Incubus's Curse: Path To Incubism

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main character sheets


• Hiro Natsu


- He's a devilish young man whose own charm is captivated by his lust. Whether it be for something or someone, whether it be rought and nasty♡ or steamy and passionate. Lately, he's been embracing his rebellious side as he seemly looking for trouble and catching hearts as his dirty words and fashionable attire draw in people to "play" with him.

Ideals/quote: Life's a bitch, but so are the 3 bitches named the fates.

- He's large in height and his hair is black/brown, his eyes are also brown, he has a Roman complexion, and he's always down for a fun time seeing as that body of his is already in great shape and probably already masterful in endurance*

- His allurance is an [A-] when in casual clothing.

- His allurance is a [A+] when informal clothes

- His allurance used to be a [B], but after he entered into the half-human stage of incubism, he acquired [enhanced charisma] turning it into an [A].

([Allurance] is in general looks, physic, style, etc relating to appearance and or how he allures others, good or bad)

-Current Statuses-

- Alluranes: A-

- Unknown ?

- Unknown ?


• Mari Natsu

[Class: Phyric Sorcerer]

- She's known amongst her peers as a prodigy, and though she doesn't take after her father who was a powerful paladin, she took after her mother and hopes of perfecting and becoming one of the strongest phyic sorcerers of the Natsu clan.

- Mari absolutely despises her brother for many reasons, but she also had a soft spot for him, but seeing as she was blind to herself? she hadn't realized it just yet. Mari's world had shattered the day he disappeared and she went into mini depression which turned into hatred and rage, but she didn't talk about those 4 months because she didn't even know how to truly feel herself, she was just bad at dealing with emotions. Like how when he returned, she wanted to hate him so bad and she did... but she didn't. just having him back in her world was enough for her not to lose it even if she was a bitch and asshole to him. he was the bane of her existence and he was also the peace she needed and it worked the other way around as well.

- She had issues and not enough tissues. most of them were anger control and the other ones were her general emotions, she was able to keep them in check somewhat, but the stronger she felt herself getting, the more unstable she was becoming.

- she's of medium height and she had brown/black hair and brown eyes. she has a Roman complexion. She was kinda thick and as she had a large bust and plump, her entire body including them were condensed and solid as a rock.

- her allurance is an [A+] and her [fame] + [reputation] at the college was that of a [friendly princess] which was obviously not the real her but they didn't know that.


Main and side Characters:


• Peter Sephane

[Basic Class: Fighter ]

- he's a bright person who's also very sociable, there's not a single person in the freshman year at RIU who doesn't know him or get along with him, he's even on the good side of the delinquents, plus he's friendly and charmingly handsome.

- His day-to-day personality is friendly and approachable.

- He's a medium-high in height and his hair and eyes are brown. He has a half-Japanese half-german complexion and he's cocking a good one down to the base.

Ideal: why make enemies when everyone can just be friends~

Flaws: completely loyal to a Vampress

Inspiration: Sanibel

Favorite outfit: Purple tuxedo

Likes: Sanibel, his close friends, his friends, large creatures, legos,

Dislikes: Snakefolk, anyone Sanibel doesn't like, stepping on legos, Chloe


• Tina Zarutoen

[Basic Class: Rouge ]

- She's an optimistic person who loves sports and a lot of Ero, she's the type of person who has your back in times of need, and will be the one to stick with you till the end... Also, she's perverted and has a strong libido,

- She's of medium height, and has brunet hair and brown eyes, she has a Caucasian complexion and she has medium-sized breasts and a comfy ass.

Ideal: unknown

Flaws: Absolute pervert, Doesn't think logically 50% of the time, Has deep feelings for her best friend, Jumpy

Inspiration: unknown

Favorite outfit: Pink Sundress with vine and flowers surrounding it in its decoration

Likes: Ero, watching sports, playing sports, Dildos, Sweets,

Loves: Her large jelly dildos, In love with her best friend, Also in love with Sanibel,

Dislikes: Snakes, Anything Sanibel dislikes, Fighting, Fighting monsters, Chloe,


• Remi Tenya Astiminton

[Basic Class: Cleric ]

- She's a kind person who keeps everyone in mind and tries to get along with everyone, there hasn't been a single time where she chose violence and you never see her get emotional?

