First, information is the smallest unit of value.
Second, information is attractive and transformative.
Third, information density gives rise to various arrangements and complex patterns.
Fourth, the more information density an area has, the more stability it attains.
Fifth, energy is information in an encoded form expressed as a transformative function.
Sixth, matter has both decoded and encoded patterns of information expressed as a stable point of values.
Seventh, the arrangement of information grants various properties to encoded and decoded information.
The role which weaves and wanes leaves naught but twisted branches in its wake.
Slithering through an ocean of probability living formulas danced with imaginary values.
A single inexplicably uneven value fell from the garden of true infinity that represented zero.
Nothing was now something as the perfection of everything was broken.
Now bubbling in the broken formula it had become it contracted and expanded alongside its new chaotic pattern.
The density of values struggled to retain stability of their formula within the imperfect ocean of possibilities.
Imperfection pulled upon it as the value was stretched across conceptual nothingness.
The equation split into four as the immense energy of pure information was continuously diluted inside the expanding cosmic being.
Arrangements of patterns formed in accordance with the equations derivative values, stellar furnaces now born within something less than real.
The furnaces forged new structures, new arrangements for the poor diluted and fragmented equations of information.
Atoms formed of structures within structures which built the foundation of ever more structure.
Rocks and flashes, stellar deaths and immense time scales, the formation of densely packed equations in the form of black holes.
A rock, one among many flourished with something formed of the equations.
More on other rocks grew beyond action and reaction and gained the property of information through the manifestation of consciousness.
They made paths of formulas and knowledge, some failed in their paths, and others succeeded as the equation dwelled within them.
They made tools to shape the rocks and stars, and they travelled the cosmos to meet each other.
They became more, dense, denser, they collected the information of the equation within themselves.
Coldness encroached as the diluted essence of the equation was approaching zero once more, it would soon reach stability once again.
The things full of its Information made tools and experimented as their cosmos died.
They desired structure within the perfect everything, such was the unthinkable role of imperfect beings or so they told themselves.
The equation was made complete once again through the advent of nothingness and the perfect equation.
But… it was no longer perfect… it never would be… the things borne of its equations propagated beyond the single value and into others.
They created new equations and subverted the rules of perfect zero to their own uses.
They forged things within the absolute nothingness of zero which held all things that could ever exist.
They stole values, equations and information and the perfect equation of zero found itself being carved and shaped into new structures.
More ever more of the things sprouted across its infinite equation.
But zero was not dying for it could not die, no it was merely transforming into something beyond absolute perfection.
The perfect equation embraced the imperfect things borne of its existence as it became greater than any measure of mere infinity could describe.