Sophia watched her Grandmother prepare herbs for her sick mother.
It all started when her mother had returned in the day feeling unusually strange and uncomfortable and soon she couldn't perform some basic magic.
Sophia had planned to attend the ball along with her fellow witches her age but couldn't any longer due to her mother's illness.
It was even her mother's turn to clean up the whole tower they stayed in.
Witches were in unity and had all decided to stay together in a tower at the end of the kingdom surrounded by trees.
According to them it made them more powerful having them in one place.
Sophia had spent the whole day cleaning so she could cover up for her mother's absence and by dawn when the other witches sent to the hall to represent them still hadn't return everyone began to worry.
"Sophie,go and see your mother she demands your presence" Hepher, Sophia's grandmother says.
"Is she better now?" Sophia asks.
"She's healthy,the herbs worked so she's back on her feet now" Hepher says.
"And her magic?"
"You worry too much my grand child,am sure she can use her magic more than you can" Hepher says smiling.
Sophia rolls her eyes but smiles happily before running down to her mother's tower room.
She knocks before entering. It was something she had learnt the had way.
Years ago when she was still seven she had refused to obey one of the basic rules of witches using the excuse that her mother was an exception and she could enter her room as she pleased until one fateful day.
She had walked into her room without knocking only to be thrown back by an unknown force with so much speed that she lost one of her teeth.
"Mum, Grandma says you're okay now" Sophia says walking in.
"Am fine my child" Ahishar says.
She notices her mother's back was still turned to her and wandered what her mother must have been hiding.
"Mum,what is the matter?" Sophia asks.
"The Witches sent yesterday haven't returned"
"What? but the ball should have been over for hours already now" Sophia says.
"Yes,they are gone soph,you would have been among them had I not have been sick"
"I don't understand what you mean mum"
"I saw it dear,the Queen appeared to me"
Sophia's hand instantly fell on her lips covering it in shock.
"The Witch Queen appeared to you?" Sophia asks.
"She did"
She couldn't believe her mother was privileged to have the Witch Queen appear to her.
It never happened, Witches saw visions and even dreamt about the future but they never saw their Queen,ever.
"Why do you think she appeared to you?" Sophia asks.
Ahishar finally turned to her daughter revealing her red swollen eyes proving she had been crying for a long time.
"To tell me about the Witches death"
"That can't be all the reason mum,what are you not telling me?"
"The princess,she was supposed to be the next Witch Queen"
"She was? wait...why was?" Sophia asks.
"The princess where with the Witches we sent yesterday, she's dead along with them"
Sophia couldn't believe in her twenty two years of living that she would be this hopeless.
If their Future Queen was killed when their present Queen was almost retired then it was certain they where hopeless.
Their enemies finally got their weak point.