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Domino high special: capsule monsters

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The story of capsule monsters is redone

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Chapter 1 - Episode 1

(The episode opens with Yugi walking around seeing a bunch of pillars and there is purple mist)

Yugi: What is this place?

Kanisha: That's what I would like to know

(Kanisha is revealed with her crystal wings)

Clara: Kanisha, Yugi, why are you here?

(They hear something and run off)

(A bunch of rocks come flying, Kanisha moves Clara and Yugi out of the way)

Yugi: Thank you

Clara: What's going on?

(They see Yami Clara, the pharaoh, and Kamia wearing warrior outfits; Yami Clara is holding a bow and arrow and Kamia is holding a sword)

Yugi: Pharaoh

Kanisha: Kamia

Clara: What's with the get up?

Yami Clara, The pharaoh, and Kamia: Now, is not a good time for chatting

(A beast of darkness with red eyes and multiple arms appears)

(Yami Clara and Kamia attack the beast, but it doesn't get hurt)

(A cloud of darkness pulls Clara, Kanisha, and Yugi back)

(The beast captures Yami Clara, Kamia, and The pharaoh)

Kanisha: You beast let our friends go

The beast: They belong to me right now

Clara: Who are you?

The beast: You all will know, once you join the game

Clara, Yugi, and Kanisha: Game? What game?

(Seperate screens shows Kanisha, Yugi, and Clara looking shocked)

Kanisha: What was that?

Clara: That was a weird dream or was it?

(Yugi fell out of his bed)

Yugi: These nightmares are becoming a pain

(The screen shows Clara, Kanisha, and Yugi leaving their homes)

(Yugi looks at his door)

Yugi: Grandpa should've been home by now

(A flashback forms)

Grandpa (putting on his shoes): I'm off

Yugi: Where are you off to?

Yugi's grandpa: Oh right. I'm going on a secret expedition

Yugi: You never told me anything about that

(Yugi's grandpa laughs)

Yugi's grandpa: That's what makes it a secret

(Flashback ends)

Yugi: But his flight was supposed to have gotten in last night

(The screen shows a bunch of people by a table)

A person: How much does it cost?

Another person: Step right up, spin the wheel and win an exotic trip for six to India

(Joey is shown standing)

Joey (slams some paper): Around these parts they call me "Lucky Left-Arm"

(Joey pulls up his sleeve and pulls out his right arm)

A person: That's your right arm

Joey: I know Dat

(Joey spins the wheel)

(The screen shows Donino High)

(Bell rings)

(The screen switches to Clara and Kanisha walking in the classroom together)

Clara (looking surprised): You had that same dream?

Kanisha: Yeah

Clara (concerned): Could it be some kind of vision?

Kanisha: Maybe

Clara: Well, let's worry about it, later (waves) Hey yugi

(Yugi and Tea have their desks together with a game on the desks)

Yugi: Hey Clara

Clara: What's going on?

Kanisha: Hey isn't this the new game, Capsule monsters?

Yugi: Yup

Tea: Okay, it's my turn, I'll play this one (reveals Happy Healer) isn't he cute?

Yugi: Tea, you're supposed to play your strongest monster (reveals Obnoxious celtic guardian)

Kanisha: Just like duel monsters

Tea: So, I'm guessing your monster going to fight mine

Yugi: Yeah, but there's more to this game, then battling, the key of this game is to capture your opponents symbol game piece and to do that you need an offensive strategy

Clara: So, that's how it goes

Kanisha: Hmmm

(Tristan appears)

Tristan: Hey guys

Tea: Say does anybody feel like taking my place

Kanisha: I wouldn't mind, this game looks interesting

(Kanisha changes seats with Tea)

Tristan(looks at the monsters): So, this is the game everybody is talking about

(Joey appears)

Joey: Who's Da Man?

Kanisha: Joey, why are you so excited?

Joey: You won't believe what I got

Clara: First calm down and tell us

Joey: I won all of us tickets to India

(Everybody looked surprised)

(The screen switches to everybody walking together)

Clara (looking at Yugi): So, you had that exact same dream too

Yugi: Yeah

Kanisha: Now, I know this can't be a coincidence

Joey: Guys, let's forget about dreams and focus on the trip

Kanisha: I guess you're right, after it's not everyday that you get go to India

Tea: It does sound like fun

Clara: Yup

(Tea stops all of the sudden)

Kanisha: Tea, what's wrong?

