose pride is being challenged by Knowledge's retorts, almost drew out her sword to cut him down, was stopped at the nick of time by Faith who threw herself between the two of them.

"We're really wasting our time and strength in this kind of meaningless squabbles! Justice, handle the meeting! Knowledge, come with me!"

"Tch! Just when I am feeling bad for your sake…"

As Faith brought Knowledge out of the meeting hall, Justice continued to lead the discussions and planning about the next wave of attacks that they knew would come soon in the battlefronts.

Outside of the hall, Knowledge, who snapped out of what almost just happened, took away his hand that was being pulled by Faith and began to retort to her.

"L-Let go of me already! I'm not a lost child for you to pull me by the hand and-"



Before he can finish his words though, an open hand hit him squarely on the face and knocked him out of his forced act of defiance.

"W-what just-"

"You imbecile… just why… just why do you have to be like this when we need you the most…?"

"I-Imbecile!? Just who are you- Ah-!"

"Khh! Why… why does everything have to be like this…? First, it was him… and now, it's Love, and I am losing even you…!"


"Why… just who decides these kinds of things…? Why does everything have to be like this…?"

In front of him, Faith finally showed the side of herself that she cannot afford to show to the others after she was given the responsibility of being a decision maker for Caelestia. Tears poured out from her eyes and traced down her face, tears bearing her grief over another death that she has to mourn and endure through.

"Tell me, Knowledge… why… why can't you show grief as well? Why are you so adamant of just letting this pass when even I am so broken inside because of this!?"

"I want to… but… I can't!"


"As the Spirit of Knowledge and Logic… I cannot… I cannot show any emotion about this…"

Although they are the highest authorities of their respective aspects of reality, Spirits are also slaves to those aspects and the principles that govern it.

For Knowledge, who is born at the same moment with Love, being born as the total opposite of the emotionally driven Spirit only means that pure logic is what drives him and his actions. Because of this, he is literally barred by his own existence to not feel any extreme emotions.

"I want to cry too… I want to wail around and grieve my heart out… But… but…!"

No matter how much Knowledge wishes to feel grief, anger or even at least longingness for his sister who is now at the last vestiges of her remaining breath and life, there is something that holds his very existence down from attaining such feelings in his heart.

"I can't-! I can't feel anything! My heart and mind is full of contradiction against my wish! I… I am to remain unmoved through all of this!"

Again, Spirits are the absolute authorities of the aspects of reality that gave birth to them… but they are also the lowest slaves of it. For Knowledge, it took the form of his inability to do anything but accept and move on when he actually wishes to grieve for his sister…

And to another being who like him, is being forced by his very existence to feel nothing, it took on the worst form.

"I am here, Love… Don't ever think that I will let go."


"I will hold onto time as much as I can… I will not let it flow and let you die."

In the innermost chamber of Caelestia, a Domain owned by its most ancient and powerful Spirit, that same Spirit is embracing the mortally wounded body of his closest confidante and co-guardian of the Northern Continent.

On her torso is a large gaping hole from which, blood continues to flow down into a growing puddle beneath her. Usually, such a heavy wound can be closed by Spirit Faith or Spirit Mercy with much effort, but because of how she incurred this wound, that option has been deemed non-applicable and her death became a fact about to be manifested… or at least, that is how it is supposed to be…



"Wa… Water…"

"H-Here! I'll help you, so drink as much as you can."

When Law brought her there and she saw the glowing symbol on the ceiling, she understood that Law is trying everything that he can, even something that he would normally consider as borderline taboo, all in order to preserve her life.

"I know that it is tiring… If you are suffering already, stop now and let go."



"I told you… I promised you! I promised you that I will not let go and let you die! Did you not hear me!?"


Love knew that what Law is doing just to freeze the time inside the Domain is sapping his strength so much that even he is suffering. Because only time was stopped, that also meant that all this time, Love has been enduring the pain of being stuck in the middle of being alive and succumbing to death… and yet, even with her brutal situation where choosing death might just be the better option, her concern is still the welfare of the Spirit that continues to decline her plea to just let go and let her die.

"I don't want to give you up yet… We… we still have so many things that we promised to do together! You yourself told me that you want to watch after our people until they can stand by themselves! You said that you wanted to guide them towards a future where they can be united and can bear noble aspirations in their lives!"

"Law… You already know that I can't-"

"I… I still have so much that I want to do with you! I want to be by your side and protect you! I want to be there to help you and guide you on things that you don't know!"

