One year later the King Of The Wolf Empire sadly passed away due to a heart attack, "Who should be our new royalty!?!?!" the empire shouted, then the empire remembered the bravery Onika does, "Wait I know!" one of the Wolf Empire assistants said, "What if we made Onika our new Queen!" the assistant said. The whole empire then agreed with the assistant.
The whole of the Wolf Empire agreed to have a military parade outside and they will reward Onika the royalty crown. When Onika woke up the next day she heard marching noise coming from outside, when Onika came out her room she instantly ran downstairs to see guards saluting at her, "What's going on?" Onika asked, "Your our new Queen." the sergeant said, "Wait for real?" Onika said confused.
"Yes." the sergeant responded, then when Onika turned around she saw the royalty guards walking to her with the official royalty crown. "Wait this isn't a joke." Onika said to herself, then the royalty guards put the crown on her head, "Here you go ma'am." the royalty guards said, then they all walk off, Onika was crying in joy.