On the First day, God created The Heaven, The Earth, The Light and darkness. The Second day, He created The skies and The clouds. The Third day, Lands and Plants were made. The Fourth day, The Sun, The Moon and The Stars were formed. The Fifth day, The Sea and The sea creatures were made. And on The Last day, Land animals and Humans were born.
Zaidan, The First human woke up and A Light figure told him to not eat a certain fruit, In exchange he will live a happy life with The girl he cares for, Aria. As the sun and moon continuously move, they've grown old and died after the "blood moon", Named by their smartest 3rd son, Raziel.
The Light figure were saddened to see his creation died; He gave them the fragment of his knowledge and few of his powers. The 3rd son has departed from his fellow siblings, To understand the power that The Light figure gave. The 1st son, Raphael followed Raziel. The 1st daughter, Dina went to the opposite direction of Raziel and Raphael and were followed by the 2nd son, Abaddon. The 4th daughter, Charmeine decided to follow Raphael. The 2nd daughter, Angelina stayed with Raziel. The 3rd daughter, Aniela has decided to stay for the time being. As time pass Aniela went to where Dina went. After they all left The Light figure were never seen again.