Chereads / The Lich of Fardel / Chapter 4 - Ch. 4 where there's a will there's a way.

Chapter 4 - Ch. 4 where there's a will there's a way.

Del was down one undead minion and he could easily replace it with the body that had just joined him recently, but the idea of turning a man you just watched die into a zombie didn't sit well with him. He reached out to feel the walls again, analyzing their texture. "I need to scale the wall somehow but the slick residue makes it impossible to do it with my own two hands."

Inspecting his battalion, as it were, some of the zombies seemed to have taken a few hits and scratches from the ghoul, but aside from that, they were in full un-health. "What else could a necromancer do to get out of a situation like this?"

Looking up and down each of the undead minions he ran through his catalogue of games he's played in his head where undead were used for other spell parts similar to how the drain life spell he tried worked on them the way he'd hoped. In some games you could explode a corpse to deal damage to a group of enemies or cause them to feel sick, but that wasn't applicable here. "What else could you do if nothing was off limits?"

One zombie still had its entrails hanging out of its abdomen. Most likely one of the "meals" the ghoul was having before he wound up here with it.. Something about that image gave him an idea. Del approached the zombie with it's guts hanging out and began to prod at the open wound. The smell wafting from the corpse's open cavity was sickening and it looked as though the entrails were covered in a layer of clear acid, likely leaking from the stomach. . However, the stomach was not his interest. It was the intestine. Though it appeared slick, touching the long tube felt sticky and rubbery. He eyed the zombie who only stared back at him with a blank expression as del gripped the intestine and ripped it out.

The zombie didn't react as the rest of his organs slid out with a wet thwack on the ground. The action caused Del to dry heave but nothing came up. His own stomach was tapped out. After regaining his composure he stretched out the intestine and pulled on it a little, testing it's endurance. It was stretchy and more sturdy than he had originally anticipated. "I think this might just work but it will require more than just this one guy's intestines…"

Giving a cursory glance over the area again, it seemed as though Del was beginning to recognize this place as home with how familiar he was getting with it. Still it didn't seem there were enough entrails left around for him to use when constructing this makeshift rope.He ripped a bone shard from the ghoul remains and channeled energy into it to sharpen it into a knife that he could use. He began to cut open the stomachs of multiple zombies, their stomachs slicing open as easy as if he was cutting through butter. Almost opening itself bare at the command of the necromancer. Humans were both surprisingly durable, and fragile, he thought to himself.

Once he felt he had enough he began using his powers to meld the intestines together at the ends, forging a full length of intestinal rope, and then tying the bone-knife to the end for a hook. Del had decided that this would be his way out. He would escape this pit in a fashion befitting a necromancer. Spinning the intestines until he had enough momentum he threw it up in the air to try and connect with the top of the pit.

However, it seemed his inexperience with a hook and rope caused it to come falling down on him. Doing his best to dodge the falling intestines, Del wiped the subsequent liquid from his forehead and tried again. Many attempts would pass before he made any contact with the top and once he did it felt as if it had a mind of its own. Digging into the ground and turning itself into a proper rope dangling. Now that he had the rope in place he realized he would need to solely rely on his own upper body strength. He was a little talented at climbing ropes in gym class back in grade school, but it's been years since he's done that. He banished his reservations and took hold of his escape route.

Now that he wasn't fighting for his life nor imaging his death, Del felt his mind begin to wander about what was next. "What is waiting for me outside this cage? A prison controlled by a necromancer of some kind? Or maybe some kind of twisted bandit camp that throws captives into this place to remove evidence easily. What if there is nothing around here to eat? How am I going to survive? I don't know anything about basic survival skills. I am probably going to get myself killed by a wild animal before I make it to a town of any sort…"

Thoughts filtered through his head as he began his ascent into the outside world. He had no idea what was awaiting him but he knew staying down here was not an option. Struggling, He finally grabbed onto the top of the pit, slid open the hatch, and raised his head over to see the last thing he expected. Surrounding him was what looked like a fairly large city with dutch style windows and shutters covering them. Walls for buildings covered the entire place and in the distance he could make out several large, skyscraper-like spires. Perhaps belonging to a castle of sorts. Best of all, as far as he could tell there was no one around that he could see to watch him make his escape from the pit. "What was a city doing with a ghoul pit in their backyard?"

He quickly dismissed the topic and lifted himself out of the pit to make his way away from the pit and hopefully to a spot where he could catch his breath. He plopped himself against a nearby tree laying against it and feeling the cool breeze on his skin. Sniffing about, he realized he was tasting fresh air for the first time since coming to this world.