Xiao Zai stared in dumbstruck silence at Chu Yun, who looked at him in subdued anticipation, as if he wouldn't be fazed either way no matter what Xiao Zai said.
Finally, Xiao Zai chuckled bitterly and shook his head. "Unfortunately no, I'm his son."
That surprised Chu Yun, who raised a sharp eyebrow. "That's a first. I don't think I've heard anyone regret not being a bastard. Zui sure is different."
How could Xiao Zai even begin to explain all those nights he spent as a small child, hidden in a cupboard in his dam's room, watching from behind the half-open doors in horror as his father beat and humiliated Gu Wei. How to explain his fevered wishes that he had a better, kinder father somewhere, who would one day come and rescue him and his dam from their torment.