Chereads / The Circle Of Hope / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7: reproduction

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7: reproduction

A week had passed in the Autobot base and Aquarius still hasn't woken up or regained consciousness as Rachet believes that she had slipped into a coma due to the damage and energon she had lost that forced her body to shut down from the shock and pain she was being given on the war ship they rescued her from. Athena refuses to give up on Aquarius as she believes that there is still hope for them if hey just keep holding on than just giving up on her.

"Is see that sleeping beauty hasn't woken up from her nap yet?" Meko said as she hasn' seen this Aquarius before and isn't allowed in her room as only Optimus and the medics can go in to check on her and is one of the common places for him to go now showing how much he cares and refuses to lose hope.

"Sleeping beauty?" Optimus asked not getting the girl's reference as it was based on a Disney princess who needs a kiss from a prince to wake her up from the curse she was given by being pricked by a spinning wheel.

"Ya know the princess sleeping beauty? She sleeps all the time because of a curse and needs a prince to kiss her to free her from it" he responded trying to tell them but i don't think the Autobots have ever seen Disney before or watched a movie about singing princesses.

"I don't think robots are into Disney Miko" jack said as he too knows what she was on about busy war fighting robots definitely doesn't have the time to watch Disney movies, especially about singing princess' with traumatic backstories and marrying men twice their age.

"I assure you that who ever you're referring too doesn't matter the statistics of our Queen as she isn't human nor a princess" Optimus said seeing Aquarius as the possible leader she was seen by many others on Cybertron and Megatron himself but if she stays like this then there will no longer be a ruler for Cybertron as she needs to be conscious to gave someone the Matrix Of Royalty. The three little humans knew the risks of this war the Autobots are stuck in but were still wondering on what this Aquarius looked like other than some motivation words from Optimus who refuses to describe her without her presence or consent. Plasma was in the presence on the Autobots still as Optimus was able to persuade him to stay with them for as long as he can until Aquarius is awake and hopefully rebuild that strong sibling bond they had lost all those millennia's ago and apologise for extinguishing their mother's spark in front of her and their farther.

"Why can't you just tell us what she looks like? And why did you guys hide her from us?" Miko begged again as it's all what she's thinking about ever since Aquarius was taken away into a different room out of the humans reach.

"They can't tell you want she looks like because of our strict rules back on Cybertron that we must always follow no matter how far away we are" Plasma said as it was true especially in a presence of one too even though he is no longer a royal anymore as Aquarius freed him before she was seriously hurt once again.

"But What rule is so important that doesn't allow you to describe what a real looks like?" Jack asked not getting ant of this as they are now on. Different that has different rules that they must follow especially when hidden away from society.

"It states in the rule book that describing a royal's look without permission is highly forbidden as it's classed as unpure and disrespectful, if broken sadly only the king can decide their face and our father of course choses death or forces the mech to fight in the gladiator ring without telling anyone why they're there or thy'll be instantly executed" Plasma knew the rules which unluckily he now has to follow as now he is a Normal mech like the others except Optimus as he is a prime. The kids were left speechless of hearing this horrific law they had to follow as rules are often changed through a meeting with both prime and royals all together which yet changed to only being the king and male primes and Paradox was sexist never believing that female Cybertronians aren't built for politics or travel as their only use was to sit still be pretty and raise the kids and cook food like a good house wife, but that all changed when the war happened.

"Who ever made these rules must be mean" Ralph said as he felt bad for Bumblebee and the others who had to cope with this for so long. The rules were both compared to how the women were treated within the palace while the King was present as he would hit or lower their self esteem to prevent protests or power that could over throne him especially his wife who he once loved before the power of being king took over corrupting him and his spark forever being the bad guy everyone now sees him as.

"Trust me he is" Rachet said not afraid of Paradox but wouldn't underestimate him in a fight as he was one of the best fighters on Cybertron other than Megatron himself. "Only if he could see the world he had ruined and the wonderful Queen he crushed,,and for what?! Jealously? Power? Or maybe reassurance even? You know how hard it is to take down an ambitious woman" Rachet said not describing but expressing what he thinks about the king and how he could've possibly change things and how selfish he was for hurting his own kind.

"Sometimes when abusive fathers or mothers hit their kids it for the way they ether speak or refuse to follow instructs but they can also hurt them without a reason to do so like for instance to release anger on them like a punching bag which could leave a emotional a scar on them giving them PTSD an live in constant fear of their presence and being hurt again as well as having panic attacks and metal breakdowns" Ralph said again thinking that Aquarius must be going through a abusive relationship with her father as i brought pity to him that she would be in so much pain for suffering this long without seeking help but that can't happen when he's the king and controls your life decisions.

