Chereads / Demon Child Fantasy Land / Chapter 41 - Guienea Pig

Chapter 41 - Guienea Pig

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Name: Wind-Strider Boots

Type: Armor (Leather)

Quality: S

Grade: Advanced

Element: Wind

[These boots have been made from the hide of a Tornado Bull. The wind enchantment allows the user to run on run on air at high speeds.]

Stats: +50 AGI

Resistance: Bulging/Stabbing

Skill: Wind Stride

Generates a strong air current under the sole that can glided across.

Cost: .5% mana per second

Skill: Gust step

Generates an intense burst of wind that shoots out from the bottom of the shoe.

Cost: 3% mana

Asher was giddy with joy as he looked over his new acquisition. With this, he would easily be able to shore up his weaknesses. It focused on speed, which he desperately lacked at the moment. With his enchanted light armor, he was able to tank some hits. The knight slime tested that well enough. Slimes were notoriously one of the weaker types of monsters in their class. So if he could tank a hit from one of them, he should be able to take a few hits from an intermediate monster and an attack or two from an advanced creature.

Asher looked around the guild hall for a while. To call it a hall was laughable, as it was practically a mall. The store was lined with expensive items in clear glass windows. The halls were full of pushy salesmen trying to get people to look at their wears. Some claimed to be the best fashion, others the most potent magic items.

Asher found one store that sold a selection of exotic fruit. When he asked, the clerk told him they would not be in stores since they could only grow in the wild. The clerk told him they could be found toward the mountainous range towards the west.

Asher was overjoyed. The slime lake was to the east of the city, and there was little chance he would have to go anywhere near the slime lake. Asher was hesitant to leave the city or manor out of fear of running into another knighted slime. Asher shuttered, thinking about that thing. It hit as hard as a medium semi-truck going down the highway. "I think Truck-kun reincarnated into that slime. It must have been made," Asher sighed.

Asher finally left the merchant guild and headed to the city guard station. It was just inside the city wall and was full of men that looked more than a little intimidating. Some men wore heavy armor like sentries, while others wore leather versions.

A man walked up behind Asher. "Can I help you?" Asher jumped as the man spoke to him. The poor guy looked like the living dead. His eyes were sunken, and his lips were drawn and thin. The man looked like he was flesh and bone, a sharp contrast to big muscular men dressed in armor.

"Ummm... I am here to deliver an order from Cynthia's Magic Attiqueites." Asher took a step back away from the walking skeleton. "I have an order of 50 health potions." The man slunk over to a counter and moved some things around. Asher did not have a good view of what he was doing.

"The captain will be with you shortly." The man skulked away. He waited at the entrance until a man who was the definition of intimidation walked up to Asher. He was like Asher's father, except he had several scars across his face.

Asher took a step back as the man spoke with a deep voice. "You Cynthia's kid?" Every hair on Asher's neck stood straight up, and every part of his body told him to run for the hills and do nothing.

"Ummm...I am her student." Asher managed to squeak out. Asher jumped when the man let out a hearty laugh. This ear-to-ear grin brightened his freighting face. The man looked like a bodybuilder. He wore a blue and gold coat, the nation colors, that looked one breath away from turning those buttons into a lethal weapon.

"So your the kid that Cynthia was talking about." The man was completely different from a few seconds ago. He was happy and jolly. The air of frightening fierceness was all but gone now. He patted Asher on the back with an alarming amount of Force, and it caused Asher to stumble. "How is the old bitch doing? Ahahahaha. She is not working to death, is she? Knowing her, you are lucky to have lived this long."

The man was jokingly patting Asher's head like one would pet a dog. Asher took a step back, straightened out his hair, and gave the man a grimace. "I am here to..."

"Yeah yeah, I know why you are here. Make sure you do not tell her I called her a bitch. She would kill me." He scratched his head like he was embarrassed. "We can go to the training field now."

Asher was annoyed. "What are you talking about? I can give you the potions right here." This man was so confusing that Asher could not follow what this man was going on about.

"Oh, she did not tell you. Yeah, that's Cynthia, alright. She asked me to make sure you can defend yourself." He grabbed Asher by the collar and threw him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Let's go!" He happily carried Asher to the training field.