Never in their hundreds of years of being together since that day when they first met did Love see Law act like this. She can sense his emotions behind his words, she can feel his desire to do just as he speaks with his tone… and yet…

His face continued to be unmoved, his words and tone shows grief, but his facial expression, the lack of it to be exact, never shows it.

"I want to show you that I too, can feel emotions like everyone else… I want to be sad, to be mad, to be exhilarated… but most of all, I want to finally be able to fulfill the promise that I gave you so long ago."


"I want to… I want you to be the reason why I can finally smile…"

Love was prepared to disregard the constant feeling of pain that courses throughout her body that can kill her anytime, but Law's words brought pain that hurt her beyond her life-ending injury.

It was a pain brought by the realization that no matter what she does, she cannot live long enough or even just past this situation for Law to fulfill all of those promises that he made to her.

Love regretted that fact… Love hated that everything turned to this point. She wanted to comfort Law, but as she is right now, she can do nothing anymore.

"Don't go… Don't go yet, Love. We still… We still have so much to do together…"

If Spirit Knowledge's manifestation of unemotionality is the innate inability to show any kind of extreme emotions, Law's was much worse… for instead of only the ability to feel emotions and yet being forcibly unable to show it, he also has begun to twist the principles of his laws in order to favor what he desires to do.

And nothing else can prove it other than the bright purple glow that bathes the Domain in its light whilst stopping the flow of time for both him and her… A light that will soon bathe the world as well in its final days against Caelestia.

Three sunsets after this meeting, another wave of attacks came to the Northern Continent from the southern and eastern battlefronts.

"Hold fast, men! The Spirits are with us!"


"Man your stations! Nock your arrows and rain death to them!"

On the east, the people of Kleiv, under the direction of Spirit Justice, drove their infamous broadhead arrows through their enemies using their renown longbows. Swathes of enemies fell down and was trampled by their comrades as they advanced towards the wooden fortifications made prior the attack.

"Keep them at bay! I am doing my all to summon a lightning storm!"

"As you wish, Spirit! You heard it, men! Hold the lines!"

Just when they saw their enemies being whittled down by their archers and their morale rose up, a horrifying thing happened to those who was supposedly downed and killed by their archers.

"W-What the-!?"

"T-They're standing back up! They're coming back to life!"

"What in tarnation is this all about?!"

It was beyond unreal to them. Men hit by their heavy and deadly arrows stood up moments after being hit and trampled on and joined back to the slow yet unrelenting wave of men approaching their bulwarks.

"S-Spirit! Please enlighten us about this!?"

"R-Right! Spirit Justice, please tell us what this is about!"

"I sense a Tainted among these lot."

"A-A Tainted…?"

"Someone in that crowd is forcing the dead's souls to continuously inhabit the body of those that just died. It seems like someone there has finally sold their entire being to that deplorable being of Chaos."


As soon as the dark clouds that she has been forming has been blown to the direction of the battlefield, Justice drew out her sword and spoke a warning to her warriors.

"All of you, switch to ranged weapons and never dare to step out of your fortresses. Support me with arrow and catapult fire, but in no occasion are you allowed to step out and fight these lot closely. Am I understood!?"

"""YES, SPIRIT!!!"""

The situation in Itole is no different than in Kleiv… To be exact, it might be worse than there.

"Shoot them before they approach the walls!"

"We're doing our best already!"

With their bows and crossbows, the defenders of the mountain city of Itole shot down large vultures and nimble monkeys that are making quick work of the city's terrain advantage. As for the reason why these animals are being warded off and killed, it is the fact that their enemies have strapped explosives on their bodies with the intention of using them as living weapons.

"These explosives aren't like the fabled creation of an alchemist in Swistu called black powder… this is a bomb that explodes using Astra energy!"

"Who can have the knowledge and capability to make these then?"

"I suspect that it is that darned Tainted Spirit… this reeks with her involvement."


"Tainted Spirit Curiosity… that damned Spirit that once stole from Knowledge's Domain and used that stolen information to manifest all kinds of Psych-Malignances that terrorized the western part of the continent. This weapon can only be her work."

To put it simply, over these past few days, the humans that are being led by the Tainted Spirits has continuously gained more and more powerful weapons and abilities that they are using to the full extent in order to push back the Spirits and the people of the Northern Continent.


"Spirit Fa---"

"Spirit Faith!"


