Chapter 22 - Reborn

Once again, Maisha's antlers began to glow. They were as clear as crystals and, if it was possible, shined brighter. The wind began to stir and a slow breeze circled around the group. Gold and silver light emitted from Maisha's antlers and swirled around and around until they suddenly disappeared, leaving a young man in its wake.

Lauren gasped and tears formed in her eyes. The dark-haired man turned and smiled at her. "Did you miss me?"

"Amias! You're alive!" She rushed forward to hug her old friend. Amias gladly returned the embrace. "Where have you been?"

"Watching you. In the Amani, the Eddeathrian afterlife, there is a large waterfall that you can go into and it shows you what a certain person is doing. It's almost like you are actually there. Mlinzi and I saw you and Odi get kidnapped and we knew that we had to do something. So my father and I…"

"You got to see Fallon!" Lauren exclaimed. "You were finally reunited with him.

"Yes, after so long. Someone approached us and wanted a shot at redemption so Maisha let him."

"Who?" Lauren asked.

The cloaked figure removed his hood. Everyone who was standing there gasped.

The man was Icas Thornton.