"I understand your concerns but Aquarius is a strong mech and would rather be treated as a equal like all of us since we aren't on Cybertron so I prefer to make her feel welcome and not under pressure while she's recovering" Plasma said making it pretty clear that he knows what his dear sister must be going through and how hard it is to realise the pain she had held in all of these years and still hasn't been praised for her hard work yet. Optimus placed a hand on his shoulder yet gain showing his support as he two knows what it's like to be under so much pressure and responsibility as it can pressure you to do things beyond your own limits and can either be good or bad depending how you want to take it. Sunburst is silently in the corner listening in to these big mechs talking about the past and Aquarius like they knew her and they did way more than himself but he hated the thought that they knew more than him and being pushed away and not able to see her made things way more harder for him to cope with.

Meanwhile, in another room it was dim but a holographic computer was left turned on from Optimus' last visit as he tends to carry on from where he left off whenever he gets the chance to and enjoy the peace and quite in her presence once again. Completely unaware on what was happening she regained consciousness and wakes up from her medical recharge but is still weak to the knees from being sore from her father's hits while on the war ship. "Ah my head' she said slowly opening her eyes seeing a completely new roof above her but refuses to move incase she was being tricked by the Deceptacons again. "Where am i? This better not be another trick" she thought carefully moving her head looking left seeing the computer turned on but it was more green than purple they had on the ship making her wonder where she actual was as this place was most definitely not a Deceptacon base or worse an illusion. She began to wonder what her brother had promised was true or was she actually dead leaving her no choice but to sit up as her legs dangled off the bed knowing that if she dared to stand she'll most likely fall so there she sat all on her own waiting for someone or something to come through those metal doors and see her wide awake. As seconds turned into ministers and minutes into hours the more the more she sat there finally regaining the feeling back in her legs unsure to stand up or not. "Should i?" She thought looking at the floor feeling it showing that she had regained the nerves in her legs but unsure if she could still use them, after a little deviation with herself she came to a decision and actually try to stand or possibly walk on her own. As soon as her two feet touched the floor about 5 seconds in on holding her weight she fell hard onto the floor leaving her still in place hoping no one heard or she'd be quite a pickle. "Oh scrap..i should've stayed on the bed" she mumbled to herself as a single set of heavy footsteps were heard heading in her direction making her worry incase it was a con or worse her father as she pushed herself back up onto her knees as she sat there knowing that getting up is impossible at this point so she accepted reality and waited.

"I really hope that brat hasn't knocked anything other again or we'll be having words" a female voice spoke at the other side of the door about some mech not aware of what they were going to see when they open the door to see what the ruckus was about. As the door was opened Aquarius watched whoever was coming in hoping that it wasn't a con but when she saw the white and blue paint of a familiar she was left in as seeing Athena froze in the doorway staring in at her before rubbing her optics and looking again. "I think my insomnia is catching up on me, I'm seeing things" she said not believing that she was actually Aquarius that was on the floor looking up at her.

"Athena, is that really you? Am i safe?" Aquarius said obviously afraid as her medic was left in shock hearing her voice too before looking behind her into the corridor and back at the confused and agitated leader who was once fearless and soft.

"Just give me a minutes, i need to get someone right quick" Athena quickly dashed off leaving the door wide open as she went to grab this someone who she believes might help settle down the situation as therapy isn't one of her strong suits.

"And I'm left all alone once again in a dim room…great" Aquarius mumbled to herself wondering who this someone will be that Athena is going to be fetching over making her quite nervous too on who it'll be. When she arrived aback with this someone Aquarius wasn't looking or aware who it'll be but he was aware of her presence.

"'re awake" his deep voice made her instantly look to her right seeing Optimus standing there with just as much surprise as she has before making his way towards her in a none threatening way.

"Optimus? Please tell me I'm not hallucinating again, i hate these mind games" she said back refusing to accept this reality as he kneeled down next to her sitting down on the floor as Athena left the two to catch up for old times sake.

"I assure you i am very much real, your brother helped us rescue you from the Deceptacons and you've been unconscious ever since for about a week" he said placing a hand on top of hers knowing how stressed she must be in and confused by the fact that her brother kept his promise and saved her from the king and Starscream.