"Please answer us! When will the Guardian Spirits finally come and save us!?"

Two weeks of ceaseless fighting sapped the energy and hope of the people. The Spirit that was left to manage their defenses began to feel the limitations of her corporeal body and would sometimes experience something that she has only begun to feel now.

"It must be that…"


"Spiritual Dissonance. A disorder that can only be contracted by those that can use enormous Astra energy in their bodies."

After their daily strategy meeting, Faith consulted Justice about it and without any pause to reconsider any other reason, Justice answered her, showing that she was sure of it.

"What will this do to me?"

"I am going to say this even if I know that it will hurt you, young one…"


"It is the disorder that claimed the life of your Spirit father, Courage… It is something he contracted and died of before he can even return to your side."


"It is a cruel illness. Left unchecked and untreated, it is the deadliest sickness that we Spirits can contract and die of."

Justice then told her on how it manifests and how it can be treated.

"Spiritual happens to you when you overuse your body's Astra energy absorption in order to compensate for your body's innate inability to recuperate enough of the Astra energy that you are using. It's like you're forcing a pitcher to pour out water that it doesn't have inside of it."

"I see…"

"When that happens, your body stresses itself so much that it disrupts the other functions of your body, mainly the organ and nerves of your nervous system such as your brain."

Once that was explained to her, Faith remembered the appearance of Courage that was described by Love before Law destroyed his physical body and locked his essence in Caelestia.

"Initially, you will have momentary disconnection from your consciousness. But slowly, you will lose your ability to effectively use your abilities… and soon, you will lose your consciousness and eventually be locked in a state where your body is still alive but can never be awakened from."

"Is there… a cure?"

"There is. But it is something that I know you will not take now that the situation for all of us are this dire now."

"What is it and why do you think I won't take it?"

"Because the cure is to rest and never use your powers for the next whole year."


"You're saddled with the responsibility of leading all of us just as I do… I can handle it by myself, but I know that you will not want to seemingly abandon everyone like this just to cure yourself."

Faith was given such an answer. And just as Justice said, she finds it hard in her heart to actually follow it.

"As I said, I can bear all of it by myself. My advice is for you to rest and let your body be healed until you get back to health… Besides, those two blockheads wouldn't like to lose another friend and comrade."

Being told that Law and Knowledge wouldn't want to lose her too, Faith begrudgingly accepted and retreated to her Domain. There, she meditated to boost the recuperation of her body and stem the worsening of her body's damages.

"Now that I am the lone leading figure, I can do this unopposed. I apologize for using you like this, Faith… But as I always say, the end justifies the means."

However, if Faith thought that Justice only had her own good as the reason why she gave such an advice for her to rest, she was sorely wrong.

"I'm sorry, Law and Love… These desperate straits of ours calls for desperate measures as well. I must break our agreement, but again, this is for the sake of everyone that we pledged to protect under us."

At the end of the third week since the war started, the previously ever-victorious army of almost undying warriors invading Kleiv found themselves turning on their heels after Spirit Justice held a spear that pulsates with a purple glow, which when she slashed towards their lines, cut their bodies in half.

"Divine Weapon, Heaven Splitter… Show to these lowly mongrels the power of Caelestia!"

Normally, that injury wouldn't be a problem to them who has received the Rune of Undying from Tainted Spirit Defiance… but this time, that never saved any of them against the spear being wielded by Spirit Justice.

"Beyond this point… None shall pass no more."

The same went for Itole as well that is now being defended by Spirit Knowledge.

"You savages ought to learn why it is the learned and the able-minded that rules over those who only depend on their limb's strengths."

All across the mountain range, clouds of dust and echoing sounds of explosions filled the air as pillars made of stone that are twice the size of an average man's height was launched from Itole and towards the encampments and armies of the invaders.

"You lot really are nothing but barbarians… I wish I can have more fun obliterating your kind. Although I should conclude that the All-Seeing Eye is absolutely superior to even my Heaven's Eyes."

From the clouds, an orb made of gold floats and continuously stares down on the ground. Whenever it detects a gathering of the invaders, it informs Knowledge about it and the Spirit uses his strong telekinetic ability to hurl spears made of stone towards them.

"S-S-Spirit Knowledge… Sir…?"

"What is it?"


"Speak now! You're letting those mongrels to gather up and proceed with their actions while you delay me with your drivel!"

"I-I-It's about the city scholars, sir! They've found out something from the Insight stone that you brought!"

"They saw what…?"