- But she's very cagey.

- Her day-to-day personality is bright and optimistic.

- She's medium-high, her hair Is a light blond but her eyes are a light blue. She's has a Southern European complexion, her bust is medium-small sized and she has a fine ass for a slim lady.

Ideal: unknown

Flaws: Cagey, optimistic, bright,

Inspiration: unknown

Favorite outfit:

Likes: unknown

Loves: Derek, Sebastian, Hiro

Dislikes: People hiding stuff from her, people taking what's "hers", Chloe,


Roy Tenya Astiminton

[Basic class: Cleric ]

- He's an unknown individual, he kinda appears and disappears, he's shrouded in mystery, but all that know him only know him as an inspiring chef.

- He's Large in height, his hair is short and blond, and his eyes are a beautiful light blue, He has a southern European complex and he had a slim figure but is hiding a large and secret weapon down there.


• Derek Kuro

[Class: Beast fighter]

- He's an alpha of every own pack, he treats their family as to him he sees them as his very own kin despite him being a different kind of wolf than everyone else in his pack.

- His day-to-day personality is proud, confident, wolfish, clever, quick-witted, (but also caring ♡ to his girl).

- He's high in height and his fur and eyes are black. He's a wolf beastfolk and he's packing a magnum everywhere he goes.

Ideals: You are on my way, if you want to keep that arm I suggest you best get out of it.

Flaws: His woman Remi, His pack, overthinking, protective of what's his,

Inspiration: unknown

Favorite: loose clothing,

Likes: unknown

Loves: Remi, his pack/family

Dislikes: Annoying people, Noisy people, Probably your mom, Hiro, Sebastian, Tina,


• Hestia Nix

- She's a strong-willed woman who has a lot of secrets but then again who doesn't, she gives her honest opinions most of the time and she stays true to herself, but lately has been going through a dilemma as this one "boy" has been on her mind a lot. She's independent but also dependable.

- Her day-to-day personality is calm and collective. Hard-working. Slightly shy. Sassy. Denying in some cases like emotions relating to... him, which makes her mad.

- She's of a medium-small in height. Her eyes are crystal blue and her hair is a light blond with orange tips. She has a slim figure and a medium-high bust

Ideal: unknown

Flaws: Unknown

Inspiration: unknown

Favorite outfit:

Likes: unknown

Dislikes: unknown


(Knowledge provided by info broker!)

Name: Isabell Cranes

Age: 19

Birthday: February 2nd

Hair: long, shoulder-length: black

Eyes: jet black, there's no difference between her cores/irises and her pupil

Complexion: Northern: fair-skinned

Height: 5'2

Looks: C+: cute with a sparkle of innocent + lacks alot of maturity especially in terms of curves + has a dark outfit, emo-like.

Strengths: she's a magic caster like the both of them and from eavesdropping, she knows that Isabell is skilled at both abjuration magic and illusion magic.

Weaknesses: she gets distracted easily, if you put something fun in front of her, her attention will guide her over to it: short attention span.

Likes: plants, paint, Mari, dance, beer, the night, cats, books.

Dislikes: Social interaction, Peter Sephane, Jose Kagurdo, Most people, Beasts, The color yellow Sunlight, Boys, Tentacles.

Habits: Gardening: Dancing: Drugs.

Close relations: Mari, Iclit, Chelsea.


• Jennifer Zarutoen

- She's a loving mother and saying she's Tina's mother is already a yellow flag as... Well, you ever heard daughter like mother. Yeah, they don't seem like it, but it seems like Tina might just take after her. But other than that she's a fun person you'd enjoy playing video games or going out for drinks with.

- She's a medium-high in height and her hair is black along with her eyes. She has a beautiful milf- cough cough, I mean a fine Caucasian woman... And she's busty and plump with a good figure.