"I'm just glad he kept his promise" she said remembering his words he once said before leaving to get the help he promised her he would bring to rescue her.

"I missed having you by my side" he said carefully pulling her in a hug that she most definitely needed from the ship she had to put up with.

"I missed you too" she replied hugging back as he kissed her forehead showing his affection as mouth-to-mouth wouldn't be a thing until Aquarius is actually a confident enough to go through with it or possibly asks for one whenever needing the wanting of attention from Optimus.

He spent a long time with Aquarius before bringing the three little humans they were stuck with to meet her as they too were mesmerised on seeing an actual Queen up close as she sat on the bed with the kids talking an possibly bonding with them as teamwork relies on trust and cooperation.

"Are you as nice as they say you are?" Milo asked as she stood in Aquarius' palm of her hand putting the Queen under some pressure but she knew by a fact that her job was to maintain peace and restore humanity back on Cybertron to prevent any more unnecessary conflicts from ever happing like this war for example.

"Milo! You can't just say that, its very disrespectful" Jack said getting a-bit worried but it didn't make Aquarius mad at the poor human child as Optimus waited for he response.

"I assure that i am on the good side Miko, i wouldn't chose anything else over my team as i promised my mother to restore peace and stabilise society back on Cybertron no matter the risks" Aquarius replied which kinda went through one ear and out of the ear but it was clear that she was an Autobot and will never change her mind on what she will become.

"You will make a fine leader as your determination for change is pure as your words are wise" Optimus said in a way only she could understand bringing a light blue blush on her face as he smiled at her leaving the kids unaware of the situation in hand and the flirting that was happening. When the humans were done with seeing the Queen Optimus came back in and sat right beside her placing his left hand on her lap as she looked at him confused as he used the other to have her look at him and lock eye contact.

"W-what are you doing?" Aquarius confusingly asked still a bit blue from before as he went in a kissed her in the most passionate way possible.

Aquarius' PoV:

The feelings of his warm tongue filling my mouth with his saliva causing my body to shiver as his left hand carefully stroked my thigh making me feel funny in places i can't explain the overwhelming sensations of. "O-Optimus.." i lightly moaned as our lips parted for a second creating a string of saliva from just us kissing.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked as i shook my carefully head no not wanting him to stop and continue as it has been too long since the last time we had touched like this. "You sure?" He asked again for a second reassurance so i shyly kissed him for a second before pulling back seeing him look surprised and look back at the door he had come through and locked then back at me in a way that made me shiver but in a weirdly good way. In a single motion he pulled me onto his lap as my knees rested on the table not being a bit taller than him because of the risky decision he had just made to sit me here. "Comfy?" He asked as i placed my hands on both sides of his shoulders stabilising myself before feeling him grab both of my waists with his those big hands of his that kept me in place or escaping his grasp leaving me to image the things he could possibly do to me right now.

"Hm. You're a tease.." I mumbled as he chuckled in response before pulling me close making our chests touch as our faces were only inches from one another making me embarrassed as he too had a light blue blush on his cheeks but kept himself in control of his urges, unlike he was back on Cybertron before hell went loose.

"We'll see about that" he said as yet again we began to kiss again but this time more Intensely as we both seemed rather eager for whats to come. One of his hands slowly made their way to the front part of my body as it went down to where only he can touch as we Cybertronians too do have reproduction organs that are usually used for making our own offsprings we call sparklings are future generations of Cybertron. I felt him slip two of his big fingers deep inside off me feeling down damp and warm I was making my back arch as he touches sensitive places rubbing them like the big tease he was. I moaned as we kissed while my body shuttered feeling him reach places not even his past self could reach until I eventually overloaded on his hand as parted lips once again.

"S-sorry, it felt really good" I said as he looked at my trans fluid that was leak from his hand and myself hitting the table as well as the floor slowly making it a hazard zone if we continued on, all of a sudden he put the stuff into his mouth tasting it like if it was some sort of meal until there was nothing left. "Why did you do that?" I worriedly asked scared that he would fall ill for eating my trans fluid but he just licked his lips unfazed by what he had just done leaved me dumbfounded seeing a part of the Orion I once knew back on Cybertron.

"You still taste outrageously delicious as always Aqua~" he said making me blush incredibly blue all over my face before beginning to kiss my neck as my breath continued being loud and obvious to Prime that I was growing Impatient from all of the attention he was giving to my 'buttercup'.