Tea: It's just each time we all go somewhere, there is always some kind of trouble

Clara: Tea, you worry too much, there is no chance something crazy will happen

Kanisha: Actually there is a high chance, but let's not worry about that because

Joey and Tristan (singing): We're going on vacation! Time for Relaxation! No more Aggravation!

(The screen shows An airplane landing)

(Joey, Tristan, Kanisha, Tea, Yugi, and Clara walk out of the airport; with their bags)

(Clara is wearing purple bow, dark purple jacket, black dress, and black boots)

(Kanisha is wearing a red headband, black shirt, orange skirt, and black boots)

(Joey has a white shirt, blue jacket, blue pants, and white shoes)

(Tea has a green shirt, yellow skirt, and green boots)

(Tristan has red shirt, white jacket, blue jeans, and white shoes)

Joey: Hey, slow down, this isn't a race you know

Kanisha (sweetly): Joey (angrily) why did you bring that heavy bag?

Joey: So, I'm prepared

Kanisha (looked annoyed): There's no way all that stuff in there is that necessary

Joey: It is

A guy: I'm guessing you all are the lucky winners, follow me

(This guy has a white shirt, blue tie, blue jeans, glasses, and cap)

Tristan: Try to keep up, Wheeler

(Yugi, Tristan, Clara, and Tea walk off)

(Kanisha taps Joey's bag and it's starts to levitate)

Joey: Thanks

(Kanisha kiss Joey on the cheek)

Kanisha (pulls his arm): Let's go

(The screen shows Everybody by the airplane)

The guy: Next stop: India

Tea: I was expecting something bigger

Kanisha: Beggars can't be choosers, let's go Joey

Joey: Alright

(Everybody gets on the airplane one at a time)

(The airplane starts and takes off)

(The screen shows the airplane flying in the air)

Pilot: We're almost there

Kanisha: Yeah, I love being in the air

Joey: Do you get excited about everything?

Kanisha: Nah, but I am excited that this the first vacation as a couple

Joey (blushes): Did you have to mention that?

(Kanisha giggles and kisses Joey on the lips)

Kanisha: Now, I know you're even more embarrassed

Joey (angry): Why you!

Tea: Look guys, there's nothing but nature for miles

(Everybody looks out their windows)

Tristan: We could bungee jump over that river

Kanisha: That sounds like fun

Clara: I don't know about that

Kamia: I agree sounds a tad bit dangerous

Kanisha: Please, as long as we have safety gear, there is nothing to worry about

Yugi (thought): Seems everyone is excited about this trip, I know it's going to be unforgettable

Yami Clara: I can't but help have a strange feeling about this trip and that nightmare

Clara: What do you mean?

Yami Clara: Just a hunch, don't let your guard down

Kamia: I feel the same

The pharaoh: So, I'm not the only one

(The screen switches to the pilot flying, then the fuel messing up)

(Tristan trying to take a picture of Kanisha and Joey)

(The airplane shifted)

(Tristan nearly dropped his camera)

Tristan: Hey, I'm trying to take a picture

Kanisha: Something isn't quite right

Kamia: I agree

The pilot: We're experiencing engine trouble

Clara (looking worried): Engine trouble?

The pilot: Don't panic, just fasten your seat belts

(Everybody screams in panic)

The pilot: We're out of control

Tea (whispers): Kanisha, any chance can you use your power?

Kanisha (whispers): I don't have power over nature, I can only make Kamia's sword appear, can fly with her crystal wings, and sure I can teleport, but that's it.

Clara (whispers): Well that's unfortunate

(The airplane crashes into the water)

(They are shown out of the airplane)

Kanisha (holding onto Joey): That was the scariest thing I felt

Joey (rubs Kanisha's hair): It's alright

Kanisha: (hugs Joey) (looks around) Is everything alright?

Clara: Yup

Tristan: Yeah

Yugi: That's good to hear.

Tea: The pilot sent a distress signal

Kanisha (jumps out of Joey's arm): Great, then we will get rescued

Kamia: Kanisha, there is a weird aura around here.

Clara: That's not good

Tea (thought): Another vacation ruined

Joey: Well, I don't know about you, I'm going to explore this place

Tristan: I agree

(Tristan and Joey walk off)

Kanisha (runs): Joey Wheeler, you get back here, we should wait for the rescue team. We don't even know about this place

Clara: Oh boy!

(Tea, Clara, and Yugi run after Joey, Tristan, and Kanisha)

(They were in the forest)

Tea: Am I the only one that thinks traveling into a forest full of wild animals isn't a best idea?