Ideal: unknown

Likes: unknown

Dislikes: unknown


• Emily Kaze

[Multiclasser: Healer]

- Not much came to her and when it does, it usually relates to her job as a slayer. she isn't known for having a person's life. But there are times when shin needs to take time off because a Rabbit's heat is something that overwhelms them on the daily and makes her daily functions harder to do if she fails to relieve herself.

- Her day-to-day personality is indifferent, serious, but in her downtime, it can be quite... yum♡

- She's small in height and her fur depends on the season, during winter it's white while during the others it's brown. She's a Season Wind-Rabbit and her entire body is fit with muscles but looks slim.

Ideal: unknown

Flaws: Unknown

Inspiration: unknown

favorite outfit:

Likes: unknown

Dislikes: unknown


• Zarifall Sui

[Class: Aquatic Sorcerer]

- She's a strong-willed woman who's also probably the most dangerous one of them all. She finds herself being a bit weird most days, and as she tries to find a way to have fun and balance her life as a sorcerer.

- She's a Rank 3 sorcerer which might not seem like much, but sorcerers are equivalent to witches/warlocks but with an ace up every one of their sleeves. She's close to breaking through Rank 4 and every time she ranks up her mana multiples and her aquatic power increases a few folds.

- She's a medium-high in height and her hair is black but her eyes are blue. She has an English complexion and she's a captivating and overly alluring woman as she has a small cleavage bit a fine tender ass.

Ideal: unknown

Flaws: Unknown

Inspiration: unknown

Favorite outfit:

Likes: unknown

Dislikes: unknown


Levi Natsu




• Paul Garamiah(Natsu)

[Class: [Blank] Paladin]

- A just man who is loyal to the ALLFATHER, how he married a sorcerer of the ALLMOTHER is Stull Unknown, but he deeply loves her and his kids, he's not just a paladin of justice/the light, but a caring family man who he wished he could be more of... but that's why he's fighting so hard, he wishes to put an end to this war and have his old life back, back to when he was a caring father to a 6 and 7-year-old and he might still have been a paladin, but he had more time to himself and his semi peaceful like with his family.

- He's a tall man(6ft 5in), he's bulky and strong fitted, his hair is black and his eyes are a mix of green and brown. He has a Celtic man and he has a monster which he uses to slay his wife every night(wink), due to his work as a paladin, and the excessive amount of training he does, he uses sex as an outlet to relieve himself and overjoy and over satisfy the one he loves.

Ideal: unknown

Flaws: Unknown

Likes: unknown

Dislikes: unknown


• Mary Natsu

[Class: Phyric Sorcerer]

- She's of medium-high height, has long burnet hair and brown eyes. She has a Roman complexion. Her butt is plump and her boobs are of medium size, she's overall a sexy sorcerer babe...

- Her personality is shit no matter how you look at it, she is narcissistic and values her studies, research, and sex life more than anything.


• Taylor Lockwood

-  She's a pageling of the slayer association and is in training to become an apprentice slayer and protect her homeland from the undead.

- Her day-to-day personality is kind and passionate about what she does, she sometimes gets taken advantage of because of that but she always has Jessica having her back.

- She's inspiring to be a swordswoman and though she lacks the skill, she's still new to all of this and is currently self-practicing on the side without anyone knowing.

- She's a medium-high in height and her hair is black but her eyes are a natural lime green. She has a light peachy complexion and she has a thin amount of chunkiness making her fine and soft. Her butt is modest and her breasts are pert(small size up from small).

- Her personality around "him". She ends up getting tense and the more she's around him the more she wants to get to know him, but little does she know, that deviant charm of Hiro's isn't the only thing getting her going.

Ideal: "I might be a slayer, but I'm still just a girl, I hope that doesn't change how you see me"

Flaws: mild shyness, tends to be awkward when along with just another person, her flirt game weak.

Inspiration: none

Favorite outfit: pajamas with a comfy Bennie and cotton Halloween socks.

