A novel with a Livestream system that gives insane challenges to the host. The host will be given live-streaming equipment and will be able to Livestream on all platforms with the best quality always having internet.
Some challenges could be:
Straight-line across the world
1 year in the wilderness
Scale the tallest mountain in the world with handicap
Explore the deep sea
Go to the Bermuda Triangle
Be dropped of at an Island and be tasked to make it home
Survive Stranded at Sea
Host acquires skills like Cooking, Climbing, Swimming, Diving, CQC, Stealth, Building. and more
Host acquires knowledge like Western and Eastern Medicine, Cooking, Herbs, History about tasks location, Geography, General information on Animals and Sea life and more
This is a more realistic novel so the skills would be more realistic. This is to show that knowledge is power instead of, "I can break house with my fist"