He lay on the bench-ish bed, trying to recall how he ended up in this place. He tried to atleast remember a thing or two but to the least avail.He couldn't come up with a proper excuse for being here, more so for being locked up in this cell even when he was covered in wounds. Why would he be locked up like this??Where was he??What was he doing here??How did he get here?? These things kept running through his head.
While he kept trying to recall, he figured out whatever had happened to him was so bad, bad enough to wipe his memories clean out of his nut, bad enough to get him all cut like bacon.
Still, while he lay there, he tried to think about where he was, his safety at this time was most important. He couldn't understand while he was locked up in this cell. Was he a prisoner of some war??Was he a major enemy??Was he some captive??What in the whole wide world was he?? He still couldn't come to a conclusion who he was.He could even barely remember his name....
WHAT!!!!!He couldn't remember his name!!Good gracious!!!
While he sat there, trying to answer the questions he himself asked, he had some sort of door creak open. He couldn't see where the door was but he could hear it creak open.
"Eat up!!" somebody said.
What should I eat?? was the very first question that popped up in his mind. What if it was some sort of poison?? He hadn't even seen what had been brought to him but he was already worried and cautious.
"Don't worry!!It isn't poisonous!!" the someone said,as if he could read his thoughts.
"Oh!!Who has ever heard of such nonsense??" the person said,again.
This time, he was sure the someone was reading his thoughts.
"I get this reaction almost all the time,so you should be the least surprised!!" the someone said.
"Who are you??" he asked, sitting up.
Surprisingly,his wounds were covering up super fast. Now he could sit up without so much of the trouble. But what took him off by surprise,he wasn't bleeding.
"That question is not mine to answer!!" came the polite reply.
" Why am I locked up here??"
"That one,too,is not mine to answer!!"
"What is this place??Where am I??Why did you lock me up??What am I supposed to be??.....
he trailed off, asking loads of questions.
"Eat up,young lad!!That soup will help your wounds heal faster!!" came the humble reply to all his questions.
He was riled up now . Why didn't this someone want to answer his questions??
While he fumed with anger, a dish of some greenish stuff came floating towards him, a few centimeters off the ground, like it was carried by a thousand ants.
"You will get your answers when you've healed properly!!" the someone said again,his voice really calm.
"Atleast tell me your name!!" he begged. He couldn't believe he was begging someone to tell him their name.
"My name is not mine to tell!!" the someone said.
That really hit the peak.Angrily, He gulped up the greenish soup,in a couple of mouthfuls. It was a little bitter and it scorched his throat.
He couldn't understand why that someone refused to tell him his name.
Suddenly,he started to feel dizzy. His head throbbed and his eyes began to become heavy. His sight began to become blurry before he finally collapsed back on the bench.
"And it's going to put you to sleep!!" he heard the person say before he finally passed out.