Likes: sweets, nature, the smell of gasoline, Hiro, mechanics

Dislikes: zombies, turtles, blood, heartless people, her anxiety, reptiles


• Jessica Danzel

- She's a bashful person who thinks her mind and it is not always in the best of situations either as she is pure but not stupid, she seems like someone you can just fool around with but in the end, if you get on her nerve you'll be the one to regret it. #caution.

- Her day-to-day personality is calm and collective, if you see her during her free time at school, if she's not with Taylor then she's burying her face in a book and or studying, but she doesn't like to show the fact that she's overly intelligent, so instead, she acts stupid for fun, but not purposely to deceive everyone, she's just self-conscious.

- She's a medium in height, though she's 2 inches shorter than her best friend Taylor, she isn't so much worried because she's happy with how she is. Her hair is Burnet and her eyes are brown. She has a slim Norse complexion and her butt is also slim as well as her breasts.

Ideal: "the nights are still young, so let's have fun"

Flaws: doesn't like not being in contact with her best friend for too long,

Inspiration: unknown

Favorite outfit: blue sundress or chill clothing with stocking and a mini skirt.

Likes: fireworks, d&d e4, neon colors, turtles, necklaces,

Dislikes: most beast people, fanged pandas, stones/rocks/ores, spiders,


• Zora Subaru

- The leader of the Iron wolf's gang, she's a respectable woman but is infamous for being a known delinquent who respects her fists more than anything or anyone else.

- Her day-to-day personality varies from a lone wolf to a strong leader, she puts others before herself and that's what led to her becoming a leader from just a common thug.

- She's a Rank 1 fighter and how she became one is yet to be known, but rumors around say her father is strict and made her learn martial arts. She's of medium height and has black hair + eyes, she has a light half-Korean half-Caucasian complexion, and she has a modest tight ass as well as small breasts.

Ideal: "who are you to look down on me when it's clear that my own power outranks yours"

Flaws: Unknown

Inspiration: unknown

Favorite outfit: fedora hat, formal shirt and tie, high-rise pants, and black shoes.

Likes: unknown

Dislikes: unknown


Gwen Iyashi

- Gwen is a Sorcerer belonging to a Healer Clan, However, her clan was destroyed by Undead Riders many years back and she is the sole survivor. Now she's a socially in debt university student at RIU and her main goal in life is to simply restore her Clan, Despite being the last.

- With her being an average Medium in height, she has long brown hair, brown eyes, and a lithe body with a few curves as her bust is mildly big and her butt is cushioned.

Her most distinguishing feature on her body is the small scar on her lip and large slash scar on her back from a rider's Polearm Lance.


Hanzo Moa

After fleeing from his village 6 years back, he entered a city in nefumia where he tried starting a new life to end up in dept a few years after and was nearly killed by loan sharks, after that, he was offered a scholarship in Rosa Marine to where he is now working a part-time and training to become a slayer,

He's of average medium height, he had long black hair coiled into a bun, hazel eyes, and he has a frail slim body,

The most notable thing on him would be the 3 scars on his chest from long ago and the bruises of almost everyday training as a pageling slayer.


Zoe Michealson




Chloe Zyban




Esmee Sanibel




Farris TaFharo




Bryan Kelly




Richard Yabara




Zybanla Kelly




Gail Dauntel




Genesis knight




Manila knight




Scarlett Knight




Clair Redfox




Sora Usalinski




Aragrid Porehin







======[Teams at bottom]=======













[Team's 1 to 6][Class 443]



Bryan Kelly[Team 1]

- Clair Redfox





Richard Yabara[Team 2]

- Hiro Natsu

- Ashen Krugar

- Emily Kaze

- Zarifall Sui

- Chloe Zyban


Peter Sephane[Team 3]

- Tina Zarutoen

- Derek Kuro

- Remi Tenya

- Sebastian


Taylor lockwood[Team 4]






Angela Kelly[Team 5]






Gail Dauntel[Team 6]




