Chereads / Rhaegar Targaryen, Son of The Dragon / Chapter 4 - Chapter 5: The Dark Sister

Chapter 4 - Chapter 5: The Dark Sister

Visenya once thought power belonged to those who can wield power without suffering the burden of that power. The Dragonlords of Freehold proved their strength when they burned the ancient cities of Ghiscari to the ground. From the ashes of one civilization, another took birth. One that was believed to last thousands of years secure under the might of dragons. The sons of Valyria spread out into the wider continent and established the largest empire the world has ever seen in living memory. With dragonfire, Valyrians proved they were not just conquerors but builders as well. Builders of great marvels like the city of Volantis, Lys, Tyrosh, Myr, the everlasting roads that spanned Essos and great castles and towers of Valyria itself that touched the skies.

For aeons, Valyria remained a shining beacon on the world supreme in every way compared to other civilizations. Valyria's wealth was not just in gold but in the knowledge it possessed. The great thinkers, sorcerers and philosophers led the Valyrian people to great heights while the rest of the world languished in their mediocrity. She was a legacy of the great civilization lost to the Doom. It was her duty to maintain that same vibrance and greatness in the new kingdom that she and her siblings built. Else her family would once again witness a disaster the likes of which her grandfather brought to House Targaryen.

Her grandfather in his infinite wisdom sold out valuable artefacts and relics of House Targaryen in return for gold. Many great artefacts like dragon horns, sacred tomes, Valyrian steel daggers and circlets were sold away. Her father Aerion who reversed the policies of her grandfather managed to preserve some of the knowledge of House Targaryen. When she was born it was her father that taught her the many spells and higher mysteries of the world. It was her father that lit the fire of ambition in the hearts of her siblings that led to the conquest of Westeros.

Bards may write songs about her brother's bravery and power but it was she who devised the strategy to subjugate the continent. Her planning and efforts saw to it that the present-day Crownlands and Riverlands march with the Targaryen host in the Conquest. If it was left to Aegon he would have taken the Crownlands and launched an invasion of the Reach which would have been a strategic mistake.

Her sister Rhaenys, on the other hand, was instrumental in diffusing the tensions among the many lords that fought under the Targaryen banner. While Rhaenys was no slouch in warfare or making strategies she preferred dialogue over war.

Visenya had so many fond memories of her little sister but now lost because of a needless war over a wasteland. Aegon's ego was the reason she lost her sister and she would never forgive him for that. Her brother knew she blamed him for the death of Rhaenys. Perhaps that was why he was no longer intimate with her after Rhaenys passed away. Once she had loved her husband as she had loved her sister but now that has long passed. She stayed by his side for the sake of her sister and the legacy that she left behind. Twin dragons were born from her sister's body and it was for those children that she stayed by Aegon's side even if this forced her to spend less time with her own son. If it was she who had died she was sure Rhaenys would have done the same for her little Maegor.

Her concern for Aenys and Rhaegar was not just because they were her sister's legacy but because it would be their duty to build upon what she and her siblings painstakingly built after a lifetime of war. So much blood has been shed on both sides and if house Targaryen won't be able to hold the kingdoms together anarchy would follow.

There were enemies hidden in shadows waiting to pounce on the kingdom that she and her siblings built. She knew the High Septon had declared Aegon as King because the Hightowers and the Grey Rats of the Citadel advised caution after the Field of Fire. She had miscalculated on the response from Oldtown else she would have urged her siblings to attack further into the Reach.

The Westerlands were properly put down and the Lannister hold on their former kingdom was shaky. She had it on good authority that the Lannisters are holding it together because of their wealth and Aegon declaring them as the Wardens of the West. There was discontent in the Vale but for now, it was just isolated to some heated conversations in Gulltown. This discontent was largely directed at Ronnel Arryn who turned out to be a sword swallower. For the time being the scandal had yet to gain traction due to the timely intervention of a few loyal lords. Combined this with the defeat the Arryns suffered during the Conquest has spooked many to have dangerous opinions. So long as those opinions remain opinions she was going to leave them to it but she was keeping her eyes open.