Later that night, celebrations were supposed to be held after the Spirits successfully repelled that wave of attacks and regained the ground that they lost for the past few days… but the news brought by Knowledge returned everything to a serious and somber atmosphere.

"They're building that abomination again… the one described by Love's information about the Original World and its destruction."


"Chaotic Spirit Babel, sharing the same body as Tainted Spirit Freedom, initiated the construction of the Tower of Babel, the symbol of mankind's defiance against the divine!"


"They intend to build it, fill it with all of their abominations in order to strengthen their Tainted Spirits and finally step foot in Caelestia!"


"That can't possibly be true!"

"How did they find us!?"

"Those damned Tainted Spirits! They're even dragging mortals into this!"

The news sent the meeting of Spirits into a tussle of words and curses against their enemies.

"Knowledge, be specific about your report. What do we know so far?"

"Alright… As everyone may know already, Caelestia rests upon the highest mountain in the world, Mount Hyperion, just north of Swistu domain. According to the information given to me by Law, and my own research, this floating island connected by an invisible yet tangible force to the said mountain, is the center point of the world and the place where the Roots of Reality connects this planet to the greater expanses of the Sea of Stars where we source our power and where the Essence of the Original World is sealed."

"We know at least that much in common with everyone else."

"Right, this is where I began to connect all of these scattered information… Apparently, Law's Domain has been emitting some kind of energy different from Astra energy ever since he locked himself and Love in there."

"And what is this energy that you detected?"

"An energy released from a power that is able to abate Time almost to the point of cessation."

"T-Time!? Then can Law be-!"

"Yes… I've looked into it myself, and it seems like all this time, Law has almost ceased the passing of time inside his Domain in order to preserve Love's last moments. He's basically bending the very rules that he placed regarding one of the most sensitive Foundations of Reality. It's almost like that time when Tainted Spirit Curiosity stole a scroll in my Domain and used it to manipulate the Foundations of Life which manifested never before seen Psych-Malignances that sank entire continents into the sea before we got to deal with them."

The news that Law, their Guardian Spirit, leading figure of Caelestia and inarguably the strongest Spirit in existence, has been doing something like this that borders between breaking that rule, made the Spirits look at each other in a mixed expression of disbelief and fear.

"Of course, no matter how powerful he is and his authority over Time, Law is still someone whose endurance has a limit and whose authority over Time isn't entirely absolute as he is now. That leads me to the conclusion that he is sapping the energy needed to maintain that control over Time from a different source than his own self."

"What leads you to this conclusion, Knowledge?"

Instead of answering Justice's question with words, Knowledge opened up his arms in order to activate the gigantic Insight stone above the meeting chamber and from there, he showed images to his fellow Spirits that he collected from all across the world.

"W-W-What happened there!?"

"Isn't that a lush forest before?"

"How did it turn to such a wasteland!?"

The images showed faraway places familiar to the Spirits who have already roamed across the world numerous times. One of this is the forest at the western continent whose trees stretch out from horizon to horizon… but now, it is nothing but a desolate and cracked land whose green forest are now filled with dead and crumbling logs.

"The world's flora and fauna are dying. Forests that are eternally green before are now wastelands that stretch towards the horizon. Rivers that used to carry freshwater that all kinds of wildlife call home are now stagnant pools of clay and silt. And all across the world, volcanoes are starting to belch out smoke, a sign of impending eruptions that would fill the world's atmosphere with dark clouds carrying soot."


"As far as I know, only one object here in Caelestia coincides with Law's seemingly endless supply of energy for his ability to maintain his control over Time and the rapid degeneration of nature at the furthest uninhabited places of this world…"

Everyone's eyes widened at what Knowledge seems to be implying with his words. Some even shivered and fell down to their knees after realizing what it meant for every single one of them.

A week passed and everything in the world fell into chaos. Without their knowledge, the enemy has already breached their defenses and has now locked them in Caelestia after all Insight stones from where they can teleport was destroyed.

"…I will break down the door to his Domain."


"Are you serious with that?!"

"I am."

Justice's sudden declaration of her intent to break open the door of Law's Domain was met with worried words and reluctant protests of her comrades, urging her to not do it.

"Law has made it clear that no one is to be let in!"

"Right! We can't afford to break that rule and incur his wrath!"

"Please, Justice! Hear us first before you do this!"

However, their words didn't reach her as she materialized and drew her sword before she arrived at the topmost and grandest-looking door at the main hallway of Caelestia.

