6/18/1820, 6 days before the Tournament.
At the city gate. Along with the crowd of foreigners entering the city for the tournament, a certain man is found.
The unknown man wondered in his mind: "So this is the Agham Kingdom Capital? Not much change ever since its past 5 years I left it. That aside, Im finally here."
At the another side of the city walls, a cloaked man quickly climbed the big wall.
Cloaked man: "Im here, my Lord. The messenger is here to spread the word and the holy doctrine will all be spoken at the Battereon Tournament."
Meanwhile, at the tavern. All 4 members of Cali Team are gathered in the Kupkop's Tavern.
Cali: "We finally got the chance to meet as a team. For you two who just joined, just feel at home."
Ceed: "I-Im sort of confused. We are also obliged to act formal and refined in our actual home. So if its fine to ask, w-which one do you mean?"
Zen: "Is this place really alright? This tavern is literally in the middle of thief's area."
Mica: "Dont worry, the mercenaries who usually come by are all kind."
Cali: "Dont judge a book by its cover. Havent you heard of that?"
Mica hits Cali's arm: "You're talking like they look physically unpleasant. Thats rude!"
Cali: "You talk like my mother."
Mica: "Thats because you lack the discipline."
Cali: "Alright, Im sorry."
Zen: "Anyway, where is the last member?"
Cali: "He's here."
The sound of the door opening attracts their attention. It is a tall and handsome man with a height of 6'2ft or 188cm. He is at the same age as Cali. His hair is blood red colored and kinda messy. He is also wearing some few armor with a two-handed sword hanging beside his waist. He is easily assumed to be a warrior class.
Red haired man: "I have Arrived, my Lord."
Cali: "Its been 5 years, isnt it Biel?"
Biel: "It seems you havent grown much unlike your feminine hair, my Lord."
Cali: "You are learning to talk back to me now, huh?"
Both of them laughed.
Cali: "This is Biel, I guess hes my best friend. We know each other for like 6 years now."
Biel: "Its an honor to meet you. Thank you for taking care of my Lord."
Mica: "Nice to meet you. My name is Mica. Here is Zen and Ceed."
Cali: "They are both Rosace by the way."
Biel's eyes shows his shock: "I see, Im very glad." The tall guy got a little emotional.
Zen: "Whats the matter?"
Cali: "Lets just say Biel has close connections to your family."
Zen: "I can see how he could be good at fighting but I dont think "good" is enough for the tournament standards."
Cali: "Then I'll say hes the best."
Zen: "Im serious."
Cali: "Im not joking. How about a demo. Lets head to the forest near the city."
Zen: "Its the forest beside the castle where the barracks is located, right?"
Cali: "Yeah. We can also practice there after the demo. Lets go."
They walked at the main road since theres no carriages. Because of the tournament, participants from different nations arrived to the city and got crowded. Because of this, carriages were either already full or stuck in the traffic. They followed the main road and arrived at the large park at the center of the city. There, a large commotion were happening. It was between the participants of the tournament from the Academy of Victland and Academy of Agham.
Victland Participant: "We will bring you down in your own territory! Dont you dare ignore us!"
Shine continues to ignore.
Matt: "Say something, Shine. This is pissing me off."
Pete: "Calm down, horsey. Theres no point arguing with these people. Lets just walk away."
Zen asked to another participant whos watching: "What is happening?"
Citizen: "The boy from Victland just randomly shouted at them, I also dont know why."
Among the crowd, a group of suspicious people in dark and uniform hoods got Cali's attention.
Shine and her team tried to walk away.
Victland Boy: "Hey dont you ignore me!"
The Victland boy approaches them, attempting to punch Matt at the back of his head.
At the same time, one of the hooded individuals fires a poisoned dart aimed at Matt.
Cali raised his hand towards Matt then Matt flinched and ducked, avoiding both the dart and the punch.
Completely missing Matt, the dart now headed to one of the spectators, its aimed at Zen just behind Cali.
Cali became serious and effortlessly catched the dart with his 2 fingers.
Zen was confused from Cali's sudden weird movements, until she realized she was just saved by him when she notices the dart on his hand.
Zen, being saved by Cali two times at this point, starts to develop feelings for him. She looked at him and she blushed.
Cali thought to himself: "Those guys are dangerous."
Matt punches the Victland boy in the stomach.
Matt: "Dont get too cocky, bitch."
The whole team of Shine then left. The crowd slowly fades but the suspicious group was nowhere to be found.
Cali: "Lets continue on our way."
Cali thought to himself: "That dart they fired, it was calculated so well. It also has a lethal poison on it that can kill a person in just a few minutes. And the way they use it looks so natural that its obvious they are used to that kind of weapon to murder. They also fired it at the exact same time Matt is about to get punch, making it appear that the Victland student were the one who killed Matt, which could also worsen the conflict between the two nations. All of that information screams they are expert and twisted killers."
"There were also 5 of those cloaked individuals, enough to make a Battereon team. A big possibility that they are also going to join the tournament. If so, alot of people could be in danger. I probably should do something about them." Cali concludes.
After a few minutes of walking, there were less crowd, so they eventually were able to call for a carriage.
They reached the hill where the castle stood on top of. At the side of the hill, there was a small city gate that leads to the forest.
The forest were on the other side of the hill. A man-made flat surface is there with a bunch of training dummies.
There were a few people that we (of course) assume are also preparing for the tournament, are training here.
This area is a training ground sometimes used by the military, but a bigger training field with more equipment is at the barracks so they let public use of this one.
Cali took a dummy made out of hay bales.
Cali: "Here, try cutting the head of this one without a buff."
Biel made a stance which quickly recognized by Ceed.
The head of the dummy was slashed in the middle, the thickest part, but the head was still cut into two and sent the other half flying while the hay fibers were everywhere.
This caught the attention of the people in amusement.
Mica: "Wow, he's really strong."
Cali: "He is not done yet."
Cali raised his hand towards Biel. Then, everyone felt being drained.
Cali: "Now this time cut the body."
Biel made the exact same stance and slashed.
The body of the dummy was twice the thick of its head and he also striked at the thickest part of it.
Nothing happened and the people watching were confused.
Zen: "What now?"
Cali approached the dummy and grabbed the top part of the body.
It was completely cut in half very cleanly. It looks like it was not cut at all when you put back the other half.
Biel: "What you simply saw is, I got better control with my swordsmanship the more mana I got. And that power is easily provided for me by Lord Cali."
Cali: "I am confident we would win because we were the best duo back then." Cali chuckled.
Ceed: "That swordsmanship you just used, thats from the Rosace family, right?"
Biel: "Yes, It was the swordsmanship passed down to the heir of the family. But I got lucky getting taught by your uncle."
Ceed: "But my dad is the heir? How did uncle knew this?"
Biel: "He kept this secret from everyone. So dont tell anyone about him, alright?"
Ceed: "I was hoping if he could teach me too..."
Biel: "Theres a small problem. He doesnt like anyone knowing his secret, nevermind getting taught."
Ceed sighs.
Biel: "I guess I can teach you."
Ceed: "Really?"
Biel: "This will be an intense training."
Ceed: "I will do my best!"
Cali thought to himself: "When people watched Biel's swordsmanship, one of them are those people."
Biel wonders in his mind: "Looks like we just attracted a bunch of dangerous people. A clash wouldnt seem avoidable."
Cali thought to himself: "Its better to prepare them for the worst."
Cali: "Starting from today, were going to practice in this area for 5 days."
Everyone: "Alright!"
"To protect the weak who cannot protect themselves, and to serve the righteous and give meaning to justice. That is the true duty of a Knight." -Biel