These are My fantasies I know this will not happen in real life. To protect me and my family's reputation I will not use our real names. There could be some changes to the true in real life for an example give my sister her virginity back so I could take it later. one thing that will stay the same are our gender besides mine I will have a vigina and I will have a penis that can come off and still get someone pregnant. Another thing that is staying the same is I will be the youngest then my sister then mom and my dad would be last this is not everyone. Another thing is that both my parents have signed a dnr or do not resusate.
name so I won't keep changing them
mom is Ann
first sister is Aubrey
I am gael
my dad is Tony
If there is more names to add I will put them above but for right now these are the important people teachers and other people will be given random names when I need to remember who is who.
have fun reading and please tell me when you find a spelling mistake and I will try to fix it. To tell me put it in the paragraph comments thank you have a nice rest of your day.