"LAW!!! We already know what you have done! Come here and face us!"


"I will break your Domain's door if you continue to resist my words!"


"Well then… You have chosen poorly!"


Though all of this passed like a few moments outside of the Domain, it wasn't the same for the two Spirits inside of it.

"Love… Don't go… Not yet!"


Although time does pass so slowly inside of the Domain, it is still going, and her final moments are still being spent. For Love, who is being cradled by her fellow Spirit and closest confidante, the almost eternal time that has passed since she was brought here and the pain of her wounds that has been aching since then was nothing in comparison to the heartbreaking sight of Law wishing for her to not die yet.

"We still have… so much to do together. I still have so much that I want to let you see. Please don't go… please don't go!"

"Law… This is enough."


As said, Time may not pass as quickly as it should be in this Domain, but it still passes and for the past 31,415,926,536 sunsets in this room that translates to just over three weeks outside, that kind of time is enough for her remaining life to be sapped and finally run dry.

"This is enough for me… I… I have lived a long life in this world, and I have nothing else to wish for."

"D-Don't say that! We still have so much… so much more to do! I… the other Spirits, even our own people! We still have much to do for the future that we desire!"

"I know… but right now, I'm already satisfied. I know… I know that there is much more to do, but I don't think I have enough strength to see all of it now…"


As he is cradling her heavily wounded body, Love was able to see Law's face that carried an unmoving expression, but his tone clearly shows that he wanted to grieve for her coming death that he still wishes to fight against.

"You… You used to be such an idiot who drinks milk straight from a cow's teats and eat raw wild grain because you despised humans and their handiworks for being the festering grounds of your mortal enemies… But look at you now… You've changed."

"Love… don't say these things as if you're-"

"Listen to me well, Law…"


"These are… my final words for you."


With a whimper under his words, Law wanted her to not speak what she is about to say if it means that it would truly be the last time that he can hear her voice.

"Each one… of my memories together with you… are of pure bliss. There was a not a single moment… that I regretted meeting you back then in that flower bed of Moonlight Lillies… You let me grow as a Spirit… and protected me and my people from all kinds of harm."


"Back then, I thought that this is just a temporary agreement… I thought that once you have finished your business here or you get fed up with my people… you will leave to continue on your own journey… but you didn't… and my heart felt so much relief…"

"Love… enough already… preserve your strength and life- Ah!"

To Law's surprise, Love took off one of her bloodied hands that she placed over her wound and caressed his cheek softly. Her blood covered his cheek, with Law feeling that it isn't as warm as it should've been.

"That was when I realized the last tenet of my Principle… and I knew that the only way I can fulfill it… is with you."

Love weakly leaned on Law's chest, hearing his heartbeat as she slowly closed her eyes… sensing her coming death.

"My name in the Original World's common tongue is Love…"


"I am Love, the Spirit and Manifestation of Love, Emotions, Passion and Devotion. I was born 1,632,943 sunsets ago in the Great Falls of Naopa of the Central Continent. I have banished countless Psych-Malignances, led millions of people to a peaceful and satisfying end of their lives. And as of today, I shall join them in the great flow of the Sea of Stars."

All of these words horrified Law. There is only one thing that can happen after a Spirit decides to narrate such things.

"By my name, Love, Spirit of Love, I confer unto you, Law, Spirit of Law, my true name and what little remains of my authority over my aspect of reality."

"This is…"

"My name is Ai (Love)… receive my name and let me rest, this is my last wish…"

"No… please don't make me-"

"I wish to be laid to rest… by the only being that I loved… and now, has to be parted with."


I can't… I can't possibly do that!

You know that I can never do that to you! Not like this… I don't want it to end like this!

"I wish to be laid to rest… by the only being that I loved… and now, has to be parted with."


"Please, Law… I don't wish to die at the hands of the enemies and let them take the prestige. Do it not only for me… but also for everyone else."

"…I promised to defend our people. I cannot break that."

"You promised to defend our people… I am not one of them."

The one reason that I was holding on so much, even though I knew that it is barely even legal to reason with just to not kill her, slipped… and now, I have no other reason to not fulfill her wish.

As I was cradling her dying body, I took away my left hand that I was using to hold her and placed it over her chest where her heart is now barely beating.

"I'm sorry, Love."

"Don't be, Law… This is what I wanted."

