Dodai followed Edom and the King to somewhere she had no idea of...along with Grace.
Turns out she had also been selected to go with them. They kept mute the entire journey until they came to a Palace.
What? the king had another palace? With the way they were so secretive she knew no one knew about it.
As they walked into the quiet palace Edom turned to them.
"You will be working here from now on,you are not to say anything you see or hear here to anyone at all. Do not even say it out...or consider yourself dead" He says.
What was in this walls that would warrant someone's death if it's exposed?
Dodai wasn't prepared for it...she had come for find out Edom's past relationships and his life style not get herself into massive trouble.
They all nod as he finishes his threat and turn to begin their work.
"Is anyone even living here?" Grace asks her.
"I have no idea Grace,let's just watch and find out" Edom says.
"Tell me not to get married and I won't" Edom says.
"Since when did you listen to me Edom? when? did I not plead and beg you to side with us? when I needed your help where were you?" Talmon doesn't realize tears had began to well up in her eyes.
"I am sorry Tal,it isn't what I wanted..I swear" He says feeling guilty.
"it isn't what you wanted but what happened,I lost my friends, family and home" She sobs.
"I'll.....I' you family Tal,it's the least I can do for you" He whispers.
"And the King? tell me what you'd tell your king? why take our side now that matters are worse? when you could have taken our side years ago?" She asks all the questions running in her head.
"because now I've realized I can't keep doing whatever the King wants while he does what he wants without listening to me....I've realized I love you more and can't imagine myself with anyone else" He says.
"E-Edom" She says shaking a bit due to the tears that fall from her eyes.
"I won't be getting married to the princess of Mayes and for the first time I'm going against the King"
" You'd do that now?" She asks.
Before he could nod two of the maids he had just ordered to work at the castle comes into view.
"Am so sorry Your highness" Dodai says.
She had noticed their intimate position as she looked to see the lady with her husband to be.
She was exceptionally beautiful and Dodai couldn't deny it.
Since she arrived the women she had met in the palace were beautiful,in the other palace..the main one she couldn't say they weren't beautiful ladies there...
the Queen was beautiful but this was different....they were beautiful that someone would believe they weren't humans.....
maybe Witches? but witches weren't allowed in Gabesh anymore...she was sure the King himself had killed a majority of them that the remants were in hiding.
The King was hiding Witches? but why? as if it was her business....she had to get to the business at hand.
Was this the girl her husband to be was in love with? she just knew she wasn't lucky to get a man who would love her....
unluckiness runned in her lineage... even her grand mother was unlucky and then her mother now she.
Was it true? were they really cursed?