The Stormlands and Riverlands were tranquil and the two Lord Paramounts were people she could trust. Both of them has been doing an admirable job in keeping the lords in line. The North was for the time being silent and in splendid isolation completely keeping a blind eye to the south.

She had her concerns when a group of Northmen formed a Sellsword company in Braavos. She hated the Braavosi and mixing them with sturdy First Men was a disaster waiting to happen but so far nothing out of the ordinary seems to be at play. Last she heard the Company of Rose was fighting for Norvos against a local warlord based on the hills of Andalos. Even if she saw them as a threat she gathered anyone that named a sellsword company after a flower was not worth her time.

Rather she was interested in the Starks and thankfully they were for the time being silently fuming in their castle. Rhaenys had brilliantly made Lyra Stark the wife of Ronnel Arryn. It was a subtle threat and incentive for Torrhen Stark to rein in his people else an Arryn would one day rule from Winterfell. Although, that was now out of the picture with how Ronnel Arryn turned out.

"I think you should tone down your stare dear cousin. The portrait of your late grandfather seems a tad bit uncomfortable." said a voice from her side.

Visenya turned to face the owner of the voice who turned out to be Aethan Velaryon. She already knew the identity of the speaker as none would dare speak so informally with her and none could claim kinship to a Targaryen save the Velaryons. She glared one last time at her grandfather's portrait which Aegon had for reasons beyond her understanding decided to place in the small council chambers.

"I see you have returned from your trip to Lys cousin. Did you have a good journey?" she asked as she watched Aethan take a seat by her side on the table. In the absence of her brother, she was sitting at the head of the table leading the small council sessions. This would be the last session before she would be flying back to Dragonstone and be with Maegor.

"A very productive journey I have to say. Met some old friends of yours and the King's for that matter." said Aethan happily and Visenya was reminded of her uncle Daemon for a moment. If nothing else Aethan had inherited the adventurous streak of his father who was her favourite uncle. She still remembered the many tales of his exploits and cherished those stories in her heart. It was a dark day for her personally when her uncle died while fighting the Arryn fleet near Gulltown.

"How is Lys? What say our friends in the Perfumed daughter?" she asked keeping away painful memories of the past.

"The city remains the same although the ports are now filled with Braavosi vessels. You were right to be wary of our Braavosi friends. They are spreading their influence most rapidly in the absence of a significant retaliation from Volantis." said Aethan more subduedly.

"I warned Aegon not to make common cause with those bankers from Braavos." Hissed Visenya before calming herself down. "There is no point in arguing over what has already happened. Have you secured what you were looking for?"

"Yes indeed cousin." said Aethan happily before taking out a rolled piece of parchment and handed it over to her.

She looked at the insignia of a chisel affixed on the seal.

"That is an official contract by the Guild of builders in Lys to rebuild the Aegonfort. They just need your official seal on it and then they will send their finest architects to King's Landing to survey the land and showcase their designs." said Aethan which made Visenya smile.

She had repeatedly insisted on building a proper castle instead of the mud addled wooden construct that was over their head. It had taken a lifetime of nagging for her brother to sanction the construction of the city walls. That project was in danger of being delayed and dragged on but thankfully Rhaegar had shown an interest in its progress. The result was that her nephew managed to recruit enough people to oversee the daily works and smooth out any problems that affected the building speed. This was something that she was thankful for and his interest in the construction of the city wall was something she never anticipated. Of course, her nephew used this project to build several bathhouses, vegetable gardens and small scale farms in the city.

At first, she feared that Rhaegar was easily manipulated by the Septas and Septons to give away wealth to the poor. This was why she had steadily resisted many of her nephew's projects. True, some of these projects were sanctioned by her late sister Rhaenys but Rhaegar was just a child. She could not trust a child in place of her sister. At least that was her initial thought but soon that perception changed when her nephew managed to construct the orphanage and made it in such a way that it became self-sufficient. Nowadays, the orphanage was running on its own earnings from the small scale farms it was running.

Seeing this kind of discretion and attention to detail from her nephew her caution was toned down. This was why she asked Aegon to allow the funds for building the bathhouses and gardens which turned out to be a huge success. It didn't escape her attention that her nephew was very good in investing the gold in developing businesses and earn back twice what was spent. She would have never thought Rhaegar to be this practical and farsighted. She knew he was a brilliant child but she was surprised the way he exercised his knowledge in life. With regular involvement, Rhaegar had managed to extract a considerable amount of goodwill from the people. Although, she was wary of the Faith she could see that Rhaegar was appealing to many in the Sept.