" pervert" I said before he nibbled one of my wires on my neck as I flinched not in pain but from this strange sensation that shot through my body. The more he kept going the worsted this sensation grew, my hand gripped tigger on his shoulders the more he nibbled slowly move down to my chest kissing my chest plate/cavity which tickled whenever he touched my metallic armoured skin or soft metallic skin. "Are you trying to eat me?" I chuckled along as he stopped and looked up at me with a playful smirk before at and up holding me up with both hands that gripped right underneath my thighs sitting me onto my bed before pushing me back as I leaned back resting on my elbows confused on what he had in store next.

"That was just an appetiser, we're just getting onto the main course" he said lifting my legs up as he crouch down to waist level resting my legs on the top of his shoulders being my little personal leg rest as those lips of his grew extremely lose to my 'buttercup' making me gulp nervously with blue blush still painted on my face embarrassed about this and how much I was enjoying myself as we haven't even begun to get into action yet.

"W-wait!..don't you find this embarrassing in anyway at all?" I stuttered unsure of the reasons as he raised an eyebrow confused on why I was asking such a question but he quickly caught on what I was saying.

"Are you trying to make me admit to liking this? But really in the way I'm seeing this, you're the one who's over enjoying themselves not just me" he said smartly speaking back leaving me silent for a good meant thinking of what to say before he suddenly licking my 'buttercup' with his warm tongue looking up at me as I moved a hand over my mouth trying to keep my voice down seeing him looking at me not judging me but wanted to see if I actually liked him doing this.

"I-idiot..that's g-gross..Ah" I said unable to speak in a full sentence as he dug his tongue deeper into me feeling it squirm around like a wiggly worm digging it's way up to the surface during a rainstorm. I felt disgusted in myself for liking this but that strange tingly feeling was slowly growing in me again the more he continued to lick and suck on my 'buttercup' he did something that caused my hands to hold onto his head in a reflex that confused me as he seemed to know my body more than I do myself the more this mysterious mech continues to explore and tease my body. "I-it's happening again.." I said as he just looked up and ignored me continuing on with his so called 'main course' until I overload again which I did warn him about but he seemed to enjoy tasting my trans fluid. He stood back up again looking down at me as I was left completely out of breath from overloading twice already and he hasn't gone even once as I looked up seeing and feeling him grab my thighs pulling me closer to him and more off the edge of my bed than before catching me off guard once again. How many more unexpected surprises has this mech got for me now!?

"Before we proceed on further, I want to ask you a question Aqua?" He asked looking very serious and committed to what he was going to ask me, leaving me wondering what was on his mind that is making him think so dearly about it?

"What is it?" I asked ready to listen and answer whatever question he has for me, but little did I know that what it was going to be is going to change everything.

"This is if you want to continue if I ask and…" he suddenly stopped as I saw how nervous Optimus was beginning to become over this single question as I knew that he was probably afraid that it would change our relationship but I will never leave him nor hate him for whatever he has planned for our future or maybe his own that is if we can last through this war without dying of course. In a form of comfort I reached my arm up to him as it touched his cheek allowing him to look back at me seeing a smile we once so dearly remembered a very long time ago as his optics widened recognising that look he was shocked.

"You know you can tell me anything, so take your time I can wait" I said in the most kindest way possible as his hand went on top of me seeing that smile appear back on his face again glad to have my support on whatever he has to say to me as I will never judge his choices but only but In if it results in failure and I don't want him to feel like one as we already made it this far it's the least I can do for a friend in need. He sighed preparing himself as he removing my hand from his cheek and held it in both of his in a gestural way making me think for a second.

"I was wondering..Aquarius Peace..Would you like to interface me and create little sparkling's of our own with me?" He asked leave me absolutely shocked but it was everything I could've hoped for and finally having this opportunity I couldn't possibly lose a chance like this. "That's if you want to of course I can't force you" he added as I sighed with a chuckle seeing him look at me confused and wondering why I was chucking at him but he hasn't got a single clue on how long I've waited for him to ask that.

"You are absolutely adorable when your nervous Orion but there's no way i'm going to refuse such a lovely offer am I, so yes Optimus I would love to interface and crest sparklings with you" I replied as he seemed surprised but also glad kissing the top of my hand showing his gratitude even though I rather it be on my lips as he is my sparkmate after all. "So come here and love me you big goof" I said holding my hands out as he leaned over me placing on of his hands on the bed as the other caressed my cheek before he kissed me in a way of love that quickly turned into a make out session as he put his erected joystick into my 'buttercup' filling it up completely.