With one miniscule pulse of force that I sent into her chest, her heart's beating stopped, and finally, she was freed from being locked in a state of barely holding onto her life…

Now… she will truly die…

"Law… thank you…"

"No… Thank you for everything, Love…"

"Yes… and… I love you."


Love's hand that was holding his cheek, fell down to her chest and her head that was leaning on his chest loosened away.

He knew it for he did it… Love is dead.

Law lifted her body without making any sound. The purple light that softly covered the room before, dimmed until it reached a point where it sputtered into darkness.

Walking her body across the room, Love's blood left a trail on the pure golden floor and stained it. However, the owner of the Domain said nothing about the mess… in truth, he says nothing at all.

Finally arriving at the middle of the Domain, Law rested Love's cold dead body on a bed made of pure marble and without even speaking a command, out of it grew out a familiar flower that both of them loved.

"These flowers shall mark our meeting and parting… A flower that blooms only in the bright moonlight and heals the earth from which great sorrow was buried."

Law spoke these words and caressed his own cheek from where Love touched him earlier. His hand was stained with her blood… now no longer figuratively, but also literally.

"Dream forevermore, Love… I too, shall be by your side when I have fulfilled my promise to you. For now, take my caress upon your cheek and be at peace in the Sea of Stars… May you await me when the time has come for me too."

Law plucked one of the flowers from the marble bed and placed it on Love's intwined hands over her bosom. Before he stood up, he kissed Love on the cheek and spoke about his wish for her to await him when they will meet once again.

"...From now on, I promise upon myself…"

Law's Domain, although an unliving object, shook in terror of the words that came from its master's lips.

"…I shall end this world… the same way that it ended everything that I held dear in my heart and soul."

A slaughter of proportions never seen before in this world, started with such a destructive promise… and it will never be stopped by anything.


Freedom and her cohort of a hundred Tainted Spirits rejoiced with the marvel they are seeing in front of their eyes.


"Take 'em! We're gonna have a fresh plaything tonight, boys!"

Breaking through the defenses of Kleiv, Itole and the western lands using Tainted Spirit Transfiguration's teleportation ability, almost all of the remaining humans that were not assigned to distract the Spirits from Caelestia arrived at the foot of Mt. Hyperion and with the help of the Tainted Spirits, began to clear and quarry out the mountain in order to turn its stone and trees into building materials for the construction of the Tower.

A monumental task of building the tower that reaches to the highest heavens that should've taken decades to complete was done in just three weeks. And in order to celebrate, the Tainted Spirits and the humans under them proceeded with a raid that spread terror across the Northern Continent.

Livestock was stolen and either feasted on by the humans or offered to the altars of their pagan gods.

Men over the age of 12 years were executed on the spot. Women, regardless of their age, was taken and fought over by their captors, many of them were made into playthings by their new owners, regardless of their owners' gender.

Children were put to work in the construction of the Tower and would later face the same fate as the livestock sacrificed by the Pagan believers.

Cruelty of unspeakable degrees commenced across the land, with those in the frontlines unable to know that the enemy that they are holding off has already broken through and would soon fall upon them as well from their rear.

In just another week, the entirety of the Northern Continent fell to the hands of the Tainted Spirits and their human worshipers… The fertile land whose inhabitants carried hearts and consciences that are purer than the undriven snow was no more.

Now, the Northern Continent looked like a hellscape… a scene ripped straight out an apocalyptic vision. It was filled with nothing but blood, sorrow, misery and most of all, pure and unrelenting evil.

"To think that the Six Great Leaders of the North would fall to such a state… You lot truly are useless when made to face the horrors of reality without the protection of your Guardian Spirits."


"Speak, you knaves! I want to hear you wallow in pain and cursing your Guardians for their incompetence!"


"Now, now, now! Curse them already and join our fold!"

In one of the floors of the Tower, Tainted Spirit Misery is torturing six people bound with chains and covered from head to toe with cuts, bruises and gashes. Not hearing anything from them after her provocation, she kicked the head of one of the six and grinded her heel on his face in order to further break his spirit.

However, the man still didn't give her the answer that she desires.

"I'd rather curse my own birth and the womb that let me be born alive… than curse them who has cared for and gave my life a meaning when I never deserved any of it."


"As Gran Judis of Kleiv… the leader of the proud people of the eastern domain… I refuse to curse our Spirits and bow down to your desires!"


Not receiving the gloom from the man whom she expected to be at the breaking point of his spirit now, Misery kicked him away and proceeded to the other six who like him, had the same words to speak out.