Kanisha: Of course, you aren't the only one thinking that, but I am still curious about this place

Tristan: Guys, look

(Kanisha jumps tree to tree and sees an adult man who has short blond hair, white skin, wearing a black jacket, shirt, pants, and shoes)

(Yugi, Tea, Kanisha, and Joey look at the man)

Kanisha (looking at the man): Are you okay?

(The man is given water)

Clara: Are you better?

The man: Much better, I'm glad that you all found me

(Solomon's scarf is revealed from The man's jacket)

Yugi: This is my grandpa's scarf

Kanisha: Do you know Mr. Mutou?

The man (putting his hands on Yugi's shoulder): Are you Dr. Mutuo's grandson?

Yugi: Yeah, is my grandpa okay?

The man: colleague Dr. Mutuo has disappeared

(Everybody looked shocked)

Yugi: Oh no, Grandpa is missing

The man: My name is Dr. Alex Brisbane, let me show you where I last saw Dr. Mutuo

(Everybody deep in the woods)

Kanisha: First the nightmare, second the airplane crash here, and we meet a man that is a colleague of Mr. Mutuo

Kamia: Way too suspicious

Yami Clara: So, you actually think something is going on?

Kanisha (keeps jumping tree from tree): Of course I do, after all I am a theorist

Kamia: You can use the wings

Kanisha: Nah, I want to try to stretch my arms a bit more

The pharaoh: Sometimes I forget how clever Kanisha is.

(They walk, a bright light shines, and sees a pyramid)

Clara: A pyramid!

Joey: But, how? Aren't they usually in Egypt

Alex: That's what caught Mr. Mutuo and I attention

Joey: What is the deal with this thing?

Alex: Well if my theory is correct It's the legendary "pyramid of Alexander"

Kanisha: Alexander, you mean Alexander the great.

Alex: Clever girl, in the past Alex was one of the great pharaohs back in Egypt

Kamia (looking at the pyramid): Hmm

Clara: Did Mr. Mutuo disappears there?

Alex: Yes, now everybody follow me

(Everybody enter the pyramid with flashlights)

Alex: Now, stay together everybody

(Joey sets on a trap and spikes appear from the ground)

Alex: Did I mention there are traps at every turn?

Kanisha (angrily looks at Alex): Next time mention that (looks at Joey) are you okay?

Joey: I'm fine

Alex: Careful if you touch the stairwells it'll collapse

Joey: Can't we ever hang out like normal teens?

Kanisha: Joey, I hate to say this, but we are definitely not normal teens

Clara: Now, that is an understatement.

(They are holding on the edge and continues to go on)

(They are shown crawling through a tunnel)

Alex: It's not so far

Clara: You seem to know a lot about this place

Kanisha: Given that you have only been in here one time

Alex: I have a photographic memory

(They stopped in a pathway)

Alex: This is where I last saw Dr.Mutuo

Clara: Mr. Mutuo are you here?

Kanisha: Mr. Mutuo

Kamia: Kanisha, the aura I sensed is getting stronger

(Kanisha heads to a room, goes down some stairs, and enters a new room where she sees a map on the floor)

Joey: What is this?

Clara: Careful, we don't know what kind of trap could be here.

Yugi: This seems like the kind of place Grandpa would be interested in.

Tea: Did you exactly see him disappear?

Alex: No we split up

(A flashback is shown, Alex is by a stairs and Solomon is by a hallway)

Alex: I'll take the stairs and in the meanwhile you check this level.

Solomon: Are you sure about this?

(Alex is shown by a door)

Alex (narrating): I ended up by a lock door and I couldn't proceed further. So, I returned to Dr. Mutuo

(The flashback ends)

Alex: But he was gone

(Kanisha made a glowing object appears from her back and throws it to the map)

(The object disappears)

Yugi: Kanisha, what did you do?

Kanisha: Tested something, Alex you found Mr. Mutuo's scarf here, right?

Alex: Yes

Kanisha: That's all I need to know

(Kanisha stands on the map and disappears)

Everybody (looking shocked): Kanisha!

Clara: Why would she do that?

Joey: She must know how Yugi's grandpa disappeared.

(Joey stands on the map and disappears)

Clara: I know, I'm going to regret this (stands on the map and disappears)

Yugi: Clara! (stands on the map and disappears)

(Tea stands on the map and disappears)

(The episode ends with Everybody in a different place)