Chapter 10 - chapter 10

hello, Sammy what up? how are you and how is everything." am fine and everything is fine.

how are you doing over there Nancy." hey Sammy am doing fine. everything is perfect, but what about you? are you sure you are okay. Yes, Nancy am fine, if you are really fine as you claim why didn't you pick up my calls.

am so sorry about that Nancy? hey Sammy telling me sorry is not an answer to my question" so go straight to the point, why didn't you answer any of my calls." see Nancy you will not understand, then explain it to me so that I can at least understand.

alright if you insist I will tell you, I am so very unhappy today" Sam said with tears in her eyes!!

and what is the reason behind your unhappiness?

"Nancy I was fired from my place of work today, you don't mean it, but why ill they fire you Sam. for what reason I don't believe you.

So just tell me you are joking aren't you, no Nancy am not joking. and you know that I can never joke around with my job no matter what.

Nancy, you will not believe it if I tell you that I have been crying throughout this afternoon, even up till now!!

when you call me earlier I was in a very deep thought, that is why when you called, I didn't hear the phone ringing and if not for Jackson my junior brother that called to my attention I wouldn't have known that you have called.

hey, Sam don't be sad because of that, you know what" in this life, everything happens for a reason.

and I strongly believe that there is a reason for your predicament. God is about to change your situation" so my love you have to cheer up.

Nancy, you will not understand what am facing right now. how do I tell my mom that I have been fired and my brother's school fees is yet to be paid.

this job means everything to me, it is through this job I get to pay my brother's school fees, it's from it I get to buy my mom's medicine and it's also from it I can get to pay my school fees as well.

alright Sam I understand what you are trying to say, am here for you anytime you need any help" and am willing to help you out. and the same goes with Thomas, you know that right. he adores you a lot, he will be very happy to help you as well.

Nancy, I know that you can help me but I don't want to be a bother to any of you.

Sam, we are not just anybody to you, but your best friends.

but nancy it will be like being opportunistic, if I am always asking you guys for money all the time.

hey, Sam listens to me you are not an opportunistic"you are my sister" and I am willing to help you at any time.

so please don't ever think that way because I don't see you that way.

thank you so much Nancy for always being very supportive, and you are always ready to help me in any situation.

Sam you don't have to thank me for anything." and what are we friend's for, and if at all I was in your situation you will be more willing to do the same for me." so let's thank God for everything instead.


Joseph was in a hurry to his boss's office to tell him that his grandmother called him to come over for dinner when he gets to his office" he knock but there was no response and then when he was about to open the door and enter." he noticed that his boss was actually inside and with a very pretty young lady and they were busy making out" and they don't even care if someone will just bash in on them or not.

"Joseph immediately turn back and leave, then he decided to come back when they are done.

Mr. Louis am so happy you remember me today, I mean am delighted to know that you still have my number and you even called me.

hey young lady" is that the reason you are so happy? and mind you I didn't call you over here to propose to you or anything, but for you to help me relieve my stress by doing what you know how to do best.

Mr. Louis, I don't like the way you are talking-to to me." I mean you talk to me as if I am a prostitute.

hey, whatever your name is called look here I never called you a prostitute, except if that is what you are.

Mr. Louis am so sorry that I misunderstood you, and before I forget" my name is Lisa. I was overthinking earlier and I misinterpreted your statement. and I hope you will forgive me for that.

Lisa knew within herself that he has just belittled her by calling her a whore, but she try her best as much as possible to play along" as if whatever he said didn't get to her.

Lisa I am not angry with you" so there is nothing to forgive.

alright, I beg to take my leave now.

I will write you a cheque of fifty thousand dollars and I hope that will be enough.

wow, thank you so much Mr. Louis you are so kind. you don't have to thank me for anything after all am only paying for your services.

yes, I know that, and you don't have to remind me.