Chapter 3 - Training

Shen wake up early in the morning, he got up from his bed and goes outside their manor to feel a breath of fresh air.

He saw his father sitting outside and sipping a cup of tea. "Good morning father" Shen said while waving his hand.

"Goodmorning Shen, why did you wake up so early in the morning?" Baron Dandy is slightly surprised.

"Starting today I'm going to train hard to improve my body and control in magic," Shen said enthusiastically.

Baron Dandy smile and see his young self in his son " Okay son do your best I'm always here to support you no matter what you do."

After his conversation with his father Shen goes into the back of their manor.

Their manor is not so fancy but worthy enough to consider as a noble possession.

Shen does 100 push up 100 sit-ups 10kms run every day. "My body feels numb," Shen said after doing his new routine.

"But I won't give up just doing this easy task, I need to improve my magic" Shen eyes are focus and determined talking to himself.

Casting magic begins in one own imagination Shen imagines casting a basic Nature Magic "Whip Vine" then strange mana surrounds his hand a "Whip Vine appear in his hands.

After seeing his "whip vine" Shen knows that this a weak magic. " I need to find a companion to use nature magic to its full potential"

Nature Magic is usually a support type of Magic, so others use Pet or Monster as their companion in battling another magician.

These Nature type Magicians are called Tamer. Tamers are usually rare because raising a companion Monster or Beast is expensive.

But finding a companion is easier said than done. Pet and Monster are usually hard to tame because they have their ego.

Others make an alternative to just party with other Magicians, but the downside of this is you can't fully trust them because they can stab you in the back.

"Once I have a strong foundation and body I need to go in Tyburn Forest to find a partner"

So Shen hell training started. He practices 3 types of Nature Magic "Bind", "Whip Vine", and "Thorns"

"Bind" Is a Nature Magic skill that binding the users to target using Vines.

"Whip Vine" as the skill name stated "Whip Vine" is a Nature Magic ability that creates a Whip Vine in your hands.

"Thorns" lastly this skill is a Nature Magic ability buff skill that is used in different things and weapons. Its effects are growing Thorns in your weapons and it's much effective casting on a Vine-type ability.

While practicing Magic he also develops his body. Shen surprisingly has an athletic body and grows quickly.

"Time Skip"

With 2 years of intense training, Shen didn't miss a single day until he turn 14.

The changes in his body are visible, he has a bigger body compared to 2 years ago, and his muscle is ripped and his height is now 155cm.

"I think it's time to relax, for now, 1 more year and I will reach 15," Shen said while smiling.