"Does it hurt?" He panicky asked worries as the last time we did this he accidentally hurt me and since then he grew afraid of doing it again even though it was natural for the first time to hurt as it was a sign some refer to as 'popping your cherry' than just saying you've just lost your virginity, but since Optimus is bigger then it's gonna sting and little but I don't mind. I giggled seeing his worried demeanour once again come back as I seemed absolutely fine.

"I'm're just a bit bigger than the last time but don't worry it doesn't hurt anymore so you're fine" I said reassuring him that everything was fine and there's nothing to worry about other than feeling the sexual pleasure build up in me again as my 'buttercup's' walls began to squeeze around him the more he stayed put. "You can move now" I said as both hands were now on the bed as his left was next to my head as the other was lower near my arm before feeling him slowly move and lightly groan from how good he was feeling slightly itching my insides with his joystick.

"I forgot how amazing it is just being inside of you like this" he said being nice and gentle as always but I could tell that he was holding still afraid of hurting me but I've grownup since the last time we fragged and if I was able to take him then I'm sure I still can now. I moved my hand onto his cheek as the other went over his shoulder getting his attention to look back at me.

"You know I can take you now right? So stop holding back" I said as he positioned himself lifting me up in the process now making his way onto the bed.

"If you say so.." he lastly said before quickening his pace forcing the gasps and moans to come out of my mouth as his joystick kept hitting those good spots that made my back arch up the more harder he went at it as I held on for dear life from the ride of my life definitely knowing that this will most likely get me pregnant.

"!" I moaned out his name for him and him alone feeling the mech pull me closer going way deeper than I expected him to be as his joystick was all the way in my womb hitting the very edge of it with his tip which was way different compared to the last time we fragged together.

Optimus' PoV:

The feeling was absolutely amazing I can't recall the last time I felt so much pleasure but having a chance to finally reproduce and make our own sparklings together made it so much more magical. The sounds of her moans calling out my name of such utter greatness made me feel warmer and closer to her like if she was now completely mine for the taking knowing that no one could take her away from me. "Mm, you feel absolutely amazing" I mumbled as she wrapped her arms around the back of my neck not wanting to slip off even though we were on the bed making love to one another feeling it slowly intensify the closer we got to overloading.

"Please..I want all of it, I'll take in every single drop you give me until I can't take it anymore" she pleaded as her breaths were slowly getting shorter before kissing me giving the situation I had put myself in I kissed back showing that I was now the dominant top giving her everything I have and succeed on impregnating her once and for all until she is unable to breed anymore.

"Don't you worry my love..I'll make sure you won't miss a single drop" I thought to myself feeling even more determined than before and make it happen or we would have to go again, that is if she so desirably wants to of course. I could feel myself getting close to the edge as semen could be felt building up within me begging to be realised but that can't happen until Aquarius overloads first granting me access into her reproduction system as some call 'the womb'. All of a sudden Aquarius pulled her lips away from mine as that same saliva sting was seen hanging before quickly snapping allowing me to hear her beautiful moans and orgasms once again.

"I-I'm coming close, I'm going to..overload again" she said warning me as I too was growing increasingly close to the edge hearing those short and more frequent breaths helping me time it just perfectly.

"We can overload together" I said as that feeling continued to grow until it couldn't holding it anymore as we both overloaded together giving her every last drop of me hoping that was enough and the other didn't hope that it wasn't making me sound incredibly greedy to carry on as she looked at me before allowing me to move in and kiss her for a minute still completely inside of her. It was refreshing as the stress that was once there completely wiped away but I can't always rely on fragging to solve all of my problems.

"Can we go again? Like one more time" Aquarius suddenly asked out if the blue as she kissed my cheek not sure if I wanted to go again. "That is if your body can put up with this much tension that is" she teasingly said doubting my capabilities making me a bit tempted as she was testing me or was she calling me old? In response I grabbed both of her wrists pinning them to the bed before holding them both with one hand making it practically impossible for her to break free from my grasp.

"If you want to continue, that would mean that we would have to do it my way this time" I proposed as I had a very special tactic in mind that would drive her hardwire insane if she doesn't back out as it is one of her favourite things she likes me doing to her.

"Is this what I think it is? And if it is then I wanna see what you've got" she complied accepting the challenge head on every though we were going for another round making things so much interesting allowing me to go beyond my limits and satisfy her lonely aching body and how long it had been without my hands touching her smooth, metallic skin feeling her warmth once again.