A great question of the human mind is what makes up our egos, what creates the characteristics in our conceived identities. One theory could be that we are made up of our thoughts forming a pattern in relationship to their appeal towards certain media's and social conditionings. Another could be that we create the mask through the forming of habitual routines of behavior taught by the climate of rules we were raised under.
But a reappearing contemplation on the said topic is one that could be ,difficult to accept, in nature. The theory that what makes up the identities is the bare minimum of our courage. That we are scared to feel certain things, express various emotions, and philosophize on certain subjects. There is this line of reasoning in my thought process that leads to this vague conceptualization; that we or maybe some live our lives the safest way possible, and are comfortable in this state.
In a second stage of this topic of thought, is that there is a contrast of people that live this way. Rather that there is some who were born thinking and living this way. Implying that maybe there is a maybe more courageous souls in others that allows them to live in whatever way that they want. Is the freeing of the mask or identity perhaps?
Are these more courages of people, free of the symptom caused by the ethical environment? Is there existence proof of escaping from false self-judgement. There is the underlying possibility in my mind that these strong peoples nature, is only another side of the mask. A people who formed a different mask from the more insecure, that inspires a more liberated way of living.
Is there this duality, or is there not?