"Hey, hey, hey, let me down." Asher squirmed and tried to break free of the man's grip. Asher caught the eye of one of the soldiers. "Hey, help me. I know you see me." The soldier gave Asher a look that said, 'I am sorry. It was nice knowing you before looking away. "Hey hey hey, I know you see me. At least look me in the eye, you cowardice NPC."

Asher was carried to a dirt training field in the courtyard of the guard station. There were dumbs made out of wood for practicing swordplay, as told by the slash marks. Others were made of metal and used for target practice as they had several scorch marks.

Asher was tossed to the ground with a thud. "Hey, watch it, buddy. You kidnap me and toss me around like a sack of potatoes. Do you normally grab people off the street without even so much as a name?" Asher glared at the man.

[Scan Complete]

Name: Regard of Megard

Species: Human

Title: Corin City Guard Captian

Age: 54


PWR: 9000/9000 (septa)

STR: 9089

VIT: 10058

AGI: 892

PER: 3

Asher almost choked, laughing, looking at Regard's stats. This man cannot have PER stat of 3. "Oh yeah. The name's Regard, and I am an old friend of Cynthia. She said that you need to learn how to fight. So, I am sure to put you through the wringer."

Asher looked at the smiling man. 'So Cynthia was the one who set this up.' Asher thought it over. Although it would be inconvenient to play along right now, it would be beneficial in the long run.

Asher thought back to the knight slime. He could barely damage the thing because it was far beyond his abilities. Asher had to test his skills somehow, but something was bothering him. Regard had he heard that name somewhere before.

"Okay, you're on. So how are we doing this?" Asher smirked. With this man's vitality, there was no way he would be able to hurt him. So he could pull out all the stops without worrying about hurting him.

"Well, I need to know what you can do before figuring out what you need to learn. So, you are going to attack me. Full Force and nothing else." Regard pounded his chest.

"So I have to attack you, and that is it?" Asher question. "You're not worried about getting hurt." A sword would still cut flesh even if his stats were better than Asher's.

Regard laughed. "If you think you could even scratch these perfectly sculpted muscles, you're welcome to try." Regard flexed, causing his coat and shirt to rip into nothing more than confetti. One of the buttons flew off and nailed Asher on the forehead, leaving a red mark. "Even if you could, I am a specialist in the barrier element."

Asher took a step back. His eye went wide as his clothes ripped apart, revealing the most chiseled body he had ever seen in either of his lifetimes. 'I think he has muscle granny beat. Why is everyone so weird? There is muscle granny, a cat trap, a demon witch, and now this nudist. I am surrounded by crazy people.'

Asher watched uncomfortably as the mountain of a man flexed like he was at a body-building show. "So I can come at you with everything I have."

"Yep. Bring it when you're ready." Asher summoned his halberd, charged forward, and swung the halberd in a wide arc. Regard was a little surprised, and few people used a halberd as their chosen weapon. The Force was stopped as the blade approached the Regards side, and it was like it bounced off the air.

"So that is the barrier element." Asher kept attacking in fluid motions. The movement was sloppy to a trained person like Regard, but he had a basic form. Each strike hit the barrier with more force than the last because the kid would carry through the motion creating a continual chain of attack.

Something, though, was bothering him. Regard could not place his fingering on it. Something about the attack kept setting off his instincts, telling him it was dangerous to remain standing still. Asher took a step back. Asher evaluated his attacks, and none of them connected. He was beginning to have flashbacks to the knight slime.

Just attacking was doing nothing, and he had to get creative. To hold up a barrier, it would not be able to hold it forever, and blocking physical attacks like that would have to take up to much mana, even for Regard. During his attacks, he noticed that right before his attacks were blocked, a lime-colored light would appear right in front of the blade.

Asher smiled. That light had to be from the barrier element, which means that Asher could see where Regard was blocking. Asher pulled out his notebook and flipped through it. Regard gave him a questioning look. "You planning on reading me a story? That ain't a way to fight."

Asher gave him a smirk. This notebook had all of Asher's ideas and strategies he had come up with. "Oh, trust me. This is you are going to enjoy this story." The corner of Asher's mouth began to creep up in a malicious smile. 'Sorry, Regard, but you are about to become my guinea pig.'