"Unfortunately, I can't accept your proposal, the law of heaven won't permit someone within my rank of gods the world travel.
"As expected it can't huh, I won't ask about the rank of gods."
"I am sorry."
"No problem, I already predict that and I just want to confirm if it's possible or not. Next question, Why I can't use the power that available in Tevyat? Like the Anemo power for example."
"Uh, about that, it is because you alredy have a blessing from me, the blessing in Tevyat is different and more direct like their power is like a fragment of gods depend on the elements."
"Fragment of gods, 'it can control your body and mind if you didn't dominate their power'"
Just like what that red haired uncle said huh.
"It seems my time is running out, I am sorry if I can't help you Kazuma-san."
"No problem, I'm just glad if Eris-sama and everyone else are fine and healthy."
"*giggles* you always like that Kazuma-san, let's meet each other again on another time. Good bye."
After Eris-sama said that, I woke up from my sleep.
"Where am I?" I don't know why but I really want to say that line.
"The same place where you fall asleep last night, good morning Kazuma." is Megumin fine with polygamy. Not trying to be a trashy man but I like this morning vibe.
"Good morning, what are you planning today, Lumine?" although I already knew, it's not a wrong thing to ask her, right?
"I planned to go with Je- Acting Grandmaster and Co. to temples of wind. And you?" you can just straight said her name, can you?
"I'm goung to their barracks and take the material for barricades that they provided to me, but before I do that, I'll go to Jean's office, she said she is going to let one of her crew or something to help me."
"Ah, she mentioned that before, shall we go?"
"After breakfast, where is Paimon?"
"She is still asleep in her dimensions space."
"Maybe floating around in the air really took some stamina."
I forgot to check my guild card, I still have some points to get another skill, is there anything new?
SP : 50. Skill List (Press to open the list)
Skill available to learn (double tap to see the skill description, long press to discard the skill from this list)
CreateArrow (1P) Lower MP-Consumption (10P)
ElementalArrow (10P) Upgrade Explosion (20P)
Create Decoy (4P). Transcend (1000P)
What the heck, there is something really confused me, I understand all of the available skills except transcend.
Am I going to stop being human if I pick and learn Transcend? Let's see the details.
Transcend (1000P)
A one use skill that make you one step above human, in other words an evolution. The Transcend can adapt and use the power around the world where the user is.
Don't tell me this skill is the same as what Lumine has? So I can use the power of Vision, but the Skill Point cost is insanely high. I need to level up 95 times if I want to learn [Transcend]. Usually the skill that appear in the back of guild card is what the owner has experienced or what the owner want to learn depend on the situation where the owner is.
Rather than that, I should learn the skill that usable in the defensive battle. How about the other low cost skill?
Create Arrow (1P)
Create a quiver of arrows (50 arrow) in a cost same as beginner tier magic.
Elemental Arrow (10P)
Create a arrow embed with elemental power depending on what element you already have. 10 arrow cost same as intermediate magic (auto equiped in quiver).
Create Decoy (4P)
Create a 'normal' decoy to deceive your enemy. If the durability of the decoy is gone, it goes poof.
Lower MP-consumption (10P)
Every magic, skill, arts, cost is 1/10 of the usual cost, passive skill with permanent effect.
Upgrade Explosion (20P)
Upgrade the inficted damage, burn, and the shockwave of the skill.
*Inhale~ * Exhale~
"What's wrong Kazuma?"
"Before I answer your question, I really want to ask you something, are you a transcend being or something like that?"
"How did you know about me being a [Transcend]?" suddenly Lumine get serious with her question, but that mean I'm right about her being a [Transcend].
"Look at this" I showed her my guild card.
"Can I?"
"Just look at it, by the way, double tap on the skill name to look at the description."
She received my card and confused by the whatever shown in that card.
"Is this real? You can learn all of that and [Transcend]?"
"I know that sounds like a joke but, its possible. Maybe because you are with me so the system decided to accept the [Transcend] as a skill. The problem is the cost."
"1000 Skill Point, how many point you get from every level?"
"..... my condolences."
"No, don't look at me with that kind of gaze! Stop it~!"
"Hueee? What happenned you two?" The little fluffy pancake is awoken.
"Nothing, good morning Paimon."
"Mornin~ Lumine, and Kazuma."
"I am just an addition huh, Let's get the breakfast first, and then we go to Jean's office."
The breakfast is a simple sunny side egg, bread, bacon, and sausage, and milk because Paimon requested it for herself, can she put them all inside her belly? What a mistery.
By the way, I learned all of the available skill except [Transcend]
The last problem is whatever the material they provided me to make the barricade, and weapons for me, should I make a bow for myself?