"As the Chief Innkeeper of the Palace city of Lomein… I will rather die than bow down to your ilk!"

"I, the Chief Sanctum Priestess of Itole, will never acknowledge false gods such as your kind!"

"I have offered countless songs and odes of appreciation to our Guardians as the Bard Meister of Swistu… I shall never pluck my strings and sing a hymn to rotten scum like you!"

"It would forever stain my title as the Master Physician of Frincia to offer my salutations to you… Just end me if you can!"

"I've never heard of such a hilarious joke as this… Even I, the Fatuus Meister, am amused with the foolishness of your command. Break me in whatever way you wish, but I will certainly not let any curses to the Spirits to come from my lips!"

All six of them, still burning with loyalty towards their Guardians, made Misery to shake in terror as it was clear to her that no matter how much she breaks them, she can never make them renounce the Celestial Spirits and take their side.

"Grrr!!! Take them to the six highest floors and kill them there! Let their bodies serve as warnings against their people that unless they side with us, they will face the same fate!"

"""Y-Yes, Spirit!"""

Later that day, all six of them were hanged in the six topmost floors of the Tower. With their renown leaders killed, many of the people lost their hope and had a change of heart… enough for them to let go of the principles and way of life that they have followed throughout their entire lifetimes. Later on, the ones who still held fast to their loyalty to their way of life went from over a million to only a couple hundred… and even then, their hearts tethered on the edge of defecting as they faced all kinds of abuse and assault from their captors.

The Tower of Babel, built for the Being of Chaos who now co-inhabits the body of Tainted Spirit Freedom, was the symbol of their supposed triumph over Guardian Spirit Love, and their challenge against the Divine Principles symbolized by the floating island of Caelestia.

Day by day, through the evils of lasciviousness, violence, misery, hedonism, sadism, masochism, and endless whoredom that happens in the Tower, Chaos Spirit Babel gained strength that it poured into forging an arrow that a fabled king was said to have used in the Original world to challenge the Divine. Once it was finished, it nocked the arrow on a bow and loosed it towards Caelestia, breaking the barrier that makes it invisible and untouchable.


"Right! The land that was denied from us! The center of the world and the gateway to the Sea of Stars! It is here! It is finally within our grasp!"

"We will finally be able to own the entire world and many more from beyond!"

Their desire, however, will never come to life… For in the very moment that the barrier was broken and Caelestia appeared, it was followed by a being's arrival that none of them were prepared for.




Justice, who was seething with anger because of their failures before, decided to confront Law who has locked himself inside his Domain all that time. She knew what it would cost her if she broke his command and enters his Domain uninvited, but their very existences are already on the brink of being lost.



"I'm going to destroy this world."

Those words erased all traces of bravery in Justice's mind. Even the deep-seated anger that burns in her heart was extinguished immediately as soon as she saw the disparity of the emotions being showed by Law's face and his eyes.

"S-Stop… that wasn't what you-"

"Mankind promised to me that they will hearken to the tenets of the natural law… and breaking any of them will mark them as my enemies fit for disposal. I am doing what I have always did before."

"But this world still has hope! You can't just-"

"Love is dead."


"…There is no more hope."

The news of Love's death made Justice shudder about the truth of Law's words… Spirit Love also symbolized hope… and now that she is dead, Law's declaration that "there is no more hope" meant only one thing.

"Humanity… will perish."

That was exactly what Law intended to do.


"Urgh… What just-"



The slaughter started seconds after Caelestia appeared and was followed by the sudden arrival of its strongest Spirit and the Guardian of the land that they desecrated.

"Greed… Sloth…!"

"You filthy Spirits who sold their selves to that monster…"


"I will not let any of you escape my judgement…"

Law twirled his spear to hit the decapitated heads of two Tainted Spirits, sending their lifeless gazes towards the others who survived the assault.

"T-T-Transfiguration! Open the portal!"


"Do you think that is enough to escape from me?"



"Spirit Transfiguration!"

The opened portal that its conjurer jumped into, suddenly fluctuated and as soon as Transfiguration completely entered it, bits of flesh and splatters of blood came out of it before it closed, much to their horror.

"I told you already, no one can escape my judgement…"


"With my authority, I order you to bathe the world in your gaze!"

Above the clouds, a source of light so massive and bright covered the entire continent with a light purplish glow.

"Eye of Stagnant Time!"

Thus started, The War of Heaven and Earth.