This was why she had an easy time convincing Aegon to rebuild the Aegonfort. This was something Rhaegar was also interested in and it was his suggestion to recruit architects from Lys or Tyrosh. The new castle will get the needed secrecy in its designs and then there was the added benefit of using Valyrian architecture in the construction. This was made possible because of Rhaegar who had introduced liquid rock which he referred to as cement when construction of the city walls began. She had heard of liquid rock but she thought the secret was lost in the ashes of Valyria. But here it was one of the oldest knowledge of her ancestors reborn and that too from a child. This discovery had taken away any of her insecurities and fears for the future of her house. With Rhaegar and Maegor she was sure House Targaryen would only grow in power and influence.

The only one that needs her care and concern right now would be the eldest son of her sister, Aenys. A young boy who was unfortunately addled with sickness and weakness from his birth. The boy was unlucky to be cursed with such a fate and she had tried her best to enhance Aenys with statesmanship. She had tried her best to teach him to control other people not through force but wile. Rhaegar and Maegor would serve as the force behind the throne but Aenys needed to be mindful to direct the enormous power in his grasp. Contrary to her expectations Aenys was a reclusive boy who preferred reading books and scrolls in dark corners of his room. The only times the boy would get some sunlight on his pale skin would be when Rhaegar drag his brother outside.

This had left her stumped on how to handle Aenys. She dearly loved her nephew but she feared what would happen when he ascended the throne. Rhaegar was too emotionally attached to his brother for all his growth in other matters. Aenys's reclusive attitude was a product of his physical weakness and something he inherited from his father. Aegon was also a recluse in his younger years and the only ones he could connect with were Rhaenys, Orys and herself. Later in life, Aegon learned to adapt with the help of Rhaenys but Aegon was strong in heart. Aenys was not like that and she was seeing the worst version of Aegon as the heir of the kingdom. She dearly hoped this would change especially with the impending nuptials of Aenys and Alyssa. This was something that she had an extensive hand in as she could not bear to imagine some Andal woman whispering poison into the ears of the future king of Westeros.

"My Queen. A messenger is here to see you." said Ser Humfrey of the Kingsguard who had apparently entered the council chambers. She shook herself of the thoughts that had dragged her into a world of its own and turned her attention on the steel cladded knight.

"Who is this messenger Ser Humfrey?" she asked

"A messenger from Hunter my Queen."

Now that gave her pause and she scrutinized the knight before she gave her permission to let the messenger in. While her position of Queen was more than enough to let her have a seat in the Small Council she also served as Master of Whispers for her brother.

There were three sets of spies in the capital at the moment. There were her men, there were those spies employed by her nephew although he thinks he was discreet in creating this network and then there were those maesters that served the Hightowers. All other spies were her own double agents and provided her with more information about their original masters. Hunter was someone that she had in the Reach and to send word this early into her brother's procession gave her an ill-feeling.

The messenger came in and she took in the appearance of the messenger critically. The man was a trader of some sort or most likely a farmer. She cared not what the man did for a living so long as he had anything useful for her.

"Speak." she commanded

"The young prince has split from the king's riding party my queen."


"Aye, my Queen. The Prince is hunting for an outlaw that goes by the name of Black Septon."

She just continued to look at the man flabbergasted at this new turn of events. She had hoped with Aegon and Ser Corlys close to her nephew he would curb his misadventures but apparently she was wrong. No matter how clever her nephew was she was reminded again and again that he was just a boy with his childish antics. She rubbed her forehead as she could feel an impending headache taking hold of her. This feeling only got more strengthened as Aethan began to question the messenger and a more detailed account was depicted.

Apparently, she should have made that boy stay in the capital rather than trust his safety with her foolish brother. Her only consolation was that Ser Addison was with that foolish boy and the knight would keep her nephew out of harm's way. She hoped that was the case else she would set Vhagar upon Addison, Baelium and her idiotic brother who styles himself as King.